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Creators/Authors contains: "Wu, Jianguo"

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  1. Abstract

    Active learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on improving the data collection efficiency in expensive-to-evaluate systems. Active learning-applied surrogate modeling facilitates cost-efficient analysis of demanding engineering systems, while the existence of heterogeneity in underlying systems may adversely affect the performance. In this article, we propose the partitioned active learning that quantifies informativeness of new design points by circumventing heterogeneity in systems. The proposed method partitions the design space based on heterogeneous features and searches for the next design point with two systematic steps. The global searching scheme accelerates exploration by identifying the most uncertain subregion, and the local searching utilizes circumscribed information induced by the local Gaussian process (GP). We also propose Cholesky update-driven numerical remedies for our active learning to address the computational complexity challenge. The proposed method consistently outperforms existing active learning methods in three real-world cases with better prediction and computation time.

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  2. Abstract Sustainable urban systems (SUS) science is a new science integrating work across established and emerging disciplines, using diverse methods, and addressing issues at local, regional, national, and global scales. Advancing SUS requires the next generation of scholars and practitioners to excel at synthesis across disciplines and possess the skills to innovate in the realms of research, policy, and stakeholder engagement. We outline key tenets of graduate education in SUS, informed by historical and global perspectives. The sketch is an invitation to discuss how graduates in SUS should be trained to engage with the challenges and opportunities presented by continuing urbanization. 
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  3. Abstract This paper synthesizes the contemporary challenges for the sustainability of the social-environmental system (SES) across a geographically, environmentally, and geopolitically diverse region—the Asian Drylands Belt (ADB). This region includes 18 political entities, covering 10.3% of global land area and 30% of total global drylands. At the present time, the ADB is confronted with a unique set of environmental and socioeconomic changes including water shortage-related environmental challenges and dramatic institutional changes since the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The SES of the ADB is assessed using a conceptual framework rooted in the three pillars of sustainability science: social, economic, and ecological systems. The complex dynamics are explored with biophysical, socioeconomic, institutional, and local context-dependent mechanisms with a focus on institutions and land use and land cover change (LULCC) as important drivers of SES dynamics. This paper also discusses the following five pressing, practical challenges for the sustainability of the ADB SES: (a) reduced water quantity and quality under warming, drying, and escalating extreme events, (b) continued, if not intensifying, geopolitical conflicts, (c) volatile, uncertain, and shifting socioeconomic structures, (d) globalization and cross-country influences, and (e) intensification and shifts in LULCC. To meet the varied challenges across the region, place-based, context-dependent transdisciplinary approaches are needed to focus on the human-environment interactions within and between regional landscapes with explicit consideration of specific forcings and regulatory mechanisms. Future work focused on this region should also assess the role of the following mechanisms that may moderate SES dynamics: socioeconomic regulating mechanisms, biophysical regulating mechanisms, regional and national institutional regulating mechanisms, and localized institutional regulating mechanisms. 
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  4. Abstract

    Microbes, similar to plants and animals, exhibit biogeographic patterns. However, in contrast with the considerable knowledge on the island biogeography of higher organisms, we know little about the distribution of microorganisms within and among islands. Here, we explored insular soil bacterial and fungal biogeography and underlying mechanisms, using soil microbiota from a group of land-bridge islands as a model system. Similar to island species-area relationships observed for many macroorganisms, both island-scale bacterial and fungal diversity increased with island area; neither diversity, however, was affected by island isolation. By contrast, bacterial and fungal communities exhibited strikingly different assembly patterns within islands. The loss of bacterial diversity on smaller islands was driven primarily by the systematic decline of diversity within samples, whereas the loss of fungal diversity on smaller islands was driven primarily by the homogenization of community composition among samples. Lower soil moisture limited within-sample bacterial diversity, whereas smaller spatial distances among samples restricted among-sample fungal diversity, on smaller islands. These results indicate that among-island differences in habitat quality generate the bacterial island species-area relationship, whereas within-island dispersal limitation generates the fungal island species-area relationship. Together, our study suggests that different mechanisms underlie similar island biogeography patterns of soil bacteria and fungi.

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