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Creators/Authors contains: "Tian, Zhenhua"

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  1. Robotic manipulation of small objects has shown great potential for engineering, biology, and chemistry research. However, existing robotic platforms have difficulty in achieving contactless, high-resolution, 4-degrees-of-freedom (4-DOF) manipulation of small objects, and noninvasive maneuvering of objects in regions shielded by tissue and bone barriers. Here, we present chirality-tunable acoustic vortex tweezers that can tune acoustic vortex chirality, transmit through biological barriers, trap single micro- to millimeter-sized objects, and control object rotation. Assisted by programmable robots, our acoustic systems further enable contactless, high-resolution translation of single objects. Our systems were demonstrated by tuning acoustic vortex chirality, controlling object rotation, and translating objects along arbitrary-shaped paths. Moreover, we used our systems to trap single objects in regions with tissue and skull barriers and translate an object inside a Y-shaped channel of a thick biomimetic phantom. In addition, we showed the function of ultrasound imaging–assisted acoustic manipulation by monitoring acoustic object manipulation via live ultrasound imaging. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 24, 2025
  2. Rizzo, Piervincenzo ; Su, Zhongqing ; Ricci, Fabrizio ; Peters, Kara J (Ed.)
    Anisotropic collagen-based biomaterials have gained significant attention in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. They have shown great potential for wound dressing, corneal grafting, and exploring the mechanism of cancer cell invasion. Various external physical field-based methods for the fabrication of anisotropic collagen-based biomaterials have been developed, including electrospinning, microfluidic shearing, mechanical loading, and so on. In this study, we put forward an acoustic streaming-based method that uses acoustic wave-induced fluid streaming to control collagen self-assembly and fiber arrangement. Our acoustic device leverages a piezoelectric transducer to generate traveling acoustic waves in fluids, and the wave-fluid interaction further induces fluid streaming, known as acoustic streaming. If the fluid contains collagen macromolecules, the acoustic streaming is able to affect the collagen self-assembly process to create biomaterials containing directionally arranged collagen fibers along the streaming velocity direction. Therefore, this acoustic streaming-based method allows for manufacturing collagen hydrogel layers that contain acoustically arranged collagen fibers and have controlled anisotropic material properties. We performed a series of proof-of-concept experiments by using a fabricated acoustic device to control the self-assembly process of collagens loaded in a Petri dish. Our results show the effectiveness of arranging collagen fibers that follow the flow direction of acoustic streaming. To better understand the collagen manipulation mechanism, we used particle image velocimetry to characterize the acoustic wave-induced fluid streaming. We expect this study can contribute to the fabrication of collagen-based anisotropic biomaterials for biomedical applications. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 9, 2025
  3. aser Doppler vibrometry and wavefield analysis have recently shown great potential for nondestructive evaluation, structural health monitoring, and studying wave physics. However, there are limited studies on these approaches for viscoelastic soft materials, especially, very few studies on the laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV)-based acquisition of time–space wavefields of dispersive shear waves in viscoelastic materials and the analysis of these wavefields for characterizing shear wave dispersion and evaluating local viscoelastic property distributions. Therefore, this research focuses on developing a piezo stack-LDV system and shear wave time–space wavefield analysis methods for enabling the functions of characterizing the shear wave dispersion and the distributions of local viscoelastic material properties. Our system leverages a piezo stack to generate shear waves in viscoelastic materials and an LDV to acquire time–space wavefields. We introduced space-frequency-wavenumber analysis and least square regression-based dispersion comparison to analyze shear wave time–space wavefields and offer functions including extracting shear wave dispersion relations from wavefields and characterizing the spatial distributions of local wavenumbers and viscoelastic properties (e.g., shear elasticity and viscosity). Proof-of-concept experiments were performed using a synthetic gelatin phantom. The results show that our system can successfully generate shear waves and acquire time–space wavefields. They also prove that our wavefield analysis methods can reveal the shear wave dispersion relation and show the spatial distributions of local wavenumbers and viscoelastic properties. We expect this research to benefit engineering and biomedical research communities and inspire researchers interested in developing shear wave-based technologies for characterizing viscoelastic materials. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Tweezers based on optical, electric, magnetic, and acoustic fields have shown great potential for contactless object manipulation. However, current tweezers designed for manipulating millimeter‐sized objects such as droplets, particles, and small animals exhibit limitations in translation resolution, range, and path complexity. Here, a novel acoustic vortex tweezers system is introduced, which leverages a unique airborne acoustic vortex end effector integrated with a three‐degree‐of‐freedom (DoF) linear motion stage, for enabling contactless, multi‐mode, programmable manipulation of millimeter‐sized objects. The acoustic vortex end effector utilizes a cascaded circular acoustic array, which is portable and battery‐powered, to generate an acoustic vortex with a ring‐shaped energy pattern. The vortex applies acoustic radiation forces to trap and spin an object at its center, simultaneously protecting this object by repelling other materials away with its high‐energy ring. Moreover, The vortex tweezers system facilitates contactless, multi‐mode, programmable object surfing, as demonstrated in experiments involving trapping, repelling, and spinning particles, translating particles along complex paths, guiding particles around barriers, translating and rotating droplets containing zebrafish larvae, and merging droplets. With these capabilities, It is anticipated that the tweezers system will become a valuable tool for the automated, contactless handling of droplets, particles, and bio‐samples in biomedical and biochemical research.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 22, 2025
  5. Abstract

    Characterizing the mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials is critical in biomedical applications such as detecting breast cancer, skin diseases, myocardial diseases, and hepatic fibrosis. Current methods lack the consideration of dispersion curves that depend on material properties and shear wave frequency. This paper presents a novel method that combines noncontact shear wave sensing and dispersion analysis to characterize the mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials. Our shear wave sensing system uses a piezoelectric stack (PZT stack) to generate shear waves and a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) integrated with a 3D robotic stage to acquire time-space wavefields. Next, an inverse method is employed for the wavefield analysis. This method leverages multi-dimensional Fourier transform and frequency-wavenumber dispersion curve regression. Through proof-of-concept experiments, our sensing system successfully generated shear waves and acquired its timespace wavefield in a customized viscoelastic phantom. After dispersion curve analysis, we successfully characterized two material properties (shear elasticity and shear viscosity) and measured shear wave velocities at different frequencies.

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  6. Abstract

    The addition of surface acoustic wave (SAW) technologies to microfluidics has greatly advanced lab-on-a-chip applications due to their unique and powerful attributes, including high-precision manipulation, versatility, integrability, biocompatibility, contactless nature, and rapid actuation. However, the development of SAW microfluidic devices is limited by complex and time-consuming micro/nanofabrication techniques and access to cleanroom facilities for multistep photolithography and vacuum-based processing. To simplify the fabrication of SAW microfluidic devices with customizable dimensions and functions, we utilized the additive manufacturing technique of aerosol jet printing. We successfully fabricated customized SAW microfluidic devices of varying materials, including silver nanowires, graphene, and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS). To characterize and compare the acoustic actuation performance of these aerosol jet printed SAW microfluidic devices with their cleanroom-fabricated counterparts, the wave displacements and resonant frequencies of the different fabricated devices were directly measured through scanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Finally, to exhibit the capability of the aerosol jet printed devices for lab-on-a-chip applications, we successfully conducted acoustic streaming and particle concentration experiments. Overall, we demonstrated a novel solution-based, direct-write, single-step, cleanroom-free additive manufacturing technique to rapidly develop SAW microfluidic devices that shows viability for applications in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, and medicine.

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  7. sEV subpopulations and nanoparticles are directly fractionated via acoustic virtual wave-pillars without any sample preprocessing. 
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