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Creators/Authors contains: "Smith, Kalynda"

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  1. Kombe, D ; Wheeler, A (Ed.)
    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Morton, Terrell (Ed.)
    We examine the intersection of participatory science, social justice, and higher education in the United States to investigate how instructors can teach about social justice and enhance collaborations to work toward enacting social justice. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  3. Training the next generation of diverse drug delivery researchers is critical as there is a myriad of challenges that must be solved in the field. HBCUs have been and will continue to remain key factors in training significant numbers of diverse STEM graduates that enter a talented pool of potential drug delivery researchers. Several factors, both structural and psychosocial, play a role in preparing future African American researchers. In this review, strengths and weaknesses of the HBCU STEM pipeline are examined as well as current partnerships that better position HBCUs to recruit, train, and retain diverse researchers in drug delivery. 
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