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Evans, Robin J ; Shpitser, Ilya (Ed.)Do common assumptions about the way that crowd workers make mistakes in microtask (labeling) applications manifest in real crowdsourcing data? Prior work only addresses this question indirectly. Instead, it primarily focuses on designing new label aggregation algorithms, seeming to imply that better performance justifies any additional assumptions. However, empirical evidence in past instances has raised significant challenges to common assumptions. We continue this line of work, using crowdsourcing data itself as directly as possible to interrogate several basic assumptions about workers and tasks. We find strong evidence that the assumption that workers respond correctly to each task with a constant probability, which is common in theoretical work, is implausible in real data. We also illustrate how heterogeneity among tasks and workers can take different forms, which have different implications for the design and evaluation of label aggregation algorithms.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available July 31, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 8, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 13, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 13, 2025
Evans, Robin J ; Shpitser, Ilya (Ed.)Do common assumptions about the way that crowd workers make mistakes in microtask (labeling) applications manifest in real crowdsourcing data? Prior work only addresses this question indirectly. Instead, it primarily focuses on designing new label aggregation algorithms, seeming to imply that better performance justifies any additional assumptions. However, empirical evidence in past instances has raised significant challenges to common assumptions. We continue this line of work, using crowdsourcing data itself as directly as possible to interrogate several basic assumptions about workers and tasks. We find strong evidence that the assumption that workers respond correctly to each task with a constant probability, which is common in theoretical work, is implausible in real data. We also illustrate how heterogeneity among tasks and workers can take different forms, which have different implications for the design and evaluation of label aggregation algorithms.more » « less
We propose measurement integrity, a property related to ex post reward fairness, as a novel desideratum for peer prediction mechanisms in many natural applications. Like robustness against strategic reporting, the property that has been the primary focus of the peer prediction literature, measurement integrity is an important consideration for understanding the practical performance of peer prediction mechanisms. We perform computational experiments, both with an agent-based model and with real data, to empirically evaluate peer prediction mechanisms according to both of these important properties. Our evaluations simulate the application of peer prediction mechanisms to peer assessment---a setting in which ex post fairness concerns are particularly salient. We find that peer prediction mechanisms, as proposed in the literature, largely fail to demonstrate significant measurement integrity in our experiments. We also find that theoretical properties concerning robustness against strategic reporting are somewhat noisy predictors of empirical performance. Further, there is an apparent trade-off between our two dimensions of analysis. The best-performing mechanisms in terms of measurement integrity are highly susceptible to strategic reporting. Ultimately, however, we show that supplementing mechanisms with realistic parametric statistical models can, in some cases, improve performance along both dimensions of our analysis and result in mechanisms that strike the best balance between them.more » « less
We study the voting game where agents' preferences are endogenously decided by the information they receive, and they can collaborate in a group. We show that strategic voting behaviors have a positive impact on leading to the "correct" decision, outperforming the common non-strategic behavior of informative voting and sincere voting. Our results give merit to strategic voting for making good decisions. To this end, we investigate a natural model, where voters' preferences between two alternatives depend on a discrete state variable that is not directly observable. Each voter receives a private signal that is correlated with the state variable. We reveal a surprising equilibrium between a strategy profile being a strong equilibrium and leading to the decision favored by the majority of agents conditioned on them knowing the ground truth (referred to as the informed majority decision): as the size of the vote goes to infinity, every ε-strong Bayes Nash Equilibrium with ε converging to 0 formed by strategic agents leads to the informed majority decision with probability converging to 1. On the other hand, we show that informative voting leads to the informed majority decision only under unbiased instances, and sincere voting leads to the informed majority decision only when it also forms an equilibrium.more » « less
Peer prediction aims to incentivize truthful reports from agents whose reports cannot be assessed with any objective ground truthful information. In the multi-task setting where each agent is asked multiple questions, a sequence of mechanisms have been proposed which are truthful — truth-telling is guaranteed to be an equilibrium, or even better, informed truthful — truth-telling is guaranteed to be one of the best-paid equilibria. However, these guarantees assume agents’ strategies are restricted to be task-independent: an agent’s report on a task is not affected by her information about other tasks. We provide the first discussion on how to design (informed) truthful mechanisms for task-dependent strategies, which allows the agents to report based on all her information on the assigned tasks. We call such stronger mechanisms (informed) omni-truthful. In particular, we propose the joint-disjoint task framework, a new paradigm which builds upon the previous penalty-bonus task framework. First, we show a natural reduction from mechanisms in the penalty-bonus task framework to mechanisms in the joint-disjoint task framework that maps every truthful mechanism to an omni-truthful mechanism. Such a reduction is non-trivial as we show that current penalty-bonus task mechanisms are not, in general, omni-truthful. Second, for a stronger truthful guarantee, we design the matching agreement (MA) mechanism which is informed omni-truthful. Finally, for the MA mechanism in the detail-free setting where no prior knowledge is assumed, we show how many tasks are required to (approximately) retain the truthful guarantees.more » « less
We consider the crowdsourcing setting where, in response to the assigned tasks, agents strategically decide both how much effort to exert (from a continuum) and whether to manipulate their reports. The goal is to design payment mechanisms that (1) satisfy limited liability (all payments are non-negative), (2) reduce the principal’s cost of budget, (3) incentivize effort and (4) incentivize truthful responses. In our framework, the payment mechanism composes a performance measurement, which noisily evaluates agents’ effort based on their reports, and a payment function, which converts the scores output by the performance measurement to payments. Previous literature suggests applying a peer prediction mechanism combined with a linear payment function. This method can achieve either (1), (3) and (4), or (2), (3) and (4) in the binary effort setting. In this paper, we suggest using a rank-order payment function (tournament). Assuming Gaussian noise, we analytically optimize the rank-order payment function, and identify a sufficient statistic, sensitivity, which serves as a metric for optimizing the performance measurements. This helps us obtain (1), (2) and (3) simultaneously. Additionally, we show that adding noise to agents’ scores can preserve the truthfulness of the performance measurements under the non-linear tournament, which gives us all four objectives. Our real-data estimated agent-based model experiments show that our method can greatly reduce the payment of effort elicitation while preserving the truthfulness of the performance measurement. In addition, we empirically evaluate several commonly used performance measurements in terms of their sensitivities and strategic robustness.more » « less