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  1. Eberly, Janice ; Stock, James H. (Ed.)
  2. This paper introduces the citizen science platform, LanguageARC, developed within the NIEUW (Novel Incentives and Workflows) project supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1730377. LanguageARC is a community- oriented online platform bringing together researchers and “citizen linguists” with the shared goal of contributing to linguistic research and language technology development. Like other Citizen Science platforms and projects, LanguageARC harnesses the power and efforts of volunteers who are motivated by the incentives of contributing to science, learning and discovery, and belonging to a community dedicated to social improvement. Citizen linguists contribute language data and judgments by participating in research tasks such as classifying regional accents from audio clips, recording audio of picture descriptions and answering personality questionnaires to create baseline data for NLP research into autism and neurodegenerative conditions. Researchers can create projects on Language ARC without any coding or HTML required using our Project Builder Toolkit. 
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  3. Abstract

    Assessing the biological relevance of variance components estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)‐based mixed‐effects models is not straightforward. Variance estimates are constrained to be greater than zero and their posterior distributions are often asymmetric. Different measures of central tendency for these distributions can therefore vary widely, and credible intervals cannot overlap zero, making it difficult to assess the size and statistical support for among‐group variance. Statistical support is often assessed through visual inspection of the whole posterior distribution and so relies on subjective decisions for interpretation.

    We use simulations to demonstrate the difficulties of summarizing the posterior distributions of variance estimates from MCMC‐based models. We then describe different methods for generating the expected null distribution (i.e. a distribution of effect sizes that would be obtained if there was no among‐group variance) that can be used to aid in the interpretation of variance estimates.

    Through comparing commonly used summary statistics of posterior distributions of variance components, we show that the posterior median is predominantly the least biased. We further show how null distributions can be used to derive ap‐value that provides complementary information to the commonly presented measures of central tendency and uncertainty. Finally, we show how thesep‐values facilitate the implementation of power analyses within an MCMC framework.

    The use of null distributions for variance components can aid study design and the interpretation of results from MCMC‐based models. We hope that this manuscript will make empiricists using mixed models think more carefully about their results, what descriptive statistics they present and what inference they can make.

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  4. Abstract

    Prostate cancer treatment planning is largely dependent upon examination of core-needle biopsies. The microscopic architecture of the prostate glands forms the basis for prognostic grading by pathologists. Interpretation of these convoluted three-dimensional (3D) glandular structures via visual inspection of a limited number of two-dimensional (2D) histology sections is often unreliable, which contributes to the under- and overtreatment of patients. To improve risk assessment and treatment decisions, we have developed a workflow for nondestructive 3D pathology and computational analysis of whole prostate biopsies labeled with a rapid and inexpensive fluorescent analogue of standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. This analysis is based on interpretable glandular features and is facilitated by the development of image translation–assisted segmentation in 3D (ITAS3D). ITAS3D is a generalizable deep learning–based strategy that enables tissue microstructures to be volumetrically segmented in an annotation-free and objective (biomarker-based) manner without requiring immunolabeling. As a preliminary demonstration of the translational value of a computational 3D versus a computational 2D pathology approach, we imaged 300 ex vivo biopsies extracted from 50 archived radical prostatectomy specimens, of which, 118 biopsies contained cancer. The 3D glandular features in cancer biopsies were superior to corresponding 2D features for risk stratification of patients with low- to intermediate-risk prostate cancer based on their clinical biochemical recurrence outcomes. The results of this study support the use of computational 3D pathology for guiding the clinical management of prostate cancer.


    An end-to-end pipeline for deep learning–assisted computational 3D histology analysis of whole prostate biopsies shows that nondestructive 3D pathology has the potential to enable superior prognostic stratification of patients with prostate cancer.

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    Learning is a familiar process to most people, but it currently lacks a fully developed theoretical position within evolutionary biology. Learning (memory and forgetting) involves adjustments in behaviour in response to cumulative sequences of prior experiences or exposures to environmental cues. We therefore suggest that all forms of learning (and some similar biological phenomena in development, aging, acquired immunity and acclimation) can usefully be viewed as special cases of phenotypic plasticity, and formally modelled by expanding the concept of reaction norms to include additional environmental dimensions quantifying sequences of cumulative experience (learning) and the time delays between events (forgetting). Memory therefore represents just one of a number of different internal neurological, physiological, hormonal and anatomical ‘states’ that mediate the carry‐over effects of cumulative environmental experiences on phenotypes across different time periods. The mathematical and graphical conceptualisation of learning as plasticity within a reaction norm framework can easily accommodate a range of different ecological scenarios, closely linking statistical estimates with biological processes. Learning and non‐learning plasticity interact whenever cumulative prior experience causes a modification in the reaction norm (a) elevation [mean phenotype], (b) slope [responsiveness], (c) environmental estimate error [informational memory] and/or (d) phenotypic precision [skill acquisition]. Innovation and learning new contingencies in novel (laboratory) environments can also be accommodated within this approach. A common reaction norm approach should thus encourage productive cross‐fertilisation of ideas between traditional studies of learning and phenotypic plasticity. As an example, we model the evolution of plasticity with and without learning under different levels of environmental estimation error to show how learning works as a specific adaptation promoting phenotypic plasticity in temporally autocorrelated environments. Our reaction norm framework for learning and analogous biological processes provides a conceptual and mathematical structure aimed at usefully stimulating future theoretical and empirical investigations into the evolution of plasticity across a wider range of ecological contexts, while providing new interdisciplinary connections regarding learning mechanisms.

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