Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology is an emerging field of seismic sensing that enables recording ambient noise seismic data along the entire length of a fiber-optic cable at meter-scale resolution. Such a dense spatial resolution of recordings over long distances has not been possible using traditional methods because of limited hardware resources and logistical concerns in an urban environment. The low spatial resolution of traditional passive seismic acquisition techniques has limited the accuracy of the previously generated velocity profiles in many important urban regions, including the Reno-area basin, to the top 100 m of the underlying subsurface. Applying the method of seismic interferometry to ambient noise strain rate data obtained from a dark-fiber cable allows for generating noise cross correlations, which can be used to infer shallow and deep subsurface properties and basin geometry. We gathered DAS ambient noise seismic data for this study using a 12 km portion of a dark-fiber line in Reno, Nevada. We used gathered data to generate and invert dispersion curves to estimate the near-surface shear-wave velocity structure. Comparing the generated velocity profiles with previous regional studies shows good agreement in determining the average depth to bedrock and velocity variations in the analyzed domain. A synthetic experiment is also performed to verify the proposed framework further and better understand the effect of the infrastructural cover along the cable. The results obtained from this research provide insight into the application of DAS using dark-fiber lines in subsurface characterization in urban environments. It also discusses the potential effects of the conduit that covers such permanent fiber installations on the produced inversion results.
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ABSTRACT Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025 -
Modern forest management generally relies on thinning treatments to reduce fuels and mitigate the threat of catastrophic wildfire. They have also been proposed as a tool to augment downstream flows by reducing evapotranspiration. Warming climates are causing many forests to transition from snow-dominated to rain-dominated precipitation regimes—in which water stores are depleted earlier in the summer. However, there are relatively few studies of these systems that directly measure the hydrologic impacts of such treatments during and following snow-free winters. This work compares the below-canopy meteorological and subsurface hydrologic differences between two thinning prescriptions and an unaltered Control during periods of extreme drought and near-record precipitation (with little snow). The field site was within a coniferous forest in the rain-snow transition zone of the southern Cascades, near the Sierra Nevada Range of California. Both thinning-prescriptions had a modest and predictable impact on below-canopy meteorology, which included their causing lower nighttime minimum temperatures in the critical summer months and higher wind speeds. Relative to the Control, both treatments affected soil moisture storage by delaying its annual decline and increasing its minimum value by the end of the season. The onset of soil moisture depletion was strongly tied to the magnitude of winter precipitation. In dry years, it began much earlier within the dense Control stand than in the treated ones, and, without snow, soil moisture was not replenished in the late spring. During high precipitation years, the storage capacity was topped off for all three stands, which resulted in similar timing of moisture decline across them, later in the season. The two thinning prescriptions increased stores through the height of summer (in wet and drought years). Finally, the basal area increment (BAI) of the remaining trees rose in both, suggesting they used the excess moisture to support rapid growth.more » « less
Abstract West Antarctic ice-shelf thinning is primarily caused by ocean-driven basal melting. Here we assess ocean variability below Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) and reveal the importance of local ocean circulation and sea-ice. Measurements obtained from two sub-ice-shelf moorings, spanning January 2020 to March 2021, show warming of the ice-shelf cavity and an increase in meltwater fraction of the upper sub-ice layer. Combined with ocean modelling results, our observations suggest that meltwater from Pine Island Ice Shelf feeds into the TEIS cavity, adding to horizontal heat transport there. We propose that a weakening of the Pine Island Bay gyre caused by prolonged sea-ice cover from April 2020 to March 2021 allowed meltwater-enriched waters to enter the TEIS cavity, which increased the temperature of the upper layer. Our study highlights the sensitivity of ocean circulation beneath ice shelves to local atmosphere-sea-ice-ocean forcing in neighbouring open oceans.more » « less
Abstract At the inaugural Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico in the summer of 2022, the Hydrology Section organized a poster session and invited our 2020 and 2021 Classes of AGU Fellows, with the initial goal of both celebrating their careers as well as to provide an opportunity for an informal exchange and connection between the section's early career members and our more senior and established scientists and engineers. Due to the challenges of time zones, virtual poster presentations and other logistics, the formal poster session was adjourned but continued as a hybrid “meet‐up” with six of our Section's Fellows (Suzanne Anderson, Paul Brooks, Aaron Packman, Remko Uijlenhoet, Andrew Western, and Xubin Zeng) from around the world. As you will see, what started as an informal chat quickly took deep dives into pressing issues in our section and science in general, including thoughts on how our community values (or in some cases doesn't value) multi‐ and interdisciplinary accomplishments, critiques of our system of rewards and awards including how we assess publication impacts and finally, a frank and honest discussion of our current efforts to diversify our community and where/why are we still failing. We hope that by sharing this open and impromptu dialogue that these discussions can expand to our entire community, and to encourage future Fellows exchanges such as this to reach our entire community of scientists and engineers.