We have measured the angular autocorrelation function of near-infrared galaxies in SERVS + DeepDrill, the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey and its follow-up survey of the Deep Drilling Fields, in three large fields totalling over 20 deg2 on the sky, observed in two bands centred on 3.6 and 4.5 μm. We performed this analysis on the full sample as well as on sources selected by [3.6]–[4.5] colour in order to probe clustering for different redshift regimes. We estimated the spatial correlation strength as well, using the redshift distribution from S-COSMOS with the same source selection. The strongest clustering was found for our bluest subsample, with 〈z〉 ∼ 0.7, which has the narrowest redshift distribution of all our subsamples. We compare these estimates to previous results from the literature, but also to estimates derived from mock samples, selected in the same way as the observational data, using deep light-cones generated from the SHARK semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. For all simulated (sub)samples, we find a slightly steeper slope than for the corresponding observed ones, but the spatial clustering length is comparable in most cases.
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Abstract We present new Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 3.6 and 4.5 μ m mosaics of three fields, E-COSMOS, DEEP2-F3, and ELAIS-N1. Our mosaics include both new IRAC observations as well as reprocessed archival data in these fields. These fields are part of the HSC-Deep grizy survey and have a wealth of additional ancillary data. The addition of these new IRAC mosaics is critical in allowing for improved photometric redshifts and stellar population parameters at cosmic noon and earlier epochs. The total area mapped by this work is ∼17 deg 2 with a mean integration time of ≈1200s, providing a median 5 σ depth of 23.7(23.3) at 3.6(4.5) μ m in AB. We perform SExtractor photometry both on the combined mosaics as well as the single-epoch mosaics taken ≈6 months apart. The resultant IRAC number counts show good agreement with previous studies. In combination with the wealth of existing and upcoming spectrophotometric data in these fields, our IRAC mosaics will enable a wide range of galactic evolution and AGN studies. With that goal in mind, we make the combined IRAC mosaics and coverage maps of these three fields publicly available.more » « less
Abstract We present new JWST NIRSpec integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data for the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 7469, a nearby (70.6 Mpc) active galaxy with a Seyfert 1.5 nucleus that drives a highly ionized gas outflow and a prominent nuclear star-forming ring. Using the superb sensitivity and high spatial resolution of the JWST instrument NIRSpec IFS, we investigate the role of the Seyfert nucleus in the excitation and dynamics of the circumnuclear gas. Our analysis focuses on the [Fe
ii ], H2, and hydrogen recombination lines that trace the radiation/shocked-excited molecular and ionized interstellar medium around the active galactic nucleus (AGN). We investigate gas excitation through H2/Brγ and [Feii ]/Paβ emission line ratios and find that photoionization by the AGN dominates within the central 300 pc of the galaxy except in a small region that shows signatures of shock-heated gas; these shock-heated regions are likely associated with a compact radio jet. In addition, the velocity field and velocity dispersion maps reveal complex gas kinematics. Rotation is the dominant feature, but we also identify noncircular motions consistent with gas inflows as traced by the velocity residuals and the spiral pattern in the Paα velocity dispersion map. The inflow is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the AGN accretion rate. The compact nuclear radio jet has enough power to drive the highly ionized outflow. This scenario suggests that the inflow and outflow are in a self-regulating feeding–feedback process, with a contribution from the radio jet helping to drive the outflow. -
Abstract We present James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) integral field spectroscopy of the nearby luminous infrared galaxy NGC 7469. We take advantage of the high spatial/spectral resolution and wavelength coverage of JWST/NIRSpec to study the 3.3
