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Creators/Authors contains: "Porporato, Amilcare"

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  1. Complex topographies exhibit universal properties when fluvial erosion dominates landscape evolution over other geomorphological processes. Similarly, we show that the solutions of a minimalist landscape evolution model display invariant behavior as the impact of soil diffusion diminishes compared to fluvial erosion at the landscape scale, yielding complete self-similarity with respect to a dimensionless channelization index. Approaching its zero limit, soil diffusion becomes confined to a region of vanishing area and large concavity or convexity, corresponding to the locus of the ridge and valley network. We demonstrate these results using one dimensional analytical solutions and two dimensional numerical simulations, supported by real-world topographic observations. Our findings on the landscape self-similarity and the localized diffusion resemble the self-similarity of turbulent flows and the role of viscous dissipation. Topographic singularities in the vanishing diffusion limit are suggestive of shock waves and singularities observed in nonlinear complex systems.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 19, 2024
  2. Because of the large carbon sequestration potential, reforestation and afforestation (R&A) are among the most prominent natural climate solutions. However, while their effectiveness is well established for wet tropics, it is often argued that R&A are less advantageous or even detrimental at higher latitudes, where the reduction of forest albedo (the amount of reflected solar radiation by a surface) tends to nullify or even overcome the carbon benefits. Here, we carefully analyze the situation for R&A at midlatitudes, where the warming effects due to vegetation albedo are regarded to be almost balanced by the cooling effects from an increased carbon storage. Using both satellite data and atmospheric boundary-layer models, we show that by including cloud–albedo effects due to land–atmosphere interactions, the R&A cooling at midlatitudes becomes prevalent. This points to a much greater potential of R&A for wet temperate regions than previously considered.

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  3. Abstract

    Global methane (CH4) emissions have reached approximately 600 Tg per year, 20%–40% of which are from wetlands. Of the primary factors affecting these emissions, the water table level is among the most uncertain. Here we conduct a global meta-analysis of chamber and flux-tower observations of CH4emissions and employ a novel mechanistic model to show that wetlands have maximum emissions at a critical level of inundation and discuss its origin. This maximum arises from an interplay between methanogenesis, methanotrophy, and transport, whose rates vary differently with the inundation level. The specific location of the critical water level above the soil surface may differ depending on wetland characteristics, for example temperature or the presence of macrophytes with aerenchyma. However, data suggest that globally a water level of about 50 cm is the most favorable to CH4emissions. Keeping the water level away from this critical value could reduce methane emissions in human-made wetlands, which comprise at least one fifth of the global wetland area.

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  4. Abstract

    The formation of soils, the evolution of the biosphere, and the CO2content in the atmosphere are strongly impacted by chemical weathering. Due to its manifold importance for the long-term stability of the Critical Zone, it is crucial to link weathering rates to the environmental conditions affecting it and develop accurate rate laws for landscape evolution and carbon cycle modeling. Here we use theπtheorem of dimensional analysis to provide a theoretical framework to global datasets of weathering rates. As a result, a strong relation between chemical depletion, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration synthesizes the primary role of wetness. Based on this finding, we estimate the spatial distribution of chemical depletion fraction and find that, globally, soils are 50% chemically depleted, 61% of the land is in kinetic-limited conditions, while only 1% is supply-limited. The remaining 38% of the land is in a transitional regime and susceptible to changes in wetness.

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  5. null (Ed.)
    Turbulent flows are out-of-equilibrium because the energy supply at large scales and its dissipation by viscosity at small scales create a net transfer of energy among all scales. This energy cascade is modelled by approximating the spectral energy balance with a nonlinear Fokker–Planck equation consistent with accepted phenomenological theories of turbulence. The steady-state contributions of the drift and diffusion in the corresponding Langevin equation, combined with the killing term associated with the dissipation, induce a stochastic energy transfer across wavenumbers. The fluctuation theorem is shown to describe the scale-wise statistics of forward and backward energy transfer and their connection to irreversibility and entropy production. The ensuing turbulence entropy is used to formulate an extended turbulence thermodynamics. 
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  6. Abstract

    Incipient valley formation in mountainous landscapes is often associated with their presence at a regular spacing under diverse hydroclimatic forcings. Here we provide a formal linear stability theory for a landscape evolution model representing the action of tectonic uplift, diffusive soil creep, and detachment‐limited fluvial erosion. For configurations dominated by only one horizontal length scale, a single dimensionless quantity characterizes the overall system dynamics based on model parameters and boundary conditions. The stability analysis is conducted for smooth and symmetric hillslopes along a long mountain ridge to study the impact of the erosion law form on regular first‐order valley formation. The results provide the critical condition when smooth landscapes become unstable and give rise to a characteristic length scale for incipient valleys, which is related to the scaling exponents that couple fluvial erosion to the specific drainage area and the local slope. The valley spacing at first instability is uniquely related to the ratio of the scaling exponents and widens with an increase in this ratio. We find compelling evidence of sediment transport by diffusive creep and fluvial erosion coupled with the specific drainage area equation as a sufficient mechanism for first‐order valley formation. We finally show that the predictions of the linear stability analysis conform with the results of numerical simulations for different degrees of nonlinearity in the erosion law and agree well with topographic data from a natural landscape.

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  7. Abstract

    As photovoltaic power is expanding rapidly worldwide, it is imperative to assess its promise under future climate scenarios. While a great deal of research has been devoted to trends in mean solar radiation, less attention has been paid to its intermittent character, a key challenge when compounded with uncertainties related to climate variability. Using both satellite data and climate model outputs, we characterize solar radiation intermittency to assess future photovoltaic reliability. We find that the relation between the future power supply and long-term mean solar radiation trends is spatially heterogeneous, showing power reliability is more sensitive to the fluctuations of mean solar radiation in hot arid regions. Our results highlight how reliability analysis must account simultaneously for the mean and intermittency of solar inputs when assessing the impacts of climate change on photovoltaics.

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  8. Abstract

    The objective of this comment is to correct two sets of statements in Litwin et al. (2022,, which consider our research work (Bonetti et al., 2018,; Bonetti et al., 2020, We clarify here that (a) the specific contributing area is defined in the limit of an infinitesimal contour length instead of the product of a reference contour width (Bonetti et al., 2018,, and (b) not all solutions obtained from the minimalist landscape evolution model of Bonetti et al. (2020, are rescaled copies of each other. We take this opportunity to demonstrate that the boundary conditions impact the obtained solutions, which has not been considered in the dimensional analysis of Litwin et al. (2022, We clarify this point by using dimensional analysis and numerical simulations for a square domain, where only one horizontal length scale (the side lengthl) enters the physical law.

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