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Abstract Large Oligocene Antarctic ice sheets co-existed with warm proximal waters offshore Wilkes Land. Here we provide a broader Southern Ocean perspective to such warmth by reconstructing the strength and variability of the Oligocene Australian-Antarctic latitudinal sea surface temperature gradient. Our Oligocene TEX 86 -based sea surface temperature record from offshore southern Australia shows temperate (20–29 °C) conditions throughout, despite northward tectonic drift. A persistent sea surface temperature gradient (~5–10 °C) exists between Australia and Antarctica, which increases during glacial intervals. The sea surface temperature gradient increases from ~26 Ma, due to Antarctic-proximal cooling. Meanwhile, benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope decline indicates ice loss/deep-sea warming. These contrasting patterns are difficult to explain by greenhouse gas forcing alone. Timing of the sea surface temperature cooling coincides with deepening of Drake Passage and matches results of ocean model experiments that demonstrate that Drake Passage opening cools Antarctic proximal waters. We conclude that Drake Passage deepening cooled Antarctic coasts which enhanced thermal isolation of Antarctica.more » « less
Abstract Antarctica’s continental margins pose an unknown submarine landslide-generated tsunami risk to Southern Hemisphere populations and infrastructure. Understanding the factors driving slope failure is essential to assessing future geohazards. Here, we present a multidisciplinary study of a major submarine landslide complex along the eastern Ross Sea continental slope (Antarctica) that identifies preconditioning factors and failure mechanisms. Weak layers, identified beneath three submarine landslides, consist of distinct packages of interbedded Miocene- to Pliocene-age diatom oozes and glaciomarine diamicts. The observed lithological differences, which arise from glacial to interglacial variations in biological productivity, ice proximity, and ocean circulation, caused changes in sediment deposition that inherently preconditioned slope failure. These recurrent Antarctic submarine landslides were likely triggered by seismicity associated with glacioisostatic readjustment, leading to failure within the preconditioned weak layers. Ongoing climate warming and ice retreat may increase regional glacioisostatic seismicity, triggering Antarctic submarine landslides.more » « less
Abstract Oscillations in ice sheet extent during early and middle Miocene are intermittently preserved in the sedimentary record from the Antarctic continental shelf, with widespread erosion occurring during major ice sheet advances, and open marine deposition during times of ice sheet retreat. Data from seismic reflection surveys and drill sites from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 28 and International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 374, located across the present-day middle continental shelf of the central Ross Sea (Antarctica), indicate the presence of expanded early to middle Miocene sedimentary sections. These include the Miocene climate optimum (MCO ca. 17–14.6 Ma) and the middle Miocene climate transition (MMCT ca. 14.6–13.9 Ma). Here, we correlate drill core records, wireline logs and reflection seismic data to elucidate the depositional architecture of the continental shelf and reconstruct the evolution and variability of dynamic ice sheets in the Ross Sea during the Miocene. Drill-site data are used to constrain seismic isopach maps that document the evolution of different ice sheets and ice caps which influenced sedimentary processes in the Ross Sea through the early to middle Miocene. In the early Miocene, periods of localized advance of the ice margin are revealed by the formation of thick sediment wedges prograding into the basins. At this time, morainal bank complexes are distinguished along the basin margins suggesting sediment supply derived from marine-terminating glaciers. During the MCO, biosiliceous-bearing sediments are regionally mapped within the depocenters of the major sedimentary basin across the Ross Sea, indicative of widespread open marine deposition with reduced glacimarine influence. At the MMCT, a distinct erosive surface is interpreted as representing large-scale marine-based ice sheet advance over most of the Ross Sea paleo-continental shelf. The regional mapping of the seismic stratigraphic architecture and its correlation to drilling data indicate a regional transition through the Miocene from growth of ice caps and inland ice sheets with marine-terminating margins, to widespread marine-based ice sheets extending across the outer continental shelf in the Ross Sea.more » « less