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Creators/Authors contains: "Qiang, Yiwei"

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  1. null (Ed.)
    Alignment of highly anisotropic nanomaterials in a polymer matrix can yield nanocomposites with unique mechanical and transport properties. Conventional methods of nanocomposite film fabrication are not well-suited for manufacturing composites with very high concentrations of anisotropic nanomaterials, potentially limiting the widespread implementation of these useful structures. In this work, we present a scalable approach to fabricate polymer-infiltrated nanoplatelet films (PINFs) based on flow coating and capillary rise infiltration (CaRI) and study the processing–structure–property relationship of these PINFs. We show that films with high aspect ratio (AR) gibbsite (Al (OH) 3 ) nanoplatelets (NPTs) aligned parallel to the substrate can be prepared using a flow coating process. NPTs are highly aligned with a Herman's order parameter of 0.96 and a high packing fraction >80 vol%. Such packings show significantly higher fracture toughness compared to low AR nanoparticle (NP) packings. By depositing NPTs on a polymer film and subsequently annealing the bilayer above the glass transition temperature of the polymer, polymer infiltrates into the tortuous NPT packings though capillarity. We observe larger enhancement in the modulus, hardness and scratch resistance of NPT films upon polymer infiltration compared to NP packings. The excellent mechanical properties of such films benefit from both thermally promoted oxide bridge formation between NPTs as well as polymer infiltration increasing the strength of NPT contacts. Our approach is widely applicable to highly anisotropic nanomaterials and allows the generation of mechanically robust polymer nanocomposite films for a diverse set of applications. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
    Polymer-infiltrated nanoparticle films (PINFs) are a new class of nanocomposites that offer synergistic properties and functionality derived from unusually high fractions of nanomaterials. Recently, two versatile techniques,capillary rise infiltration (CaRI) and solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP), have been introduced that exploit capillary forces in films of densely packed nanoparticles. In CaRI, a highly loaded PINF is produced by thermally induced wicking of polymer melt into the nanoparticle packing pores. In SIP, exposure of a polymer–nanoparticle bilayer to solvent vapor atmosphere induces capillary condensation of solvent in the pores of nanoparticle packing, leading to infiltration of polymer into the solvent-filled pores. CaRI/SIP PINFs show superior properties compared with polymer nanocomposite films made using traditional methods, including superb mechanical properties, thermal stability, heat transfer, and optical properties. This review discusses fundamental aspects of the infiltration process and highlights potential applications in separations, structural coatings, and polymer upcycling—a process to convert polymer wastes into useful chemicals. 
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  3. Incorporation of nanoparticles into polymer blend films can lead to a synergistic combination of properties and functionalities. Adding a large concentration of nanoparticles into a polymer blend matrix via conventional melting or solution blending techniques, however, is challenging due to the tendency of particles to aggregate. Herein, we report a straightforward approach to generate polymer blend/nanoparticle ternary composite films with extremely high loadings of nanoparticles based on monomer-driven infiltration of polymer and photopolymerization. The fabrication process consists of three steps: (1) preparing a bilayer with a nanoparticle (NP) layer atop a polymer layer, (2) annealing of the bilayer with a vapour mixture of a monomer and a photoinitiator, which undergoes capillary condensation and imparts mobility to the polymer layer and (3) exposing this film to UV light to induce photopolymerization of the monomer. The monomer used in this process is chemically different from the repeat unit of the polymer in the bilayer and is a good solvent for the polymer. The second step leads to the infiltration of the plasticized polymer, and the third step results in a blend of two polymers in the interstices of the nanoparticle layer. By varying the thickness ratio of the polymer and nanoparticle layers in the initial bilayers and changing the UV exposure duration, the volume fraction of the two polymers in the composite films can be adjusted. This versatile approach enables the design and engineering of a new class of nanocomposite films that contain a nanoscale-blend of two polymers in the interstices of a nanoparticle film, which could have combinations of unique mechanical and transport properties desirable for advanced applications such as membrane separations, conductive composite films and solar cells. Moreover, these polymer blend-filled nanoparticle films could serve as model systems to study the effect of confinement on the miscibility and morphology of polymer blends. 
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  4. Abstract

    Polymer‐infiltrated nanoparticle films (PINFs) that have high volume fractions (>50 vol%) of nanoparticles (NPs) possess enhanced properties making them ideal for various applications. Capillary rise infiltration (CaRI) of polymer and solvent‐driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into pre‐assembled NP films have emerged as versatile approaches to fabricate PINFs. Although these methods are ideal for fabricating PINFs with homogenous structure, several applications including separations, and photonic/optical coatings would benefit from a method that enables scalable manufacturing of heterostructured (i.e., films with variation in structural properties such as porosity, composition, refractive indices, etc.) PINFs. In this work, a new technique is developed for fabricating heterostructured PINFs with cavities based on CaRI. A bilayer composed of densely packed inorganic NP layer atop polymer NP layer is thermally annealed above the glass transition temperature of the polymer NP, which induces CaRI of the polymer into the interstices of the inorganic NP layer. Exploiting the difference in the sizes of the two particles, heterostructured double stack PINFs composed of a PINF and a layer with large cavities are produced at a moderate temperature (<200 °C). Using these heterostructured PINFs, Bragg reflectors that can detect the presence of wetting agents in water are fabricated.

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