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Creators/Authors contains: "Treseder, Kathleen K"

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  1. There is a knowledge gap surrounding how drought and wildfire, two increasingly frequent disturbances, will alter soil fungal communities. Moreover, studies that directly compare ambient and drought-treated soil fungal communities in the context of wildfire are exceptionally scarce. We assessed the response and recovery of soil fungal communities and functional guilds in two sites – a grassland and a coastal sage shrubland – after a severe wildfire burned a long-term drought experiment. We collected soil samples at four collection dates over an eight-month period after wildfire and amplified fungal DNA. We predicted that fungal communities within the drought and ambient treatments would differ significantly across collection dates owing to differing responses to post-wildfire conditions. Richness was stable across collection dates, regardless of precipitation treatment, in both sites. Differences between treatments were significant at every collection date with respect to taxonomical community composition. Differences in community composition between collection dates within each treatment were also significant. Additionally, the monotonic trends of drought and ambient communities over time differed in strength and direction. Differences in shrubland functional guild composition across collection dates and contrasting trends suggest a drought-dependent shift after the fire. Overall, we conclude that drought mediates how soil fungal communities respond after a wildfire in the long term, however drought effects may differ across ecosystems. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. Summary

    It has been proposed that ectomycorrhizal fungi can reduce decomposition while arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi may enhance it. These phenomena are known as the ‘Gadgil effect’ and ‘priming effect’, respectively. However, it is unclear which one predominates globally.

    We evaluated whether mycorrhizal fungi decrease or increase decomposition, and identified conditions that mediate this effect. We obtained decomposition data from 43 studies (97 trials) conducted in field or laboratory settings that controlled the access of mycorrhizal fungi to substrates colonized by saprotrophs.

    Across studies, mycorrhizal fungi promoted decomposition of different substrates by 6.7% overall by favoring the priming effect over the Gadgil effect. However, we observed significant variation among studies. The substrate C : N ratio and absolute latitude influenced the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on decomposition and contributed to the variation. Specifically, mycorrhizal fungi increased decomposition at low substrate C : N and absolute latitude, but there was no discernable effect at high values. Unexpectedly, the effect of mycorrhizal fungi was not influenced by the mycorrhizal type.

    Our findings challenge previous assumptions about the universality of the Gadgil effect but highlight the potential of mycorrhizal fungi to negatively influence soil carbon storage by promoting the priming effect.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  3. In the U.S., navigating STEM with marginalized identities can affect scientists' communication practices. There is a critical need for science communication training that accounts for the historical oppressions, discriminations, and inequities of marginalized communities. In this paper we analyzed 712 participant responses from ReclaimingSTEM science communication workshops to understand how marginalized scientists' identities influence their science communication practices. We found that participants' experiences of exclusion and hostility in STEM spaces influenced their engagement in science communication. Scientists from marginalized backgrounds aim to change the culture of STEM through their communication efforts to promote a sense of belonging for their communities.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 3, 2025
  4. Abstract

    I asked whether Grime's triangle of competitive, stress tolerance and ruderal ecological strategies—which was originally developed for plants—applies to microbes.

    I conducted a synthesis of empirical studies that tested relationships among microbial traits presumed to define the competitive, stress tolerance and ruderal, and other ecological strategies.

    There was broad support for Grime's triangle. However, the ecological strategies were inconsistently linked to shifts in microbial communities under environmental changes like nitrogen and phosphorus addition, warming, drought, etc. We may be missing important ecological strategies that more closely influence microbial community composition under shifting environmental conditions.

    We may need to start by documenting changes in microbial communities in response to environmental conditions at fine spatiotemporal scales relevant for microbes. We can then develop empirically based ecological strategies, rather than modifying those based on plant ecology.

    Synthesis. Microbes appear to sort into similar ecological strategies as plants. However, these microbial ecological strategies do not consistently predict how community composition will shift under environmental change. By starting ‘from the ground up’, we may be able to delineate ecological strategies more relevant for microbes.

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  5. Abstract

    Climate change is affecting fungal communities and their function in terrestrial ecosystems. Despite making progress in the understanding of how the fungal community responds to global change drivers in natural ecosystems, little is known on how fungi respond at the species level. Understanding how fungal species respond to global change drivers, such as warming, is critical, as it could reveal adaptation pathways to help us to better understand ecosystem functioning in response to global change. Here, we present a model study to track species-level responses of fungi to warming—and associated drying—in a decade-long global change field experiment; we focused on two free-living saprotrophic fungi which were found in high abundance in our site, Mortierella and Penicillium. Using microbiological isolation techniques, combined with whole genome sequencing of fungal isolates, and community level metatranscriptomics, we investigated transcription-level differences of functional categories and specific genes involved in catabolic processes, cell homeostasis, cell morphogenesis, DNA regulation and organization, and protein biosynthesis. We found that transcription-level responses were mostly species-specific but that under warming, both fungi consistently invested in the transcription of critical genes involved in catabolic processes, cell morphogenesis, and protein biosynthesis, likely allowing them to withstand a decade of chronic stress. Overall, our work supports the idea that fungi that invest in maintaining their catabolic rates and processes while growing and protecting their cells may survive under global climate change.

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  6. The dominant U.S. cultural norms shape science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and in turn, these norms shape science communication, further perpetuating oppressive systems. Despite being a core scientific skill, science communication research and practice lack inclusive training spaces that center marginalized identities. We address this need with a healing-centered counterspace grounded in the key principles of inclusive science communication: ReclaimingSTEM. ReclaimingSTEM is a science communication and science policy training space that centers the experiences, needs, and wants of people from marginalized communities. ReclaimingSTEM problematizes and expands the definitions of “what counts” as science communication. We organize ReclaimingSTEM with intentionality, emphasizing inclusion at every part of the process. Since initiating in 2018, five ReclaimingSTEM workshops have been held in multiple locations, both in-person and virtually, reaching more than 700 participants from all over the globe. In this paper, we share our model for ReclaimingSTEM, reflections of workshop participants and speakers, barriers faced during organizing, and recommendations for creating truly inclusive practices in science communication spaces.

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  7. Yue, Bi-Song (Ed.)

    Global declines in bird and arthropod abundance highlights the importance of understanding the role of food limitation and arthropod community composition for the performance of insectivorous birds. In this study, we link data on nestling diet, arthropod availability and nesting performance for the Coastal Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis), an at-risk insectivorous bird native to coastal southern California and Baja Mexico. We used DNA metabarcoding to characterize nestling diets and monitored 8 bird territories over two years to assess the relationship between arthropod and vegetation community composition and bird reproductive success. We document a discordance between consumed prey and arthropod biomass within nesting territories, in which Diptera and Lepidoptera were the most frequently consumed prey taxa but were relatively rare in the environment. In contrast other Orders (e.g., Hemiptera, Hymenoptera)were abundant in the environment but were absent from nestling diets. Accordingly, variation in bird reproductive success among territories was positively related to the relative abundance of Lepidoptera (but not Diptera), which were most abundant on 2 shrub species (Eriogonum fasciculatum,Sambucus nigra)of the 9 habitat elements characterized (8 dominant plant species and bare ground). Bird reproductive success was in turn negatively related to two invasive arthropods whose abundance was not associated with preferred bird prey, but instead possibly acted through harassment (Linepithema humile; Argentine ants) and parasite transmission or low nutritional quality (Armadillidium vulgare; pill-bug). These results demonstrate how multiple aspects of arthropod community structure can influence bird performance through complementary mechanisms, and the importance of managing for arthropods in bird conservation efforts.

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