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  1. Summary

    Carbon reserves are distributed throughout plant cells allowing past photosynthesis to fuel current metabolism. In trees, comparing the radiocarbon (Δ14C) of reserves to the atmospheric bomb spike can trace reserve ages.

    We synthesized Δ14C observations of stem reserves in nine tree species, fitting a new process model of reserve building. We asked how the distribution, mixing, and turnover of reserves vary across trees and species. We also explored how stress (drought and aridity) and disturbance (fire and bark beetles) perturb reserves.

    Given sufficient sapwood, young (< 1 yr) and old (20–60+ yr) reserves were simultaneously present in single trees, including ‘prebomb’ reserves in two conifers. The process model suggested that most reserves are deeply mixed (30.2 ± 21.7 rings) and then respired (2.7 ± 3.5‐yr turnover time). Disturbance strongly increased Δ14C mean ages of reserves (+15–35 yr), while drought and aridity effects on mixing and turnover were species‐dependent. Fire recovery inSequoia sempervirensalso appears to involve previously unobserved outward mixing of old reserves.

    Deep mixing and rapid turnover indicate most photosynthate is rapidly metabolized. Yet ecological variation in reserve ages is enormous, perhaps driven by stress and disturbance. Across species, maximum reserve ages appear primarily constrained by sapwood longevity, and thus old reserves are probably widespread.

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  2. Abstract

    Radiocarbon (∆14C) measurements of nonstructural carbon enable inference on the age and turnover time of stored photosynthate (e.g., sugars, starch), of which the largest pool in trees resides in the main bole. Because of potential issues with extraction-based methods, we introduce an incubation method to capture the ∆14C of nonstructural carbon via respired CO2. In this study, we compared the ∆14C obtained from these incubations with ∆14C from a well-established extraction method, using increment cores from a mature trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx). To understand any potential ∆14C disagreement, the yields from both methods were also benchmarked against the phenol-sulfuric acid concentration assay. We found incubations captured less than 100% of measured sugar and starch carbon, with recovery ranging from ~ 3% in heartwood to 85% in shallow sapwood. However, extractions universally over-yielded (mean 273 ± 101% expected sugar carbon; as high as 480%), where sugars represented less than half of extracted soluble carbon, indicating very poor specificity. Although the separation of soluble and insoluble nonstructural carbon is ostensibly a strength of extraction-based methods, there was also evidence of poor separation of these two fractions in extractions. The ∆14C of respired CO2 and ∆14C from extractions were similar in the sapwood, whereas extractions resulted in comparatively higher ∆14C (older carbon) in heartwood and bark. Because yield and ∆14C discrepancies were largest in old tissues, incubations may better capture the ∆14C of nonstructural carbon that is actually metabolically available. That is, we suggest extractions include metabolically irrelevant carbon from dead tissues or cells, as well as carbon that is neither sugar nor starch. In contrast, nonstructural carbon captured by extractions must be respired to be measured. We thus suggest incubations of live tissues are a potentially viable, inexpensive and versatile method to study the ∆14C of metabolically relevant (available) nonstructural carbon.

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  3. Abstract

    Legacies of past climate conditions and historical management govern forest productivity and tree growth. Understanding how these processes interact and the timescales over which they influence tree growth is critical to assess forest vulnerability to climate change. Yet, few studies address this issue, likely because integrated long-term records of both growth and forest management are uncommon. We applied the stochastic antecedent modelling (SAM) framework to annual tree-ring widths from mixed forests to recover the ecological memory of tree growth. We quantified the effects of antecedent temperature and precipitation up to 4 years preceding the year of ring formation and integrated management effects with records of harvesting intensity from historical forest management archives. The SAM approach uncovered important time periods most influential to growth, typically the warmer and drier months or seasons, but variation among species and sites emerged. Silver fir responded primarily to past climate conditions (25–50 months prior to the year of ring formation), while European beech and Scots pine responded mostly to climate conditions during the year of ring formation and the previous year, although these responses varied among sites. Past management and climate interacted in such a way that harvesting promoted growth in young silver fir under wet and warm conditions and in old European beech under drier and cooler conditions. Our study shows that the ecological memory associated with climate legacies and historical forest management is species-specific and context-dependent, suggesting that both aspects are needed to properly evaluate forest functioning under climate change.

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  4. null (Ed.)
  5. Abstract

    Trees are long‐lived organisms, exhibiting temporally complex growth arising from strong climatic “memory.” But conditions are becoming increasingly arid in the western USA. Using a century‐long tree‐ring network, we find altered climate memory across the entire range of a widespread western US conifer: growth is supported by precipitation falling further into the past (+15 months), while increasingly impacted by more recent temperature conditions (−8 months). Tree‐ring datasets can be biased, so we confirm altered climate memory in a second, ecologically‐sampled tree‐ring network. Predicted drought responses show trees may have also become more sensitive to repeat drought. Finally, plots near sites with relatively longer precipitation memory and shorter temperature memory had significantly lower recent mortality rates (R2 = 0.61). We argue that increased drought frequency has altered climate memory, demonstrate how non‐stationarity may arise from failure to account for memory, and suggest memory length may be predictive of future tree mortality.

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