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  1. DNA is an incredibly dense storage medium for digital data. However, computing on the stored information is expensive and slow, requiring rounds of sequencing, in silico computation, and DNA synthesis. Prior work on accessing and modifying data using DNA hybridization or enzymatic reactions had limited computation capabilities. Inspired by the computational power of “DNA strand displacement,” we augment DNA storage with “in-memory” molecular computation using strand displacement reactions to algorithmically modify data in a parallel manner. We show programs for binary counting and Turing universal cellular automaton Rule 110, the latter of which is, in principle, capable of implementing any computer algorithm. Information is stored in the nicks of DNA, and a secondary sequence-level encoding allows high-throughput sequencing-based readout. We conducted multiple rounds of computation on 4-bit data registers, as well as random access of data (selective access and erasure). We demonstrate that large strand displacement cascades with 244 distinct strand exchanges (sequential and in parallel) can use naturally occurring DNA sequence from M13 bacteriophage without stringent sequence design, which has the potential to improve the scale of computation and decrease cost. Our work merges DNA storage and DNA computing, setting the foundation of entirely molecular algorithms for parallel manipulation of digital information preserved in DNA.< 
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  2. Understanding the algorithmic behaviors that are in principle realizable in a chemical system is necessary for a rigorous understanding of the design principles of biological regulatory networks. Further, advances in synthetic biology herald the time when we will be able to rationally engineer complex chemical systems and when idealized formal models will become blueprints for engineering. Coupled chemical interactions in a well-mixed solution are commonly formalized as chemical reaction networks (CRNs). However, despite the widespread use of CRNs in the natural sciences, the range of computational behaviors exhibited by CRNs is not well understood. Here, we study the following problem: What functions f : ℝ k → ℝ can be computed by a CRN, in which the CRN eventually produces the correct amount of the “output” molecule, no matter the rate at which reactions proceed? This captures a previously unexplored but very natural class of computations: For example, the reaction X 1 + X 2 → Y can be thought to compute the function y = min ( x 1 , x 2 ). Such a CRN is robust in the sense that it is correct whether its evolution is governed by the standard model of mass-action kinetics, alternatives such as Hill-function or Michaelis-Menten kinetics, or other arbitrary models of chemistry that respect the (fundamentally digital) stoichiometric constraints (what are the reactants and products?). We develop a reachability relation based on a broad notion of “what could happen” if reaction rates can vary arbitrarily over time. Using reachability, we define stable computation analogously to probability 1 computation in distributed computing and connect it with a seemingly stronger notion of rate-independent computation based on convergence in the limit t → ∞ under a wide class of generalized rate laws. Besides the direct mapping of a concentration to a nonnegative analog value, we also consider the “dual-rail representation” that can represent negative values as the difference of two concentrations and allows the composition of CRN modules. We prove that a function is rate-independently computable if and only if it is piecewise linear (with rational coefficients) and continuous (dual-rail representation), or non-negative with discontinuities occurring only when some inputs switch from zero to positive (direct representation). The many contexts where continuous piecewise linear functions are powerful targets for implementation, combined with the systematic construction we develop for computing these functions, demonstrate the potential of rate-independent chemical computation. 
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  3. Chen, Ho-Lin ; Evans, Constantine G. (Ed.)
    Discrete chemical reaction networks formalize the interactions of molecular species in a well-mixed solution as stochastic events. Given their basic mathematical and physical role, the computational power of chemical reaction networks has been widely studied in the molecular programming and distributed computing communities. While for Turing-universal systems there is a universal measure of optimal information encoding based on Kolmogorov complexity, chemical reaction networks are not Turing universal unless error and unbounded molecular counts are permitted. Nonetheless, here we show that the optimal number of reactions to generate a specific count x ∈ ℕ with probability 1 is asymptotically equal to a "space-aware" version of the Kolmogorov complexity of x, defined as K̃s(x) = min_p {|p|/log|p| + log(space(𝒰(p))) : 𝒰(p) = x}, where p is a program for universal Turing machine 𝒰. This version of Kolmogorov complexity incorporates not just the length of the shortest program for generating x, but also the space usage of that program. Probability 1 computation is captured by the standard notion of stable computation from distributed computing, but we limit our consideration to chemical reaction networks obeying a stronger constraint: they "know when they are done" in the sense that they produce a special species to indicate completion. As part of our results, we develop a module for encoding and unpacking any b bits of information via O(b/log{b}) reactions, which is information-theoretically optimal for incompressible information. Our work provides one answer to the question of how succinctly chemical self-organization can be encoded - in the sense of generating precise molecular counts of species as the desired state. 
