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Creators/Authors contains: "Song, Chuliang"

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  1. Ostling, Annette (Ed.)
  2. Abstract

    The history of species immigration can dictate how species interact in local communities, thereby causing historical contingency in community assembly. Since immigration history is rarely known, these historical influences, or priority effects, pose a major challenge in predicting community assembly. Here, we provide a graph‐based, non‐parametric, theoretical framework for understanding the predictability of community assembly as affected by priority effects. To develop this framework, we first show that the diversity of possible priority effects increases super‐exponentially with the number of species. We then point out that, despite this diversity, the consequences of priority effects for multispecies communities can be classified into four basic types, each of which reduces community predictability: alternative stable states, alternative transient paths, compositional cycles and the lack of escapes from compositional cycles to stable states. Using a neural network, we show that this classification of priority effects enables accurate explanation of community predictability, particularly when each species immigrates repeatedly. We also demonstrate the empirical utility of our theoretical framework by applying it to two experimentally derived assembly graphs of algal and ciliate communities. Based on these analyses, we discuss how the framework proposed here can help guide experimental investigation of the predictability of history‐dependent community assembly.

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  3. Abstract

    Intraspecific trait variation (ITV) is a widespread feature of life, but it is an open question how ITV affects between‐species coexistence. Recent theoretical studies have produced contradictory results, with ITV promoting coexistence in some models and undermining coexistence in others. Here we review recent work and propose a new conceptual framework to explain how ITV affects coexistence between two species. We propose that all traits belong to one of two categories: niche traits and hierarchical traits. Niche traits determine an individual's location on a niche axis or trade‐off axis, such that changing an individual's trait makes it perform better in some circumstances and worse in others. Hierarchical traits represent cases where conspecifics with different traits have the same niche, but one performs better under all circumstances, such that there are winners and losers. Our framework makes predictions for how intraspecific variation in each type of trait affects coexistence by altering stabilizing mechanisms and fitness differences. For example, ITV in niche traits generally weakens the stabilizing mechanism, except when it generates a generalist–specialist trade‐off. On the other hand, hierarchical traits tend to impact competitors differently, such that ITV in one species will strengthen the stabilizing mechanism while ITV in the other species will weaken the mechanism. We re‐examine 10 studies on ITV and coexistence, along with four novel models, and show that our framework can explain why ITV promotes coexistence in some models and undermines coexistence in others. Overall, our framework reconciles what were previously considered to be contrasting results and provides both theoretical and empirical directions to study the effect of ITV on species coexistence.

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  4. Abstract

    Resilience is broadly understood as the ability of an ecological system to resist and recover from perturbations acting on species abundances and on the system's structure. However, one of the main problems in assessing resilience is to understand the extent to which measures of recovery and resistance provide complementary information about a system. While recovery from abundance perturbations has a strong tradition under the analysis of dynamical stability, it is unclear whether this same formalism can be used to measure resistance to structural perturbations (e.g. perturbations to model parameters).

    Here, we provide a framework grounded on dynamical and structural stability in Lotka–Volterra systems to link recovery from small perturbations on species abundances (i.e. dynamical indicators) with resistance to parameter perturbations of any magnitude (i.e. structural indicators). We use theoretical and experimental multispecies systems to show that the faster the recovery from abundance perturbations, the higher the resistance to parameter perturbations.

    We first use theoretical systems to show that the return rate along the slowest direction after a small random abundance perturbation (what we call full recovery) is negatively correlated with the largest random parameter perturbation that a system can withstand before losing any species (what we call full resistance). We also show that the return rate along the second fastest direction after a small random abundance perturbation (what we call partial recovery) is negatively correlated with the largest random parameter perturbation that a system can withstand before at most one species survives (what we call partial resistance). Then, we use a dataset of experimental microbial systems to confirm our theoretical expectations and to demonstrate that full and partial components of resilience are complementary.

    Our findings reveal that we can obtain the same level of information about resilience by measuring either a dynamical (i.e. recovery) or a structural (i.e. resistance) indicator. Irrespective of the chosen indicator (dynamical or structural), our results show that we can obtain additional information by separating the indicator into its full and partial components. We believe these results can motivate new theoretical approaches and empirical analyses to increase our understanding about risk in ecological systems.

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