Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a single genotype to produce different phenotypes under different environmental conditions, plays a profound role in several areas of evolutionary biology. One important role is as an adaptation to a variable environment. While plasticity is extremely well documented in response to many environmental factors, there is controversy over how much of that plasticity is adaptive. Evidence is also mixed over how often conspecific populations display qualitative differences in the nature of plasticity. We present data on the reaction norms of growth and maturation to variation in temperature and salinity in male and female sailfin mollies (
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Abstract Poecilia latipinna ) from three locally adjacent populations from South Carolina (SC). We compare these reaction norms to those previously reported in locally adjacent populations from north Florida (NF). In general, patterns of plasticity in fish from SC were similar to those in fish from NF. The magnitude of plasticity differed; fish from SC displayed less plasticity than fish from NF. This was because SC fish grew faster and matured earlier at the lower temperatures and salinities compared to NF fish. This is a countergradient pattern of variation, in which SC fish grew faster and matured earlier in conditions that would otherwise slow growth and delay maturity. Among fish from both regions, males were much less plastic than females, especially for length at maturity. While there was no detectable heterogeneity among populations from NF, males from one of the SC populations, which is furthest from the other two, displayed a qualitatively different response in age at maturity to temperature variation than did males from the other two SC populations. The pattern of population variation in plasticity within and among regions suggests that gene flow, which diminishes with distance in sailfin mollies, plays a critical role in constraining divergence in norms of reaction. -
Abstract The viviparity-driven conflict hypothesis postulates that the evolution of matrotrophy (postfertilization maternal provisioning) will result in a shift from a pre- to postcopulatory mate choice and thus accelerate the evolution of postcopulatory reproductive isolation. Here, we perform artificial insemination experiments on Heterandria formosa, a matrotrophic poeciliid fish, to probe for evidence of postcopulatory female choice. We established laboratory populations from Wacissa River (WR) and Lake Jackson (LJ). The WR females normally produce larger offspring than the LJ females. We artificially inseminated females with sperm from each population or from both populations simultaneously. When LJ females were inseminated with sperm from WR and LJ males, they allocated fewer resources to WR-sired offspring than when they were inseminated with WR sperm alone. The LJ females carrying developing offspring sired by males from different populations were thus able to discriminate against non-resident males when allocating resources to developing young. The WR females, which normally produce larger offspring than LJ females, did not discriminate among males from different localities. These findings provide insights into the ability of females from one population to exercise a form of postcopulatory mate selection.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 10, 2025 -
Density-dependent selection, which promotes contrasting patterns of trait means at different population densities, has a long history in population genetics and ecology. The unifying principle from theory is that density-dependent selection operates on phenotypic traits whose values counter the effects of whatever ecological agent is limiting population growth, be it resource competition, predators, or pathogens. However, the complexity inherent in density dependence means that the same selective process can generate multiple outcomes, depending upon the details of how population density affects vital rates and the age or size structure of a population. Failure to appreciate the potential for multiple outcomes confounded many early studies of the process. Nonetheless, careful empirical work in laboratory studies, long-term field studies, and studies of sexual selection demonstrates the wide reach of density-dependent selection. The inconsistent outcomes observed in these studies call for renewed research into how the details of density dependence channel adaptive responses.
In structured populations, persistence under environmental change may be particularly threatened when abiotic factors simultaneously negatively affect survival and reproduction of several life cycle stages, as opposed to a single stage. Such effects can then be exacerbated when species interactions generate reciprocal feedbacks between the demographic rates of the different species. Despite the importance of such demographic feedbacks, forecasts that account for them are limited as individual-based data on interacting species are perceived to be essential for such mechanistic forecasting—but are rarely available. Here, we first review the current shortcomings in assessing demographic feedbacks in population and community dynamics. We then present an overview of advances in statistical tools that provide an opportunity to leverage population-level data on abundances of multiple species to infer stage-specific demography. Lastly, we showcase a state-of-the-art Bayesian method to infer and project stage-specific survival and reproduction for several interacting species in a Mediterranean shrub community. This case study shows that climate change threatens populations most strongly by changing the interaction effects of conspecific and heterospecific neighbours on both juvenile and adult survival. Thus, the repurposing of multi-species abundance data for mechanistic forecasting can substantially improve our understanding of emerging threats on biodiversity.more » « less