μ m neutral polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) grain emission on ∼200 pc scales. A clear change in the average grain properties between the star-forming ring and the central AGN is found. Regions in the vicinity of the AGN, with [Neiii ]/[Neii ] > 0.25, tend to have larger grain sizes and lower aliphatic-to-aromatic (3.4/3.3) ratios, indicating that smaller grains are preferentially removed by photodestruction in the vicinity of the AGN. PAH emission at the nucleus is weak and shows a low 11.3/3.3 PAH ratio. We find an overall suppression of the total PAH emission relative to the ionized gas in the central 1 kpc region of the AGN in NGC 7469 compared to what has been observed with Spitzer on 3 kpc scales. However, the fractional 3.3μ m–to–total PAH power is enhanced in the starburst ring, possibly due to a variety of physical effects on subkiloparsec scales, including recurrent fluorescence of small grains or multiple photon absorption by large grains. Finally, the IFU data show that while the 3.3μ m PAH-derived star formation rate (SFR) in the ring is 27% higher than that inferred from the [Neii ] and [Neiii ] emission lines, the integrated SFR derived from the 3.3μ m feature would be underestimated by a factor of 2 due to the deficit of PAHs around the AGN, as might occur if a composite system like NGC 7469 were to be observed at high redshift. -
Abstract We present James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) imaging of NGC 7469 with the Near-Infrared Camera and the Mid-InfraRed Instrument. NGC 7469 is a nearby, z = 0.01627, luminous infrared galaxy that hosts both a Seyfert Type-1.5 nucleus and a circumnuclear starburst ring with a radius of ∼0.5 kpc. The new near-infrared (NIR) JWST imaging reveals 66 star-forming regions, 37 of which were not detected by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations. Twenty-eight of the 37 sources have very red NIR colors that indicate obscurations up to A v ∼ 7 and a contribution of at least 25% from hot dust emission to the 4.4 μ m band. Their NIR colors are also consistent with young (<5 Myr) stellar populations and more than half of them are coincident with the mid-infrared (MIR) emission peaks. These younger, dusty star-forming regions account for ∼6% and ∼17% of the total 1.5 and 4.4 μ m luminosity of the starburst ring, respectively. Thanks to JWST, we find a significant number of young dusty sources that were previously unseen due to dust extinction. The newly identified 28 young sources are a significant increase compared to the number of HST-detected young sources (4–5). This makes the total percentage of the young population rise from ∼15% to 48%. These results illustrate the effectiveness of JWST in identifying and characterizing previously hidden star formation in the densest star-forming environments around active galactic nuclei (AGN).more » « less
Abstract In this work, we publish stellar velocity dispersions, sizes, and dynamical masses for eight ultramassive galaxies (UMGs;
> 11),z ≳ 3) from the Massive Ancient Galaxies Atz > 3 NEar-infrared (MAGAZ3NE) Survey, more than doubling the number of such galaxies with velocity dispersion measurements at this epoch. Using the deep Keck/MOSFIRE and Keck/NIRES spectroscopy of these objects in theH andK bandpasses, we obtain large velocity dispersions of ∼400 km s−1for most of the objects, which are some of the highest stellar velocity dispersions measured and ∼40% larger than those measured for galaxies of similar mass atz ∼ 1.7. The sizes of these objects are also smaller by a factor of 1.5–3 compared to this samez ∼ 1.7 sample. We combine these large velocity dispersions and small sizes to obtain dynamical masses. The dynamical masses are similar to the stellar masses of these galaxies, consistent with a Chabrier initial mass function (IMF). Considered alongside previous studies of massive quiescent galaxies across 0.2 <z < 4.0, there is evidence for an evolution in the relation between the dynamical mass–stellar mass ratio and velocity dispersion as a function of redshift. This implies an IMF with fewer low-mass stars (e.g., Chabrier IMF) for massive quiescent galaxies at higher redshifts in conflict with the bottom-heavy IMF (e.g., Salpeter IMF) found in their likelyz ∼ 0 descendants, though a number of alternative explanations such as a different dynamical structure or significant rotation are not ruled out. Similar to data at lower redshifts, we see evidence for an increase of IMF normalization with velocity dispersion, though thez ≳ 3 trend is steeper than that forz ∼ 0.2 early-type galaxies and offset to lower dynamical-to-stellar mass ratios. -
