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Creators/Authors contains: "Wang, Xiuling"

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  1. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as powerful tools for processing graph-structured data, enabling applications in various domains. Yet, GNNs are vulnerable to model extraction attacks, imposing risks to intellectual property. To mitigate model extraction attacks, model ownership verification is considered an effective method. However, throughout a series of empirical studies, we found that the existing GNN ownership verification methods either mandate unrealistic conditions or present unsatisfactory accuracy under the most practical settings—the black-box setting where the verifier only requires access to the final output (e.g., posterior probability) of the target model and the suspect model. Inspired by the studies, we propose a new, black-box GNN ownership verification method that involves local independent models and shadow surrogate models to train a classifier for performing ownership verification. Our method boosts the verification accuracy by exploiting two insights: (1) We consider the overall behaviors of the target model for decision-making, better utilizing its holistic fingerprinting; (2) We enrich the fingerprinting of the target model by masking a subset of features of its training data, injecting extra information to facilitate ownership verification. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed method, we perform an intensive series of evaluations with 5 popular datasets, 5 mainstream GNN architectures, and 16 different settings. Our method achieves nearly perfect accuracy with a marginal impact on the target model in all cases, significantly outperforming the existing methods and enlarging their practicality. We also demonstrate that our method maintains robustness against adversarial attempts to evade the verification. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 19, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 4, 2024
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  4. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely used in various graph-based applications. Recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to link-level membership inference attacks (LMIA) which can infer whether a given link was included in the training graph of a GNN model. While most of the studies focus on the privacy vulnerability of the links in the entire graph, none have inspected the privacy risk of specific subgroups of links (e.g., links between LGBT users). In this paper, we present the first study of disparity in subgroup vulnerability (DSV) of GNNs against LMIA. First, with extensive empirical evaluation, we demonstrate the existence of non-negligible DSV under various settings of GNN models and input graphs. Second, by both statistical and causal analysis, we identify the difference between three specific graph structural properties of subgroups as one of the underlying reasons for DSV. Among the three properties, the difference between subgroup density has the largest causal effect on DSV. Third, inspired by the causal analysis, we design a new defense mechanism named FairDefense to mitigate DSV while providing protection against LMIA. At a high level, at each iteration of target model training, FairDefense randomizes the membership of edges in the training graph with a given probability, aiming to reduce the gap between the density of different subgroups for DSV mitigation. Our empirical results demonstrate that FairDefense outperforms the existing defense methods in the trade-off between defense and target model accuracy. More importantly, it offers better DSV mitigation.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2024
  5. Link prediction has been widely applied in social network analysis. Despite its importance, link prediction algorithms can be biased by disfavoring the links between individuals in particular demographic groups. In this paper, we study one particular type of bias, namely, the bias in predicting inter-group links (i.e., links across different demographic groups). First, we formalize the definition of bias in link prediction by providing quantitative measurements of accuracy disparity, which measures the difference in prediction accuracy of inter-group and intra-group links. Second, we unveil the existence of bias in six existing state-of-the-art link prediction algorithms through extensive empirical studies over real world datasets. Third, we identify the imbalanced density across intra-group and inter-group links in training graphs as one of the underlying causes of bias in link prediction. Based on the identified cause, fourth, we design a pre-processing bias mitigation method named FairLP to modify the training graph, aiming to balance the distribution of intra-group and inter-group links while preserving the network characteristics of the graph. FairLP is model-agnostic and thus is compatible with any existing link prediction algorithm. Our experimental results on real-world social network graphs demonstrate that FairLP achieves better trade-off between fairness and prediction accuracy than the existing fairness-enhancing link prediction methods. 
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