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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a key approach toward more data-efficient machine learning by jointly leverage both labeled and unlabeled data. We propose AlphaMatch, an efficient SSL method that leverages data augmentations, by efficiently enforcing the label consistency between the data points and the augmented data derived from them. Our key technical contribution lies on: 1) using alpha-divergence to prioritize the regularization on data with high confidence, achieving a similar effect as FixMatch but in a more flexible fashion, and 2) proposing an optimization-based, EM-like algorithm to enforce the consistency, which enjoys better convergence than iterative regularization procedures used in recent SSL methods such as FixMatch, UDA, and MixMatch. AlphaMatch is simple and easy to implement, and consistently outperforms prior arts on standard benchmarks, e.g. CIFAR-10, SVHN, CIFAR-100, STL-10. Specifically, we achieve 91.3 data per class, substantially improving over the previously best 88.7 achieved by FixMatch.more » « less
Data augmentation (DA) is an essential technique for training state-of-the-art deep learning systems. In this paper, we empirically show that the standard data augmentation methods may introduce distribution shift and consequently hurt the performance on unaugmented data during inference. To alleviate this issue, we propose a simple yet effective approach, dubbed KeepAugment, to increase the fidelity of augmented images. The idea is to use the saliency map to detect important regions on the original images and preserve these informative regions during augmentation. This information-preserving strategy allows us to generate more faithful training examples. Empirically, we demonstrate that our method significantly improves upon a number of prior art data augmentation schemes, e.g. AutoAugment, Cutout, random erasing, achieving promising results on image classification, semi-supervised image classification, multi-view multi-camera tracking and object detection.more » « less
Diversification has been shown to be a powerful mechanism for learning robust models in non- convex settings. A notable example is learning mixture models, in which enforcing diversity between the different mixture components allows us to prevent the model collapsing phenomenon and capture more patterns from the observed data. In this work, we present a variational approach for diversity-promoting learning, which leverages the entropy functional as a natural mechanism for enforcing diversity. We develop a simple and efficient functional gradient-based algorithm for optimizing the variational objective function, which provides a significant generalization of Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD). We test our method on various challenging real world problems, including deep embedded clustering and deep anomaly detection. Empirical results show that our method provides an effective mechanism for diversity-promoting learning, achieving substantial improvement over existing methods.more » « less
We develop a progressive training approach for neural networks which adaptively grows the network structure by splitting existing neurons to multiple off-springs. By leveraging a functional steepest descent idea, we derive a simple criterion for deciding the best subset of neurons to split and a splitting gradient for optimally updating the off-springs. Theoretically, our splitting strategy is a second-order functional steepest descent for escaping saddle points in an infty-Wasserstein metric space, on which the standard parametric gradient descent is a first-order steepest descent. Our method provides a new computationally efficient approach for optimizing neural network structures, especially for learning lightweight neural architectures in resource-constrained settings.more » « less
Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) is a particle-based inference algorithm that leverages gradient information for efficient approximate inference. In this work, we enhance SVGD by leveraging preconditioning matrices, such as the Hessian and Fisher information matrix, to incorporate geometric information into SVGD updates. We achieve this by presenting a generalization of SVGD that replaces the scalar-valued kernels in vanilla SVGD with more general matrix-valued kernels. This yields a significant extension of SVGD, and more importantly, allows us to flexibly incorporate various preconditioning matrices to accelerate the exploration in the probability landscape. Empirical results show that our method outperforms vanilla SVGD and a variety of baseline approaches over a range of real-world Bayesian inference tasks.more » « less