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Creators/Authors contains: "Rohs, Remo"

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  1. Abstract

    Development of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, is regulated by a limited number of sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs). However, the mechanisms by which these TFs recognize genome-wide binding sites is largely unknown. To address TF specificity, we investigated the binding of two TF subsets that either bind CACACA or GTGCAC DNA sequence motifs and further characterized two additional ApiAP2 TFs, PfAP2-G and PfAP2-EXP, which bind unique DNA motifs (GTAC and TGCATGCA). We also interrogated the impact of DNA sequence and chromatin context on P. falciparum TF binding by integrating high-throughput in vitro and in vivo binding assays, DNA shape predictions, epigenetic post-translational modifications, and chromatin accessibility. We found that DNA sequence context minimally impacts binding site selection for paralogous CACACA-binding TFs, while chromatin accessibility, epigenetic patterns, co-factor recruitment, and dimerization correlate with differential binding. In contrast, GTGCAC-binding TFs prefer different DNA sequence context in addition to chromatin dynamics. Finally, we determined that TFs that preferentially bind divergent DNA motifs may bind overlapping genomic regions due to low-affinity binding to other sequence motifs. Our results demonstrate that TF binding site selection relies on a combination of DNA sequence and chromatin features, thereby contributing to the complexity of P. falciparum gene regulatory mechanisms.

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  2. Phosphorothioate (PT) DNA modifications—in which a nonbonding phosphate oxygen is replaced with sulfur—represent a widespread, horizontally transferred epigenetic system in prokaryotes and have a highly unusual property of occupying only a small fraction of available consensus sequences in a genome. UsingSalmonella entericaas a model, we asked a question of fundamental importance: How do the PT-modifying DndA-E proteins select their GPSAAC/GPSTTC targets? Here, we applied innovative analytical, sequencing, and computational tools to discover a novel behavior for DNA-binding proteins: The Dnd proteins are “parked” at the G6mATC Dam methyltransferase consensus sequence instead of the expected GAAC/GTTC motif, with removal of the6mA permitting extensive PT modification of GATC sites. This shift in modification sites further revealed a surprising constancy in the density of PT modifications across the genome. Computational analysis showed that GAAC, GTTC, and GATC share common features of DNA shape, which suggests that PT epigenetics are regulated in a density-dependent manner partly by DNA shape-driven target selection in the genome.

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