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Creators/Authors contains: "Ren, Juan"

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  1. This work proposes a two-degree of freedom (2DOF) controller for motion tracking of nanopositioning devices, such as piezoelectric actuators (PEAs), with a broad bandwidth and high precision. The proposed 2DOF controller consists of an inversion feedforward controller and a real-time feedback controller. The feedforward controller, a sequence-to-sequence LSTM-based inversion model (invLSTMs2s), is used to compensate for the nonlinearity of the PEA, especially at high frequencies, and is collaboratively integrated with a linear MPC feedback controller, which ensures the PEA position tracking performance at low frequencies. Therefore, the proposed 2DOF controller, namely, invLSTMs2s+MPC, is able to achieve high precision over a broad bandwidth. To validate the proposed controller, the uncertainty of invLSTMs2s is checked such that the integration of an inversion model-based feedforward controller has a positive impact on the trajectory tracking performance compared to feedback control only. Experimental validation on a commercial PEA and comparison with existing approaches demonstrate that high tracking accuracies can be achieved by invLSTMs2s+MPC for various reference trajectories. Moreover, invLSTMs2s+MPC is further demonstrated on a multi-dimensional PEA platform for simultaneous multi-direction positioning control.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  2. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) provides a platform for high-resolution topographical imaging and the mechanical characterization of a wide range of samples, including live cells, proteins, and other biomolecules. AFM is also instrumental for measuring interaction forces and binding kinetics for protein–protein or receptor–ligand interactions on live cells at a single-molecule level. However, performing force measurements and high-resolution imaging with AFM and data analytics are time-consuming and require special skill sets and continuous human supervision. Recently, researchers have explored the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning (DL) in the bioimaging field. However, the applications of AI to AFM operations for live-cell characterization are little-known. In this work, we implemented a DL framework to perform automatic sample selection based on the cell shape for AFM probe navigation during AFM biomechanical mapping. We also established a closed-loop scanner trajectory control for measuring multiple cell samples at high speed for automated navigation. With this, we achieved a 60× speed-up in AFM navigation and reduced the time involved in searching for the particular cell shape in a large sample. Our innovation directly applies to many bio-AFM applications with AI-guided intelligent automation through image data analysis together with smart navigation. 
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