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  4. Chen, Ho-Lin ; Evans, Constantine G. (Ed.)
    The field of chemical computation attempts to model computational behavior that arises when molecules, typically nucleic acids, are mixed together. By modeling this physical phenomenon at different levels of specificity, different operative computational behavior is observed. Thermodynamic binding networks (TBNs) is a highly abstracted model that focuses on which molecules are bound to each other in a "thermodynamically stable" sense. Stability is measured based only on how many bonds are formed and how many total complexes are in a configuration, without focusing on how molecules are binding or how they became bound. By defocusing on kinetic processes, TBNs attempt to naturally model the long-term behavior of a mixture (i.e., its thermodynamic equilibrium). We study the problem of signal amplification: detecting a small quantity of some molecule and amplifying its signal to something more easily detectable. This problem has natural applications such as disease diagnosis. By focusing on thermodynamically favored outcomes, we seek to design chemical systems that perform the task of signal amplification robustly without relying on kinetic pathways that can be error prone and require highly controlled conditions (e.g., PCR amplification). It might appear that a small change in concentrations can result in only small changes to the thermodynamic equilibrium of a molecular system. However, we show that it is possible to design a TBN that can "exponentially amplify" a signal represented by a single copy of a monomer called the analyte: this TBN has exactly one stable state before adding the analyte and exactly one stable state afterward, and those two states "look very different" from each other. In particular, their difference is exponential in the number of types of molecules and their sizes. The system can be programmed to any desired level of resilience to false positives and false negatives. To prove these results, we introduce new concepts to the TBN model, particularly the notions of a TBN’s entropy gap to describe how unlikely it is to be observed in an undesirable state, and feed-forward TBNs that have a strong upper bound on the number of polymers in a stable configuration. We also show a corresponding negative result: a doubly exponential upper bound, meaning that there is no TBN that can amplify a signal by an amount more than doubly exponential in the number and sizes of different molecules that comprise it. We leave as an open question to close this gap by either proving an exponential upper bound, or giving a construction with a doubly-exponential difference between the stable configurations before and after the analyte is added. Our work informs the fundamental question of how a thermodynamic equilibrium can change as a result of a small change to the system (adding a single molecule copy). While exponential amplification is traditionally viewed as inherently a non-equilibrium phenomenon, we find that in a strong sense exponential amplification can occur at thermodynamic equilibrium as well - where the "effect" (e.g., fluorescence) is exponential in types and complexity of the chemical components. 
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  5. Embedding computation in biochemical environments incompatible with traditional electronics is expected to have a wide-ranging impact in synthetic biology, medicine, nanofabrication, and other fields. Natural biochemical systems are typically modeled by chemical reaction networks (CRNs) which can also be used as a specification language for synthetic chemical computation. In this paper, we identify a syntactically checkable class of CRNs called noncompetitive (NC) whose equilibria are absolutely robust to reaction rates and kinetic rate law, because their behavior is captured solely by their stoichiometric structure. In spite of the inherently parallel nature of chemistry, the robustness property allows for programming as if each reaction applies sequentially. We also present a technique to program NC-CRNs using well-founded deep learning methods, showing a translation procedure from rectified linear unit (ReLU) neural networks to NC-CRNs. In the case of binary weight ReLU networks, our translation procedure is surprisingly tight in the sense that a single bimolecular reaction corresponds to a single ReLU node and vice versa. This compactness argues that neural networks may be a fitting paradigm for programming rate-independent chemical computation. As proof of principle, we demonstrate our scheme with numerical simulations of CRNs translated from neural networks trained on traditional machine learning datasets, as well as tasks better aligned with potential biological applications including virus detection and spatial pattern formation. 
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  6. Lakin, Matthew R. ; Sulc, Petr (Ed.)
    Life is built upon amazingly sophisticated molecular machines whose behavior combines mechanical and chemical action. Engineering of similarly complex nanoscale devices from first principles remains an as yet unrealized goal of bioengineering. In this paper we formalize a simple model of mechanical motion (mechanical linkages) combined with chemical bonding. The model has a natural implementation using DNA with double-stranded rigid links, and single-stranded flexible joints and binding sites. Surprisingly, we show that much of the complex behavior is preserved in an idealized topological model which considers solely the graph connectivity of the linkages. We show a number of artifacts including Boolean logic, catalysts, a fueled motor, and chemo-mechanical coupling, all of which can be understood and reasoned about in the topological model. The variety of achieved behaviors supports the use of topological chemical linkages in understanding and engineering complex molecular behaviors. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
  8. null (Ed.)