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  1. Abstract Introduction

    High-intensity gait training is widely recognized as an effective rehabilitation approach after stroke. Soft robotic exosuits that enhance post-stroke gait mechanics have the potential to improve the rehabilitative outcomes achieved by high-intensity gait training. The objective of thisdevelopment-of-conceptpilot crossover study was to evaluate the outcomes achieved by high-intensity gait training with versus without soft robotic exosuits.


    In this 2-arm pilot crossover study, four individuals post-stroke completed twelve visits of speed-based, high-intensity gait training: six consecutive visits of Robotic Exosuit Augmented Locomotion (REAL) gait training and six consecutive visits without the exosuit (CONTROL). The intervention arms were counterbalanced across study participants and separated by 6 + weeks of washout. Walking function was evaluated before and after each intervention using 6-minute walk test (6MWT) distance and 10-m walk test (10mWT) speed. Moreover, 10mWT speeds were evaluated before each training visit, with the time-course of change in walking speed computed for each intervention arm. For each participant, changes in each outcome were compared to minimal clinically-important difference (MCID) thresholds. Secondary analyses focused on changes in propulsion mechanics and associated biomechanical metrics.


    Large between-group effects were observed for 6MWT distance (d = 1.41) and 10mWT speed (d = 1.14). REAL gait training resulted in an average pre-post change of 68 ± 27 m (p = 0.015) in 6MWT distance, compared to a pre-post change of 30 ± 16 m (p = 0.035) after CONTROL gait training. Similarly, REAL training resulted in a pre-post change of 0.08 ± 0.03 m/s (p = 0.012) in 10mWT speed, compared to a pre-post change of 0.01 ± 06 m/s (p = 0.76) after CONTROL. For both outcomes, 3 of 4 (75%) study participants surpassed MCIDs after REAL training, whereas 1 of 4 (25%) surpassed MCIDs after CONTROL training. Across the training visits, REAL training resulted in a 1.67 faster rate of improvement in walking speed. Similar patterns of improvement were observed for the secondary gait biomechanical outcomes, with REAL training resulting in significantly improved paretic propulsion for 3 of 4 study participants (p < 0.05) compared to 1 of 4 after CONTROL.


    Soft robotic exosuits have the potential to enhance the rehabilitative outcomes produced by high-intensity gait training after stroke. Findings of thisdevelopment-of-conceptpilot crossover trial motivate continued development and study of the REAL gait training program.

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  2. Abstract Background

    Individualized, targeted, and intense training is the hallmark of successful gait rehabilitation in people post-stroke. Specifically, increasing use of the impaired ankle to increase propulsion during the stance phase of gait has been linked to higher walking speeds and symmetry. Conventional progressive resistance training is one method used for individualized and intense rehabilitation, but often fails to target paretic ankle plantarflexion during walking. Wearable assistive robots have successfullyassistedankle-specific mechanisms to increase paretic propulsion in people post-stroke, suggesting their potential to provide targetedresistanceto increase propulsion, but this application remains underexamined in this population. This work investigates the effects of targeted stance-phase plantarflexion resistance training with a soft ankle exosuit on propulsion mechanics in people post-stroke.


    We conducted this study in nine individuals with chronic stroke and tested the effects of three resistive force magnitudes on peak paretic propulsion, ankle torque, and ankle power while participants walked on a treadmill at their comfortable walking speeds. For each force magnitude, participants walked for 1 min while the exosuit was inactive, 2 min with active resistance, and 1 min with the exosuit inactive, in sequence. We evaluated changes in gait biomechanics during the active resistance and post-resistance sections relative to the initial inactive section.


    Walking with active resistance increased paretic propulsion by more than the minimal detectable change of 0.8 %body weight at all tested force magnitudes, with an average increase of 1.29 ± 0.37 %body weight at the highest force magnitude. This improvement corresponded to changes of 0.13 ± 0.03 N m kg− 1in peak biological ankle torque and 0.26 ± 0.04 W kg− 1in peak biological ankle power. Upon removal of resistance, propulsion changes persisted for 30 seconds with an improvement of 1.49 ± 0.58 %body weight after the highest resistance level and without compensatory involvement of the unresisted joints or limb.


    Targeted exosuit-applied functional resistance of paretic ankle plantarflexors can elicit the latent propulsion reserve in people post-stroke. After-effects observed in propulsion highlight the potential for learning and restoration of propulsion mechanics. Thus, this exosuit-based resistive approach may offer new opportunities for individualized and progressive gait rehabilitation.

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  3. Abstract Background

    Soft robotic exosuits can provide partial dorsiflexor and plantarflexor support in parallel with paretic muscles to improve poststroke walking capacity. Previous results indicate that baseline walking ability may impact a user’s ability to leverage the exosuit assistance, while the effects on continuous walking, walking stability, and muscle slacking have not been evaluated. Here we evaluated the effects of a portable ankle exosuit during continuous comfortable overground walking in 19 individuals with chronic hemiparesis. We also compared two speed-based subgroups (threshold: 0.93 m/s) to address poststroke heterogeneity.


