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Creators/Authors contains: "Vilsen, Bente"

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  1. Na+,K+-ATPase actively extrudes three cytoplasmic Na+ ions in exchange for two extracellular K+ ions for each ATP hydrolyzed. The atomic structure with bound Na+ identifies three Na+ sites, named I, II, and III. It has been proposed that site III is the first to be occupied and site II last, when Na+ binds from the cytoplasmic side. It is usually assumed that the occupation of all three Na+ sites is obligatory for the activation of phosphoryl transfer from ATP. To obtain more insight into the individual roles of the ion-binding sites, we have analyzed a series of seven mutants with substitution of the critical ion-binding residue Ser777, which is a shared ligand between Na+ sites I and III. Surprisingly, mutants with large and bulky substituents expected to prevent or profoundly disturb Na+ access to sites I and III retain the ability to form a phosphoenzyme from ATP, even with increased apparent Na+ affinity. This indicates that Na+ binding solely at site II is sufficient to promote phosphorylation. These mutations appear to lock the membrane sector into an E1-like configuration, allowing Na+ but not K+ to bind at site II, while the cytoplasmic sector undergoes conformational changes uncoupled from the membrane sector.

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  2. The essential transmembrane Na+ and K+ gradients in animal cells are established by the Na+/K+ pump, a P-type ATPase that exports three Na+ and imports two K+ per ATP hydrolyzed. The mechanism by which the Na+/K+ pump distinguishes between Na+ and K+ at the two membrane sides is poorly understood. Crystal structures identify two sites (sites I and II) that bind Na+ or K+ and a third (site III) specific for Na+. The side chain of a conserved tyrosine at site III of the catalytic α-subunit (Xenopus-α1 Y780) has been proposed to contribute to Na+ binding by cation–π interaction. We substituted Y780 with natural and unnatural amino acids, expressed the mutants in Xenopus oocytes and COS-1 cells, and used electrophysiology and biochemistry to evaluate their function. Substitutions disrupting H-bonds impaired Na+ interaction, while Y780Q strengthened it, likely by H-bond formation. Utilizing the non-sense suppression method previously used to incorporate unnatural derivatives in ion channels, we were able to analyze Na+/K+ pumps with fluorinated tyrosine or phenylalanine derivatives inserted at position 780 to diminish cation–π interaction strength. In line with the results of the analysis of mutants with natural amino acid substitutions, the results with the fluorinated derivatives indicate that Na+–π interaction with the phenol ring at position 780 contributes minimally, if at all, to the binding of Na+. All Y780 substitutions decreased K+ apparent affinity, highlighting that a state-dependent H-bond network is essential for the selectivity switch at sites I and II when the pump changes conformational state.

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  3. Abstract

    Three Na+sites are defined in the Na+-bound crystal structure of Na+, K+-ATPase. Sites I and II overlap with two K+sites in the K+-bound structure, whereas site III is unique and Na+specific. A glutamine in transmembrane helix M8 (Q925) appears from the crystal structures to coordinate Na+at site III, but does not contribute to K+coordination at sites I and II. Here we address the functional role of Q925 in the various conformational states of Na+, K+-ATPase by examining the mutants Q925A/G/E/N/L/I/Y. We characterized these mutants both enzymatically and electrophysiologically, thereby revealing their Na+and K+binding properties. Remarkably, Q925 substitutions had minor effects on Na+binding from the intracellular side of the membrane – in fact, mutations Q925A and Q925G increased the apparent Na+affinity – but caused dramatic reductions of the binding of K+as well as Na+from the extracellular side of the membrane. These results provide insight into the changes taking place in the Na+-binding sites, when they are transformed from intracellular- to extracellular-facing orientation in relation to the ion translocation process, and demonstrate the interaction between sites III and I and a possible gating function of Q925 in the release of Na+at the extracellular side.

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