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  1. null (Ed.)
  2. Abstract

    The impacts of solar eclipses on the ionosphere‐thermosphere system particularly the composition, density, and transport are studied using numerical simulation and subsequent model‐data comparison. We introduce a newly developed model of a solar eclipse mask (shadow) at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths—PyEclipse—that computes the corresponding shadowing as a function of space, time, and wavelength of the input solar image. The current model includes interfaces for Solar Dynamics Observatory and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites EUV telescopes providing solar images at nine different wavelengths. We show the significance of the EUV eclipse shadow spatial variability and that it varies significantly with wavelength owing to the highly variable solar coronal emissions. We demonstrate geometrical differences between the EUV eclipse shadow compared to a geometrically symmetric simplification revealing changes in occultation vary ±20%. The EUV eclipse mask is validated with in situ solar flux measurements by the PRoject for Onboard Autonomy 2/Large Yield Radiometer instrument suite showing the model captures the morphology and amplitudes of transient variability while the modeled gradients are slower. The effects of spatially EUV eclipse masks are investigated with Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model for the 21 August 2017 eclipse. The results reveal that the modeled EUV eclipse mask, in comparison with the geometrically symmetric approximation, causes changes in the Total Electron Content in order of ±20%, 5%–20% in F‐region plasma drift, and 20%–30% in F‐region neutral winds.

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  3. The great American total solar eclipse of 21 August 2017 offered a fortuitous opportunity to study the response of the atmosphere and ionosphere using a myriad of ground instruments. We have used the network of U.S. Global Positioning System receivers to examine perturbations in maps of ionospheric total electron content (TEC). Coherent large-scale variations in TEC have been interpreted by others as gravity wave-induced traveling ionospheric disturbances. However, the solar disk had two active regions at that time, one near the center of the disk and one at the edge, which resulted in an irregular illumination pattern in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV)/X-ray bands. Using detailed EUV occultation maps calculated from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly images, we show excellent agreement between TEC perturbations and computed gradients in EUV illumination. The results strongly suggest that prominent large-scale TEC disturbances were consequences of direct EUV modulation, rather than gravity wave-induced traveling ionospheric disturbances. 
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  4. Abstract

    We report on an extreme ionospheric plasma density enhancement and Global Positioning System (GPS) scintillation at dawn, observed within the expanding equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). The total electron content (TEC) in central America reached 50 TECu at sunrise, the value almost twice as high as the normal afternoon peak. The enhanced EIA expanded poleward and westward from just below 20° magnetic latitude (MLAT) to beyond 30° MLAT at sunrise. The chief ramification of the enhanced EIA was strong GPS scintillation which was observed poleward of 30° northern MLAT and lasted until 8:00 local time. In total, the amplitude scintillation and phase fluctuations lasted for ∼5 h at latitudes north of 20°MLAT in central America.

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  5. Abstract

    We present observations that show structured diffuse aurora (SDA) correlated with electron precipitation directly from the outer boundary of the outer radiation belt. The SDA maps to the nightside transition region (∼9–12RE) in the magnetic‐equatorial plane during a substorm growth phase. The energy flux of 100‐ to 300‐keV electrons lost from the outer boundary of the radiation belt is ∼0.4 mW/m2, which is comparable to electron dropouts >100 keV during magnetic storms. The latitudinal dispersion of energetic electrons observed in the ionosphere with energetic electrons more equatorward suggests nonadiabatic scattering from a thinning current sheet. The GLobal airglOW (GLOW) model shows significant optical contributions (up to 46%) from electrons >30 keV within the SDA. Ground‐ and space‐based measurements are consistent with the conclusion that the SDA marks the outer radiation belt boundary during substorm growth phase.

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