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Phenotypic Variation in Mitochondria-Related Performance Traits Across New Zealand Snail PopulationsSynopsis Mitochondrial function is critical for energy homeostasis and should shape how genetic variation in metabolism is transmitted through levels of biological organization to generate stability in organismal performance. Mitochondrial function is encoded by genes in two distinct and separately inherited genomes—the mitochondrial genome and the nuclear genome—and selection is expected to maintain functional mito-nuclear interactions. The documented high levels of polymorphism in genes involved in these mito-nuclear interactions and wide variation for mitochondrial function demands an explanation for how and why variability in such a fundamental trait is maintained. Potamopyrgus antipodarum is a New Zealand freshwater snail with coexisting sexual and asexual individuals and, accordingly, contrasting systems of separate vs. co-inheritance of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. As such, this snail provides a powerful means to dissect the evolutionary and functional consequences of mito-nuclear variation. The lakes inhabited by P. antipodarum span wide environmental gradients, with substantial across-lake genetic structure and mito-nuclear discordance. This situation allows us to use comparisons across reproductive modes and lakes to partition variation in cellular respiration across genetic and environmental axes. Here, we integrated cellular, physiological, and behavioral approaches to quantify variation in mitochondrial function across a diverse set of wild P. antipodarum lineages. We found extensive across-lake variation in organismal oxygen consumption and behavioral response to heat stress and differences across sexes in mitochondrial membrane potential but few global effects of reproductive mode. Taken together, our data set the stage for applying this important model system for sexual reproduction and polyploidy to dissecting the complex relationships between mito-nuclear variation, performance, plasticity, and fitness in natural populations.more » « less
Abstract How changes in selective regimes affect trait evolution is an important open biological question. We take advantage of naturally occurring and repeated transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in a New Zealand freshwater snail species,
Potamopyrgus antipodarum , to address how evolution in an asexual context—including the potential for relaxed selection on male‐specific traits—influences sperm morphology. The occasional production of male offspring by the otherwise all‐female asexualP. antipodarum lineages affords a unique and powerful opportunity to assess the fate of sperm traits in a context where males are exceedingly rare. These comparisons revealed that the sperm produced by ‘asexual’ males are markedly distinct from sexual counterparts. We also found that the asexual male sperm harboured markedly higher phenotypic variation and was much more likely to be morphologically abnormal. Together, these data suggest that transitions to asexual reproduction might be irreversible, at least in part because male function is likely to be compromised. These results are also consistent with a scenario where relaxed selection and/or mutation accumulation in the absence of sex translates into rapid trait degeneration. -
Abstract Ploidy elevation is increasingly recognized as a common and important source of genomic variation. Even so, the consequences and biological significance of polyploidy remain unclear, especially in animals. Here, our goal was to identify potential life history costs and benefits of polyploidy by conducting a large multiyear common garden experiment in
Potamopyrgus antipodarum , a New Zealand freshwater snail that is a model system for the study of ploidy variation, sexual reproduction, host–parasite coevolution, and invasion ecology. Sexual diploid and asexual triploid and tetraploidP. antipodarum frequently coexist, allowing for powerful direct comparisons across ploidy levels and reproductive modes. Asexual reproduction and polyploidy are very often associated in animals, allowing us to also use these comparisons to address the maintenance of sex, itself one of the most important unresolved questions in evolutionary biology. Our study revealed that sexual diploidP. antipodarum grow and mature substantially more slowly than their asexual polyploid counterparts. We detected a strong negative correlation between the rate of growth and age at reproductive maturity, suggesting that the relatively early maturation of asexual polyploidP. antipodarum is driven by relatively rapid growth. The absence of evidence for life history differences between triploid and tetraploid asexuals indicates that ploidy elevation is unlikely to underlie the differences in trait values that we detected between sexual and asexual snails. Finally, we found that sexualP. antipodarum did not experience discernable phenotypic variance‐related benefits of sex and were more likely to die before achieving reproductive maturity than the asexuals. Taken together, these results suggest that under benign conditions, polyploidy does not impose obvious life history costs inP. antipodarum and that sexualP. antipodarum persist despite substantial life history disadvantages relative to their asexual counterparts. -
Abstract Reciprocal co‐evolving interactions between hosts and parasites are a primary source of strong selection that can promote rapid and often population‐ or genotype‐specific evolutionary change. These host–parasite interactions are also a major source of disease. Despite their importance, very little is known about the genomic basis of co‐evolving host–parasite interactions in natural populations, especially in animals. Here, we use gene expression and sequence evolution approaches to take critical steps towards characterizing the genomic basis of interactions between the freshwater snail
Potamopyrgus antipodarum and its co‐evolving sterilizing trematode parasite,Microphallus sp., a textbook example of natural coevolution. We found thatMicrophallus ‐infectedP. antipodarum exhibit systematic downregulation of genes relative to uninfectedP. antipodarum . The specific genes involved in parasite response differ markedly across lakes, consistent with a scenario where population‐level co‐evolution is leading to population‐specific host–parasite interactions and evolutionary trajectories. We also used anF ST‐based approach to identify a set of loci that represent promising candidates for targets of parasite‐mediated selection across lakes as well as within each lake population. These results constitute the first genomic evidence for population‐specific responses to co‐evolving infection in theP. antipodarum‐Microphallus interaction and provide new insights into the genomic basis of co‐evolutionary interactions in nature.