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Abstract Harvesting waste heat for useful purposes is an essential component of improving the efficiency of primary energy utilization. Today, approaches such as pyroelectric energy conversion are receiving renewed interest for their ability to turn wasted energy back into useful energy. From this perspective, the need for these approaches, the basic mechanisms and processes underlying their operation, and the material and device requirements behind pyroelectric energy conversion are reviewed, and the potential for advances in this area is also discussed.
The need for efficient energy utilization is driving research into ways to harvest ubiquitous waste heat. Here, we explore pyroelectric energy conversion from low-grade thermal sources that exploits strong field- and temperature-induced polarization susceptibilities in the relaxor ferroelectric 0.68Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.32PbTiO3. Electric-field-driven enhancement of the pyroelectric response (as large as − 550 μC m−2 K−1) and suppression of the dielectric response (by 72%) yield substantial figures of merit for pyroelectric energy conversion. Field- and temperature-dependent pyroelectric measurements highlight the role of polarization rotation and field-induced polarization in mediating these effects. Solid-state, thin-film devices that convert lowgrade heat into electrical energy are demonstrated using pyroelectric Ericsson cycles, and optimized to yield maximum energy density, power density and efficiency of 1.06 J cm−3, 526 W cm−3 and 19% of Carnot, respectively; the highest values reported to date and equivalent to the performance of a thermoelectric with an effective ZT ≈ 1.16 for a temperature change of 10 K. Our findings suggest that pyroelectric devices may be competitive with thermoelectric devices for low-grade thermal harvesting.more » « less
Abstract Temperature‐ and electric‐field‐induced structural transitions in a polydomain ferroelectric can have profound effects on its electrothermal susceptibilities. Here, the role of such ferroelastic domains on the pyroelectric and electrocaloric response is experimentally investigated in thin films of the tetragonal ferroelectric PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3. By utilizing epitaxial strain, a rich set of ferroelastic polydomain states spanning a broad thermodynamic phase space are stabilized. Using temperature‐dependent scanning‐probe microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, and high‐frequency phase‐sensitive pyroelectric measurements, the propensity of domains to reconfigure under a temperature perturbation is quantitatively studied. In turn, the “extrinsic” contributions to pyroelectricity exclusively due to changes between the ferroelastic domain population is elucidated as a function of epitaxial strain. Further, using highly sensitive thin‐film resistive thermometry, direct electrocaloric temperature changes are measured on these polydomain thin films for the first time. The results demonstrate that temperature‐ and electric‐field‐driven domain interconversion under compressive strain diminish both the pyroelectric and the electrocaloric effects, while both these susceptibilities are enhanced due to the exact‐opposite effect from the extrinsic contributions under tensile strain.
Abstract This paper reports the first integration of laser‐etched polycrystalline diamond microchannels with template‐fabricated microporous copper for extreme convective boiling in a composite heat sink for power electronics and energy conversion. Diamond offers the highest thermal conductivity near room temperature, and enables aggressive heat spreading along triangular channel walls with 1:1 aspect ratio. Conformally coated porous copper with thickness 25 µm and 5 µm pore size optimizes fluid and heat transport for convective boiling within the diamond channels. Data reported here include 1280 W cm−2of heat removal from 0.7 cm2surface area with temperature rise beyond fluid saturation less than 21 K, corresponding to 6.3 × 105W m−2K−1. This heat sink has the potential to dissipate much larger localized heat loads with small temperature nonuniformity (5 kW cm−2over 200 µm × 200 µm with <3 K temperature difference). A microfluidic manifold assures uniform distribution of liquid over the heat sink surface with negligible pumping power requirements (e.g., <1.4 × 10−4of the thermal power dissipated). This breakthrough integration of functional materials and the resulting experimental data set a very high bar for microfluidic heat removal.