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This dataset contain the results of 426 anisotropic grain growth simulations in 2D. Every microstructure was stored as an 800x800 label matrix, where the label in a given pixel indicates the grain orientation at that point from the accompanying list of initial orientations (represented as quaternions) assigned to each grain.more » « less
Advances in perception for self-driving cars have accel- erated in recent years due to the availability of large-scale datasets, typically collected at specific locations and under nice weather conditions. Yet, to achieve the high safety re- quirement, these perceptual systems must operate robustly under a wide variety of weather conditions including snow and rain. In this paper, we present a new dataset to enable robust autonomous driving via a novel data collection pro- cess — data is repeatedly recorded along a 15 km route un- der diverse scene (urban, highway, rural, campus), weather (snow, rain, sun), time (day/night), and traffic conditions (pedestrians, cyclists and cars). The dataset includes im- ages and point clouds from cameras and LiDAR sensors, along with high-precision GPS/INS to establish correspon- dence across routes. The dataset includes road and object annotations using amodal masks to capture partial occlu- sions and 3D bounding boxes. We demonstrate the unique- ness of this dataset by analyzing the performance of base- lines in amodal segmentation of road and objects, depth estimation, and 3D object detection. The repeated routes opens new research directions in object discovery, contin- ual learning, and anomaly detection. Link to Ithaca365: » « less