    We refined a previously developed portable lightweight soft exosuit to support continuous overground walking. We compared five minutes of continuous walking in a laboratory with the exosuit to walking without the exosuit in terms of ground clearance, foot landing and propulsion, as well as the energy cost of transport, walking stability and plantarflexor muscle slacking.


    Exosuit assistance was associated with improvements in the targeted gait impairments: 22% increase in ground clearance during swing, 5° increase in foot-to-floor angle at initial contact, and 22% increase in the center-of-mass propulsion during push-off. The improvements in propulsion and foot landing contributed to a 6.7% (0.04 m/s) increase in walking speed (R2 = 0.82). This enhancement in gait function was achieved without deterioration in muscle effort, stability or cost of transport. Subgroup analyses revealed that all individuals profited from ground clearance support, but slower individuals leveraged plantarflexor assistance to improve propulsion by 35% to walk 13% faster, while faster individuals did not change either.


    The immediate restorative benefits of the exosuit presented here underline its promise for rehabilitative gait training in poststroke individuals.

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  4. Abstract Background

    Ankle-targeting resistance training for improving plantarflexion function during walking increases rehabilitation intensity, an important factor for motor recovery after stroke. However, understanding of the effects of resisting plantarflexion during stance on joint kinetics and muscle activity—key outcomes in evaluating its potential value in rehabilitation—remains limited. This initial study uses a unilateral exosuit that resists plantarflexion during mid-late stance in unimpaired individuals to test the hypotheses that when plantarflexion is resisted, individuals would (1) increase plantarflexor ankle torque and muscle activity locally at the resisted ipsilateral ankle, but (2) at higher forces, exhibit a generalized response that also uses the unresisted joints and limb. Further, we expected (3) short-term retention into gait immediately after removal of resistance.


    Ten healthy young adults walked at 1.25 m s−1for four 10-min discrete bouts, each comprising baseline, exposure to active exosuit-applied resistance, and post-active sections. In each bout, a different force magnitude was applied based on individual baseline ankle torques. The peak resistance torque applied by the exosuit was 0.13 ± 0.01, 0.19 ± 0.01, 0.26 ± 0.02, and 0.32 ± 0.02 N m kg−1, in the LOW, MED, HIGH, and MAX bouts, respectively.


    (1) Across all bouts, participants increased peak ipsilateral biological ankle torque by 0.13–0.25 N m kg−1(p < 0.001) during exosuit-applied resistance compared to corresponding baselines. Additionally, ipsilateral soleus activity during stance increased by 5.4–11.3% (p < 0.05) in all but the LOW bout. (2) In the HIGH and MAX bouts, vertical ground reaction force decreased on the ipsilateral limb while increasing on the contralateral limb (p < 0.01). Secondary analysis found that the force magnitude that maximized increases in biological ankle torque without significant changes in limb loading varied by subject. (3) Finally, peak ipsilateral plantarflexion angle increased significantly during post-exposure in the intermediate HIGH resistance bout (p < 0.05), which corresponded to the greatest average increase in soleus activity (p > 0.10).


    Targeted resistance of ankle plantarflexion during stance by an exosuit consistently increased local ipsilateral plantarflexor effort during active resistance, but force magnitude will be an important parameter to tune for minimizing the involvement of the unresisted joints and limb during training.

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  5. null (Ed.)
    Background: Soft robotic exosuits can facilitate immediate increases in short- and long-distance walking speeds in people with post-stroke hemiparesis. We sought to assess the feasibility and rehabilitative potential of applying propulsion-augmenting exosuits as part of an individualized and progressive training program to retrain faster walking and the underlying propulsive strategy. Methods: A 54-yr old male with chronic hemiparesis completed five daily sessions of Robotic Exosuit Augmented Locomotion (REAL) gait training. REAL training consists of high-intensity, task-specific, and progressively challenging walking practice augmented by a soft robotic exosuit and is designed to facilitate faster walking by way of increased paretic propulsion. Repeated baseline assessments of comfortable walking speed over a 2-year period provided a stable baseline from which the effects of REAL training could be elucidated. Additional outcomes included paretic propulsion, maximum walking speed, and 6-minute walk test distance. Results: Comfortable walking speed was stable at 0.96 m/s prior to training and increased by 0.30 m/s after training. Clinically meaningful increases in maximum walking speed (Δ: 0.30 m/s) and 6-minute walk test distance (Δ: 59 m) were similarly observed. Improvements in paretic peak propulsion (Δ: 2.80 %BW), propulsive power (Δ: 0.41 W/kg), and trailing limb angle (Δ: 6.2 degrees) were observed at comfortable walking speed ( p 's < 0.05). Likewise, improvements in paretic peak propulsion (Δ: 4.63 %BW) and trailing limb angle (Δ: 4.30 degrees) were observed at maximum walking speed ( p 's < 0.05). Conclusions: The REAL training program is feasible to implement after stroke and capable of facilitating rapid and meaningful improvements in paretic propulsion, walking speed, and walking distance. 
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  6. null (Ed.)