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Creators/Authors contains: "Sun, Liangliang"

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  1. Abstract

    Mass spectrometry (MS)‐based top‐down proteomics (TDP) analysis of histone proteoforms provides critical information about combinatorial post‐translational modifications (PTMs), which is vital for pursuing a better understanding of epigenetic regulation of gene expression. It requires high‐resolution separations of histone proteoforms before MS and tandem MS (MS/MS) analysis. In this work, for the first time, we combined SDS‐PAGE‐based protein fractionation (passively eluting proteins from polyacrylamide gels as intact species for mass spectrometry, PEPPI‐MS) with capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)‐MS/MS for high‐resolution characterization of histone proteoforms. We systematically studied the histone proteoform extraction from SDS‐PAGE gel and follow‐up cleanup as well as CZE‐MS/MS, to determine an optimal procedure. The optimal procedure showed reproducible and high‐resolution separation and characterization of histone proteoforms. SDS‐PAGE separated histone proteins (H1, H2, H3, and H4) based on their molecular weight and CZE provided additional separations of proteoforms of each histone protein based on their electrophoretic mobility, which was affected by PTMs, for example, acetylation and phosphorylation. Using the technique, we identified over 200 histone proteoforms from a commercial calf thymus histone sample with good reproducibility. The orthogonal and high‐resolution separations of SDS‐PAGE and CZE made our technique attractive for the delineation of histone proteoforms extracted from complex biological systems.

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  2. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based top-down characterization of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) is crucial for understanding their functions in biological processes. However, it is technically challenging due to their low solubility in typical MS-compatible buffers. In this work, for the first time, we developed an efficient capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)-tandem MS (MS/MS) method for the top-down proteomics (TDP) of IMPs enriched from mouse brains. Our technique employs a sample buffer containing 30% (v/v) formic acid and 60% (v/v) methanol for solubilizing IMPs and utilizes a separation buffer of 30% (v/v) acetic acid and 30% (v/v) methanol for maintaining the solubility of IMPs during CZE separation. Single-shot CZE-MS/MS identified 51 IMP proteoforms from the mouse brain sample. Coupling size exclusion chromatography (SEC) to CZE-MS/MS enabled the identification of 276 IMP proteoforms from the mouse brain sample containing 1-4 transmembrane domains. This proof-of-concept work demonstrates the high potential of CZE-MS/MS for the large-scale TDP of IMPs. 
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  3. We report femtosecond time-resolved measurements of the McLa!erty rearrangement following the strong-field tunnel ionization of 2-pentanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, and 4,4-dimethyl-2-pentanone. The pump−probe-dependent yields of the McLa!erty product ion are fit to a biexponential function with fast ("100 fs) and slow ("10 ps) time constants, the latter of which is faster for the latter two compounds. Following nearly instantaneous ionization, the fast time scale is associated with rotation of the molecule to a six-membered cyclic intermediate that facilitates transfer of the !-hydrogen, while the "50−100 times longer time scale is associated with a "-bond rearrangement and bond cleavage between the #- and $-carbons to produce the enol cation. These experimental measurements are supported by ab initio molecular dynamics trajectories, which further confirm the time scale of this important stepwise reaction in mass spectrometry. 
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  4. Abstract

    Characterization of histone proteoforms with various post‐translational modifications (PTMs) is critical for a better understanding of functions of histone proteoforms in epigenetic control of gene expression. Mass spectrometry (MS)‐based top‐down proteomics (TDP) is a valuable approach for delineating histone proteoforms because it can provide us with a bird's‐eye view of histone proteoforms carrying diverse combinations of PTMs. Here, we present the first example of coupling capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), and MS for online multi‐dimensional separations of histone proteoforms. Our CZE‐high‐field asymmetric waveform IMS (FAIMS)‐MS/MS platform identified 366 (ProSight PD) and 602 (TopPIC) histone proteoforms from a commercial calf histone sample using a low microgram amount of histone sample as the starting material. CZE‐FAIMS‐MS/MS improved the number of histone proteoform identifications by about 3 folds compared to CZE‐MS/MS alone (without FAIMS). The results indicate that CZE‐FAIMS‐MS/MS could be a useful tool for comprehensive characterization of histone proteoforms with high sensitivity.

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  5. Top-down proteomics of colorectal cancer cells provides proteoform-level knowledge about cancer metastasis. 
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  6. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based spatially resolved top-down proteomics (TDP) of tissues is crucial for understanding the roles played by microenvironmental heterogeneity in the biological functions of organs and for discovering new proteoform biomarkers of diseases. There are few published spatially resolved TDP studies. One of the challenges relates to the limited performance of TDP for the analysis of spatially isolated samples using, for example, laser capture microdissection (LCM) because those samples are usually mass-limited. We present the first pilot study of LCM-capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)-MS/MS for spatially resolved TDP and used zebrafish brain as the sample. The LCM-CZE-MS/MS platform employed a non-ionic detergent and a freeze–thaw method for efficient proteoform extraction from LCM isolated brain sections followed by CZE-MS/MS without any sample cleanup step, ensuring high sensitivity. Over 400 proteoforms were identified in a CZE-MS/MS analysis of one LCM brain section via consuming the protein content of roughly 250 cells. We observed drastic differences in proteoform profiles between two LCM brain sections isolated from the optic tectum (Teo) and telencephalon (Tel) regions. Proteoforms of three proteins (npy, penkb, and pyya) having neuropeptide hormone activity were exclusively identified in the isolated Tel section. Proteoforms of reticulon, myosin, and troponin were almost exclusively identified in the isolated Teo section, and those proteins play essential roles in visual and motor activities. The proteoform profiles accurately reflected the main biological functions of the Teo and Tel regions of the brain. Additionally, hundreds of post-translationally modified proteoforms were identified. 
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