Abstract We present James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) integral-field spectroscopy of the nearby merging, luminous infrared galaxy, NGC 7469. This galaxy hosts a Seyfert type-1.5 nucleus, a highly ionized outflow, and a bright, circumnuclear star-forming ring, making it an ideal target to study active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback in the local universe. We take advantage of the high spatial/spectral resolution of JWST/MIRI to isolate the star-forming regions surrounding the central active nucleus and study the properties of the dust and warm molecular gas on ∼100 pc scales. The starburst ring exhibits prominent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, with grain sizes and ionization states varying by only ∼30%, and a total star formation rate of 10–30 M ⊙ yr −1 derived from fine structure and recombination emission lines. Using pure rotational lines of H 2 we detect 1.2 × 10 7 M ⊙ of warm molecular gas at a temperature higher than 200 K in the ring. All PAH bands get significantly weaker toward the central source, where larger and possibly more ionized grains dominate the emission, likely the result of the ionizing radiation and/or the fast wind emerging from the AGN. The small grains and warm molecular gas in the bright regions of the ring however display properties consistent with normal star-forming regions. These observations highlight the power of JWST to probe the inner regions of dusty, rapidly evolving galaxies for signatures of feedback and inform models that seek to explain the coevolution of supermassive black holes and their hosts.more » « less
ABSTRACT We calculate H α-based star formation rates and determine the star formation rate–stellar mass relation for members of three Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (SpARCS) clusters at z ∼ 1.6 and serendipitously identified field galaxies at similar redshifts to the clusters. We find similar star formation rates in cluster and field galaxies throughout our range of stellar masses. The results are comparable to those seen in other clusters at similar redshifts, and consistent with our previous photometric evidence for little quenching activity in clusters. One possible explanation for our results is that galaxies in our z ∼ 1.6 clusters have been accreted too recently to show signs of environmental quenching. It is also possible that the clusters are not yet dynamically mature enough to produce important environmental quenching effects shown to be important at low redshift, such as ram-pressure stripping or harassment.more » « less
Abstract We have used the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to obtain the first spatially resolved, mid-infrared images of
IIZw096 , a merging luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) atz = 0.036. Previous observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope suggested that the vast majority of the total IR luminosity (L IR) of the system originated from a small region outside of the two merging nuclei. New observations with JWST/MIRI now allow an accurate measurement of the location and luminosity density of the source that is responsible for the bulk of the IR emission. We estimate that 40%–70% of the IR bolometric luminosity, or 3–5 × 1011L ⊙, arises from a source no larger than 175 pc in radius, suggesting a luminosity density of at least 3–5 × 1012L ⊙kpc−2. In addition, we detect 11 other star-forming sources, five of which were previously unknown. The MIRI F1500W/F560W colors of most of these sources, including the source responsible for the bulk of the far-IR emission, are much redder than the nuclei of local LIRGs. These observations reveal the power of JWST to disentangle the complex regions at the hearts of merging, dusty galaxies. -
Abstract The nearby, luminous infrared galaxy NGC 7469 hosts a Seyfert nucleus with a circumnuclear star-forming ring and is thus the ideal local laboratory for investigating the starburst–AGN (active galactic nucleus) connection in detail. We present integral-field observations of the central 1.3 kpc region in NGC 7469 obtained with the JWST Mid-InfraRed Instrument. Molecular and ionized gas distributions and kinematics at a resolution of ∼100 pc over the 4.9–7.6
μ m region are examined to study the gas dynamics influenced by the central AGN. The low-ionization [Feii ]λ 5.34μ m and [Arii ]λ 6.99μ m lines are bright on the nucleus and in the starburst ring, as opposed to H2S(5)λ 6.91μ m, which is strongly peaked at the center and surrounding ISM. The high-ionization [Mgv ] line is resolved and shows a broad, blueshifted component associated with the outflow. It has a nearly face-on geometry that is strongly peaked on the nucleus, where it reaches a maximum velocity of −650 km s−1, and extends about 400 pc to the east. Regions of enhanced velocity dispersion in H2and [Feii ] ∼ 180 pc from the AGN that also show highL (H2)/L (PAH) andL ([Feii ])/L (Pfα ) ratios to the W and N of the nucleus pinpoint regions where the ionized outflow is depositing energy, via shocks, into the dense interstellar medium between the nucleus and the starburst ring. These resolved mid-infrared observations of the nuclear gas dynamics demonstrate the power of JWST and its high-sensitivity integral-field spectroscopic capability to resolve feedback processes around supermassive black holes in the dusty cores of nearby luminous infrared galaxies.