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Creators/Authors contains: "Reilly, Liam T"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 21, 2025
  3. Abstract

    In typical cyclic polymer synthesis via ring‐closure, chain growth and cyclization events are competing with each other, thus affording cyclic polymers with uncontrolled molecular weight or ring size and high dispersity. Here we uncover a mechanism by which Lewis pair polymerization (LPP) operates on polar vinyl monomers that allows the control of where and when cyclization takes place, thereby achieving spatial and temporal control to afford precision cyclic vinyl polymers or block copolymers with predictable molecular weight and low dispersity (≈1.03). A combined experimental and theoretical study demonstrates that cyclization occurs only after all monomers have been consumed (when) via conjugate addition of the propagating chain end to the specific site of the initiating chain end (where), allowing the cyclic polymer formation steps to be regulated and executed with precision in space and time.

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  4. Abstract

    In typical cyclic polymer synthesis via ring‐closure, chain growth and cyclization events are competing with each other, thus affording cyclic polymers with uncontrolled molecular weight or ring size and high dispersity. Here we uncover a mechanism by which Lewis pair polymerization (LPP) operates on polar vinyl monomers that allows the control of where and when cyclization takes place, thereby achieving spatial and temporal control to afford precision cyclic vinyl polymers or block copolymers with predictable molecular weight and low dispersity (≈1.03). A combined experimental and theoretical study demonstrates that cyclization occurs only after all monomers have been consumed (when) via conjugate addition of the propagating chain end to the specific site of the initiating chain end (where), allowing the cyclic polymer formation steps to be regulated and executed with precision in space and time.

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