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  1. Abstract

    Understanding the ranges of rare and endangered species is central to conserving biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Species distribution models (SDMs) have become a common and powerful tool for analyzing species–environment relationships across geographic space. Although evaluating the distribution of rare species is integral to their conservation, this can be difficult when limited distribution data are available. Community science platforms, such as iNaturalist, have emerged as alternative sources for species occurrence data. Although these observations are often thought to be of lower quality than those of natural history collections, they may have potential for improving SDMs for species with few occurrence records from collections. Here, we investigate the utility of iNaturalist data for developing SDMs for a rare high‐elevation plant,Telesonix jamesii. Because methods for modeling rare species are limited in the literature, five different modeling techniques were considered, including profile methods, statistical models, and machine learning algorithms. The inclusion of iNaturalist data doubled the number of usable records forT. jamesii.We found that a random forest (RF) model using ensemble training data performed the highest of any model (area under curve = 0.98). We then compared the performance of RF models that use only natural history training data and those that use a combination of natural history (herbarium specimens) and iNaturalist training data. All models heavily relied on climate data (mean temperature of driest quarter, and precipitation of the warmest quarter), indicating that this species is under threat as climate continues to change. Validation datasets affected model fits as well. Models using only herbarium data performed slightly poorer when evaluated with cross‐validation than when validated externally with iNaturalist data. This study can serve as a model for future SDM studies of species with similar data limitations.

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  2. Abstract

    Habitat fragmentation impacts ecosystems worldwide through habitat loss, reduced connectivity, and edge effects. Yet, these landscape factors are often confounded, leaving much to be investigated about their relative effects, especially on species interactions. In a landscape experiment, we investigated the consequences of connectivity and edge effects for seed dispersal by ants. We found that ants dispersed seeds farther in habitat patches connected by corridors, but only in patch centers. We did not see an effect on the total number of seeds moved or the rate ants detected seeds. Furthermore, we did not see any differences in ant community composition across patch types, suggesting that shifts in ant behavior or other factors increased ant seed dispersal in patches connected by corridors. Long‐distance seed dispersal by ants that requires an accumulation of short‐distance dispersal events over generations may be an underappreciated mechanism through which corridors increase plant diversity.

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  3. Abstract

    Although corridors are frequently regarded as a way to mitigate the negative effects of habitat fragmentation, concerns persist that corridors may facilitate the spread of invasive species to the detriment of native species.

    The invasive fire ant,Solenopsis invicta,has two social forms. The polygyne form has limited dispersal abilities relative to the monogyne form. Our previous work in a large‐scale corridor experiment showed that in landscapes dominated by the polygyne form, fire ant density was higher and native ant species richness was lower in habitat patches connected by corridors than in unconnected patches.

    We expected that these observed corridor effects would be transient, that is, that fire ant density and native ant species richness differences between connected and unconnected patches would diminish over time as fire ants eventually fully established within patches. We tested this prediction by resampling the three landscapes dominated by polygyne fire ants 6 to 11 years after our original study.

    Differences in fire ant density between connected and unconnected habitat patches in these landscapes decreased, as expected. Differences in native ant species richness were variable but lowest in the last 2 years of sampling.

    These findings support our prediction of transient corridor effects on this invasive ant and stress the importance of temporal dynamics in assessing population and community impacts of habitat connectivity.

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  4. Abstract

    Habitat loss and fragmentation are likely to seriously impact parasites, a less studied but critical component of ecosystems, yet we lack long‐term experimental evidence. Parasites structure communities, increase connectivity in food webs, and account for a large proportion of an ecosystem's total biomass. Food web models predict that parasites with multiple obligate hosts are at greater risk of extinction because the local extinction, or reduction in abundance, of any host will result in a life‐cycle bottleneck for the parasite. We examine the response of a parasite and its multiple hosts to forest fragmentation over 26 years in the Wog Wog Habitat Fragmentation Experiment in southeastern Australia. The parasite is the nematodeHedruris wogwogensis, its intermediate host is the amphipod,Arcitalitrus sylvaticus, and its definitive host is the skink,Lampropholis guichenoti. In the first decade after fragmentation, nematodes completely disappeared from the matrix (plantation forestry) and all but disappeared from their definitive host (skinks) in fragments, and by the third decade after fragmentation had not appreciably recovered anywhere in the fragmented landscape compared to continuous forest. The low prevalence of the nematode in the fragmented landscape was associated with the low abundance of one or the other host in different decades: low abundance of the intermediate host (amphipod) in the first decade and low abundance of the definitive host (skink) in the third decade. In turn, the low abundance of each host was associated with changes to the abiotic environment over time due largely to the dynamically changing matrix as the plantation trees grew. Our study provides rare long‐term experimental evidence of how disturbance can cause local extinction in parasites with life cycles dependent on more than one host species through population bottlenecks at any life stage. Mismatches in the abundance of multiple hosts over time are likely to be common following disturbance, thus causing parasites with complex life cycles to be particularly susceptible to habitat fragmentation and other disturbances. The integrity of food webs, communities, and ecosystems in fragmented landscapes may be more compromised than presently appreciated due to the sensitivity of parasites to habitat fragmentation.

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  5. Abstract

    Understanding how abiotic conditions influence dispersal patterns of organisms is important for understanding the degree to which species can track and persist in the face of changing climate.

    The goal of this study was to understand how weather conditions influence the dispersal pattern of multiple nonmigratory grasshopper species from lower elevation grassland habitats in which they complete their life‐cycles to higher elevations that extend beyond their range limits.

    Using over a decade of weekly spring to late‐summer field survey data along an elevational gradient, we explored how abundance and richness of dispersing grasshoppers were influenced by temperature, precipitation, and wind speed and direction. We also examined how changes in population sizes at lower elevations might influence these patterns.

    We observed that the abundance of dispersing grasshoppers along the gradient declined 4‐fold from the foothills to the subalpine and increased with warmer conditions and when wind flow patterns were mild or in the downslope direction. Thirty‐eight unique grasshopper species from lowland sites were detected as dispersers across the survey years, and warmer years and weak upslope wind conditions also increased the richness of these grasshoppers. The pattern of grasshoppers along the gradient was not sex biased. The positive effect of temperature on dispersal rates was likely explained by an increase in dispersal propensity rather than by an increase in the density of grasshoppers at low elevation sites.

    The results of this study support the hypothesis that the dispersal patterns of organisms are influenced by changing climatic conditions themselves and as such, that this context‐dependent dispersal response should be considered when modeling and forecasting the ability of species to respond to climate change.

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  6. Deleterious effects of habitat fragmentation and benefits of connecting fragments could be significantly underestimated because changes in colonization and extinction rates that drive changes in biodiversity can take decades to accrue. In a large and well-replicated habitat fragmentation experiment, we find that annual colonization rates for 239 plant species in connected fragments are 5% higher and annual extinction rates 2% lower than in unconnected fragments. This has resulted in a steady, nonasymptotic increase in diversity, with nearly 14% more species in connected fragments after almost two decades. Our results show that the full biodiversity value of connectivity is much greater than previously estimated, cannot be effectively evaluated at short time scales, and can be maximized by connecting habitat sooner rather than later. 
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