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This paper reports on quasi-elliptic dual-band bandpass filters (BPFs) that were designed for the Filter Student Design Competition of the 2019 European Microwave Week. The proposed lumped-element (LE) BPF concept is based on two dual-band transversal cells and one multi-resonant cell that allow the realization of symmetric and asymmetric dual-band transfer functions shaped by six poles and five transmission zeros. A compact implementation scheme based on LE series resonators is proposed for size compactness and wide spurious free out-of-band response. For proof-of-concept demonstration purposes, a dual-band LE prototype with two passbands centered 1 and 1.5 GHz was designed, manufactured, and measured. It exhibited the following radio frequency measured performance characteristics. Passbands centered at 1.02 and 1.45 GHz, minimum insertion loss levels of 2.0 and 2.7 dB, and bandwidth of 146 and 105 MHz, respectively, for the first and the second passband, and out-of-band rejection >30 dB between 0 and 894 MHz, 1.17–1.34 GHz, and 1.72–6.9 GHz.more » « less
This paper reports on an RF design methodology for acoustic-wave-resonator-(AWR)-based bandpass filters (BPFs) with input-reflectionless behavior in both their passband and stopband regions. The proposed concept is based on acoustic-wave-lumped-element resonators (AWLRs) that are incorporated in series-cascaded reflectionless stages (RLSs). Each RLS comprises a first-order bandpass section-shaped by three impedance inverters and one AWLR-and a first-order resistively-terminated bandstop section-shaped by two impedance inverters and one AWLR-that are designed to exhibit complementary transfer functions. In this manner, an input-reflectionless behavior can be obtained both at the passband and stopband regions of the filter. In addition, the use of AWLRs in the RLSs facilitates the realization of high-quality-factor quasi-elliptic-type transfer functions with fractional bandwidths (FBWs) that are wider than the electromechanical coupling coefficient (kt 2 ) of its constituent AWRs. For proof-of-concept validation purposes, one- and two-state prototypes were manufactured, and measured at 418 MHz using commercially-available surface-acoustic-wave resonators.more » « less