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  1. Abstract

    Feedbacks between ice melt, glacier flow and ocean circulation can rapidly accelerate ice loss at tidewater glaciers and alter projections of sea-level rise. At the core of these projections is a model for ice melt that neglects the fact that glacier ice contains pressurized bubbles of air due to its formation from compressed snow. Current model estimates can underpredict glacier melt at termini outside the region influenced by the subglacial discharge plume by a factor of 10–100 compared with observations. Here we use laboratory-scale experiments and theoretical arguments to show that the bursting of pressurized bubbles from glacier ice could be a source of this discrepancy. These bubbles eject air into the seawater, delivering additional buoyancy and impulses of turbulent kinetic energy to the boundary layer, accelerating ice melt. We show that real glacier ice melts 2.25 times faster than clear bubble-free ice when driven by natural convection in a laboratory setting. We extend these results to the geophysical scale to show how bubble dynamics contribute to ice melt from tidewater glaciers. Consequently, these results could increase the accuracy of modelled predictions of ice loss to better constrain sea-level rise projections globally.

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  2. Wind flow over coastal foredunes adapts to vegetation, resulting in spatial gradients in bed shear stresses that contribute to the formation of localized bedforms. Under- standing, and having the capability to numerically predict, the distribution of sedi- ment deposited within sparsely vegetated dune complexes is critical for quantifying the ecological, protective, and economic benefits of dune management activities. Data from wind tunnel experiments have indicated that there is a spatial lag from the canopy leading edge to a downwind location where sediment deposition first occurs. The length scale of this deposition lag is further quantified here using new field mea- surements of aeolian sediment transport across sparsely vegetated managed dune systems in Oregon, USA. We develop a deposition lag length scale parameter using both lab and this new field data and then incorporate this parameter into the process-based aeolian sediment transport model, Aeolis, which also includes a new far-field shear stress coupler. Results from numerical simulations suggest that the spatial deposition lag effect is significant for model skill in sparsely vegetated dunes. We observe with field and laboratory observations that, as canopy density increases, the length of the deposition lag decreases. As such, within the model framework the implementation of the deposition lag length does not affect the results of models of coastal dune geomorphological evolution within higher density canopies. Dune can- opy density can vary due to natural (e.g., storm overwash, burial, die-off) or anthro- pogenic (e.g., managed plantings, dune grading) processes. 
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  3. The U.S. Pacific Northwest (PWN) coastal dunes are mainly colonized by two non-native beachgrass species (i.e., Ammophila arenaria and A. breviligulata) and a native dune grass (Leymus mollis) that capture sand and build dunes of different morphology. Recently, a hybrid beachgrass was discovered with unknown consequences for dune evolution. We set up a common garden experiment including seven treatments and two control plots to understand the effect of native and non-native plant species on sand accretion and dune morphological evolution. After 1.6 years, sand volume increased the most in the non-native species plots with levels at least twice as high for A. arenaria as compared to the other plots. The hybrid species had moderate sand accretion but a survival rate of 1.4 and 2.1 times higher than its parent species and native species, respectively. These results provide new insights for U.S. PNW coastal dune management. 
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  4. Abstract

    Erosive beach scarps influence beach vulnerability, yet their formation remains challenging to predict. In this study, a 1:2.5 scale laboratory experiment was used to study the subsurface hydrodynamics of a beach dune during an erosive event. Pressure and moisture sensors buried within the dune were used both to monitor the water table and to examine vertical pressure gradients in the upper 0.3 m of sand as the slope of the upper beach developed into a scarp. Concurrently, a line‐scan lidar tracked swash bores and monitored erosion and accretion patterns along a single cross‐shore transect throughout the experiment. As wave conditions intensified, a discontinuity in the slope of the dune formed; the discontinuity grew steeper and progressed landward at the same rate as theR2%runup extent until it was a fully formed scarp with a vertical face. Within the upper 0.15 m of the partially saturated sand, upward pore pressure gradients were detected during backwash, influencing the effective weight of sand and potentially contributing to beachface erosion. The magnitude and frequency of the upward pressure gradients increased with deeper swash depths and with frequency of wave interaction, and decreased with depth into the sand. A simple conceptual model for scarp formation is proposed that incorporates observations of upward‐directed pressure gradients from this study while providing a reference for future studies seeking to integrate additional swash zone sediment transport processes that may impact scarp development.

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