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Abstract Cuscuta campestris is an obligate parasitic plant that requires a host to complete its life cycle. Parasite–host connections occur via a haustorium, a unique organ that acts as a bridge for the uptake of water, nutrients, and macromolecules. Research on Cuscuta is often complicated by host influences, but comparable systems for growing the parasite in the absence of a host do not exist. We developed an axenic method to grow C. campestris on an artificial host system (AHS). We evaluated the effects of nutrients and phytohormones on parasite haustoria development and growth. Haustorium morphology and gene expression were also characterized. The AHS consists of an inert, fibrous stick that mimics a host stem, wicking water and nutrients to the parasite. It enables C. campestris to exhibit a parasitic habit and develop through all stages of its life cycle, including production of new shoots and viable seeds. The phytohormones 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine affect haustoria morphology and increase parasite fresh weight and biomass. Unigene expression in AHS haustoria reflects processes similar to those in haustoria on living host plants. The AHS is a methodological improvement for studying Cuscuta biology by avoiding specific host effects on the parasite and giving researchers full control of the parasite environment.more » « less
Cuscuta spp. are obligate parasites that connect to host vascular tissue using a haustorium. In addition to water, nutrients, and metabolites, a large number of mRNAs are bidirectionally exchanged between Cuscuta spp. and their hosts. This trans-specific movement of mRNAs raises questions about whether these molecules function in the recipient species. To address the possibility that mobile mRNAs are ultimately translated, we built upon recent studies that demonstrate a role for transfer RNA (tRNA)-like structures (TLSs) in enhancing mRNA systemic movement. C. campestris was grown on Arabidopsis that expressed a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter transgene either alone or in GUS-tRNA fusions. Histochemical staining revealed localization in tissue of C. campestris grown on Arabidopsis with GUS-tRNA fusions, but not in C. campestris grown on Arabidopsis with GUS alone. This corresponded with detection of GUS transcripts in Cuscuta on Arabidopsis with GUS-tRNA, but not in C. campestris on Arabidopsis with GUS alone. Similar results were obtained with Arabidopsis host plants expressing the same constructs containing an endoplasmic reticulum localization signal. In C. campestris, GUS activity was localized in the companion cells or phloem parenchyma cells adjacent to sieve tubes. We conclude that host-derived GUS mRNAs are translated in C. campestris and that the TLS fusion enhances RNA mobility in the host-parasite interactions.more » « less
Parasitic plants steal sugars, water, and other nutrients from host plants through a haustorial connection. Several species of parasitic plants such as witchweeds ( Striga spp.) and broomrapes ( Orobanche and Phelipanche spp.) are major biotic constraints to agricultural production. Parasitic plants are understudied compared with other major classes of plant pathogens, but the recent availability of genomic and transcriptomic data has accelerated the rate of discovery of the molecular mechanisms underpinning plant parasitism. Here, we review the current body of knowledge of how parasitic plants sense host plants, germinate, form parasitic haustorial connections, and suppress host plant immune responses. Additionally, we assess whether parasitic plants fit within the current paradigms used to understand the molecular mechanisms of microbial plant–pathogen interactions. Finally, we discuss challenges facing parasitic plant research and propose the most urgent questions that need to be answered to advance our understanding of plant parasitism.more » « less
Abstract Crenate broomrape (
Orobanche crenata Forsk.) is a serious long‐standing parasitic weed problem in Algeria, mainly affecting legumes but also vegetable crops. Unresolved questions for parasitic weeds revolve around the extent to which these plants undergo local adaptation, especially with respect to host specialization, which would be expected to be a strong selective factor for obligate parasitic plants. In the present study, the genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) approach was used to analyze genetic diversity and population structure of 10 Northern AlgerianO .crenata populations with different geographical origins and host species (faba bean, pea, chickpea, carrot, and tomato). In total, 8004 high‐quality single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (5% missingness) were obtained and used across the study. Genetic diversity and relationships of 95 individuals from 10 populations were studied using model‐based ancestry analysis, principal components analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components, and phylogeny approaches. The genetic differentiation (F ST) between pairs of populations was lower between adjacent populations and higher between geographically separated ones, but no support was found for isolation by distance. Further analyses identified four genetic clusters and revealed evidence of structuring among populations and, although confounded with location, among hosts. In the clearest example,O .crenata growing on pea had a SNP profile that was distinct from other host/location combinations. These results illustrate the importance and potential of GBS to reveal the dynamics of parasitic weed dispersal and population structure. -
Green plants (Viridiplantae) include around 450,000–500,000 species of great diversity and have important roles in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Here, as part of the One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative, we sequenced the vegetative transcriptomes of 1,124 species that span the diversity of plants in a broad sense (Archaeplastida), including green plants (Viridiplantae), glaucophytes (Glaucophyta) and red algae (Rhodophyta). Our analysis provides a robust phylogenomic framework for examining the evolution of green plants. Most inferred species relationships are well supported across multiple species tree and supermatrix analyses, but discordance among plastid and nuclear gene trees at a few important nodes highlights the complexity of plant genome evolution, including polyploidy, periods of rapid speciation, and extinction. Incomplete sorting of ancestral variation, polyploidization and massive expansions of gene families punctuate the evolutionary history of green plants. Notably, we find that large expansions of gene families preceded the origins of green plants, land plants and vascular plants, whereas whole-genome duplications are inferred to have occurred repeatedly throughout the evolution of flowering plants and ferns. The increasing availability of high-quality plant genome sequences and advances in functional genomics are enabling research on genome evolution across the green tree of life.more » « less