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Creators/Authors contains: "Tang, Chuanbing"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available January 28, 2026
  2. Multimaterial heterostructures have led to characteristics surpassing the individual components. Nature controls the architecture and placement of multiple materials through biomineralization of nanoparticles (NPs); however, synthetic heterostructure formation remains limited and generally departs from the elegance of self-assembly. Here, a class of block polymer structure-directing agents (SDAs) are developed containing repeat units capable of persistent (covalent) NP interactions that enable the direct fabrication of nanoscale porous heterostructures, where a single material is localized at the pore surface as a continuous layer. This SDA binding motif (design rule 1) enables sequence-controlled heterostructures, where the composition profile and interfaces correspond to the synthetic addition order. This approach is generalized with 5 material sequences using an SDA with only persistent SDA-NP interactions (“P-NP1−NP2”; NPi = TiO2, Nb2O5, ZrO2). Expanding these polymer SDA design guidelines, it is shown that the combination of both persistent and dynamic (noncovalent) SDA-NP interactions (“PD-NP1−NP2”) improves the production of uniform interconnected porosity (design rule 2). The resulting competitive binding between two segments of the SDA (P- vs D-) requires additional time for the first NP type (NP1) to reach and covalently attach to the SDA (design rule 3). The combination of these three design rules enables the direct self-assembly of heterostructures that localize a single material at the pore surface while preserving continuous porosity. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 6, 2025
  3. Lignin is a renewable feedstock that is abundant and inexpensive but still presents challenges for its valorization. In this work, we converted functionalized lignin into broad-spectrum adhesives using thiol–silyl ether crosslinkers. The curing behavior of adhesives was investigated via rheology of their resin forms. These materials exhibit good adhesion on diverse substrates, including wood, glass, steel, aluminium, carbon fiber, and different plastics, with the most adhesion strength in the range of 1–3 MPa. These adhesives were also explored for applications, ranging from wet conditions to different mechanically responsive materials. The mechanism of adhesion was further examined to understand the bonding process. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 30, 2025
  4. Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025