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Creators/Authors contains: "Schimelman, Jacob"

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  1. Abstract Digital light processing (DLP)-based three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has the advantages of speed and precision comparing with other 3D printing technologies like extrusion-based 3D printing. Therefore, it is a promising biomaterial fabrication technique for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. When printing cell-laden biomaterials, one challenge of DLP-based bioprinting is the light scattering effect of the cells in the bioink, and therefore induce unpredictable effects on the photopolymerization process. In consequence, the DLP-based bioprinting requires extra trial-and-error efforts for parameters optimization for each specific printable structure to compensate the scattering effects induced by cells, which is often difficult and time-consuming for a machine operator. Such trial-and-error style optimization for each different structure is also very wasteful for those expensive biomaterials and cell lines. Here, we use machine learning to learn from a few trial sample printings and automatically provide printer the optimal parameters to compensate the cell-induced scattering effects. We employ a deep learning method with a learning-based data augmentation which only requires a small amount of training data. After learning from the data, the algorithm can automatically generate the printer parameters to compensate the scattering effects. Our method shows strong improvement in the intra-layer printing resolution for bioprinting, which can be further extended to solve the light scattering problems in multilayer 3D bioprinting processes. 
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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)