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Creators/Authors contains: "Xiao, Xiongye"

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  1. Phase transitions are typically quantified using order parameters, such as crystal lattice distances and radial distribution functions, which can identify subtle changes in crystalline materials or high‐contrast phases with large structural differences. However, the identification of phases with high complexity, multiscale organization and of complex patterns during the structural fluctuations preceding phase transitions, which are essential for understanding the system pathways between phases, is challenging for those traditional analyses. Here, it is shown that for two model systems— thermotropic liquid crystals and a lyotropic water/surfactant mixtures—graph theoretical (GT) descriptors can successfully identify complex phases combining molecular and nanoscale levels of organization that are hard to characterize with traditional methodologies. Furthermore, the GT descriptors also reveal the pathways between the different phases. Specifically, centrality parameters and node‐based fractal dimension quantify the system behavior preceding the transitions, capturing fluctuation‐induced breakup of aggregates and their long‐range cooperative interactions. GT parameterization can be generalized for a wide range of chemical systems and be instrumental for the growth mechanisms of complex nanostructures.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  2. Kim, Been (Ed.)
    Integrating and processing information from various sources or modalities are critical for obtaining a comprehensive and accurate perception of the real world in autonomous systems and cyber-physical systems. Drawing inspiration from neuroscience, we develop the Information-Theoretic Hierarchical Perception (ITHP) model, which utilizes the concept of information bottleneck. Different from most traditional fusion models that incorporate all modalities identically in neural networks, our model designates a prime modality and regards the remaining modalities as detectors in the information pathway, serving to distill the flow of information. Our proposed perception model focuses on constructing an effective and compact information flow by achieving a balance between the minimization of mutual information between the latent state and the input modal state, and the maximization of mutual information between the latent states and the remaining modal states. This approach leads to compact latent state representations that retain relevant information while minimizing redundancy, thereby substantially enhancing the performance of multimodal representation learning. Experimental evaluations on the MUStARD, CMU-MOSI, and CMU-MOSEI datasets demonstrate that our model consistently distills crucial information in multimodal learning scenarios, outperforming state-of-the-art benchmarks. Remarkably, on the CMU-MOSI dataset, ITHP surpasses human-level performance in the multimodal sentiment binary classification task across all evaluation metrics (i.e., Binary Accuracy, F1 Score, Mean Absolute Error, and Pearson Correlation). 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 15, 2025
  3. Ko, Hanseok (Ed.)
    Malware represents a significant security concern in today’s digital landscape, as it can destroy or disable operating systems, steal sensitive user information, and occupy valuable disk space. However, current malware detection methods, such as static-based and dynamic-based approaches, struggle to identify newly developed ("zero-day") malware and are limited by customized virtual machine (VM) environments. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel malware detection approach that leverages deep learning, mathematical techniques, and network science. Our approach focuses on static and dynamic analysis and utilizes the Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) to profile applications within a complex network. The generated network topologies are input into the GraphSAGE architecture to efficiently distinguish between benign and malicious software applications, with the operation names denoted as node features. Importantly, the GraphSAGE models analyze the network’s topological geometry to make predictions, enabling them to detect state-of-the-art malware and prevent potential damage during execution in a VM. To evaluate our approach, we conduct a study on a dataset comprising source code from 24,376 applications, specifically written in C/C++, sourced directly from widely-recognized malware and various types of benign software. The results show a high detection performance with an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC) of 99.85%. Our approach marks a substantial improvement in malware detection, providing a notably more accurate and efficient solution when compared to current state-of-the-art malware detection methods. The code is released at 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 14, 2025
  4. Ko, Hanseok (Ed.)
    Backpropagation (BP) has been a successful optimization technique for deep learning models. However, its limitations, such as backward- and update-locking, and its biological implausibility, hinder the concurrent updating of layers and do not mimic the local learning processes observed in the human brain. To address these issues, recent research has suggested using local error signals to asynchronously train network blocks. However, this approach often involves extensive trial-and-error iterations to determine the best configuration for local training. This includes decisions on how to decouple network blocks and which auxiliary networks to use for each block. In our work, we introduce a novel BP-free approach: a block-wise BP-free (BWBPF) neural network that leverages local error signals to optimize distinct sub-neural networks separately, where the global loss is only responsible for updating the output layer. The local error signals used in the BP-free model can be computed in parallel, enabling a potential speed-up in the weight update process through parallel implementation. Our experimental results consistently show that this approach can identify transferable decoupled architectures for VGG and ResNet variations, outperforming models trained with end-to-end backpropagation and other state-of-the-art block-wise learning techniques on datasets such as CIFAR-10 and Tiny-ImageNet. The code is released at 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 14, 2025
  5. Time-evolution of partial differential equations is fundamental for modeling several complex dynamical processes and events forecasting, but the operators associated with such problems are non-linear. We propose a Pad´e approximation based exponential neural operator scheme for efficiently learning the map between a given initial condition and the activities at a later time. The multiwavelets bases are used for space discretization. By explicitly embedding the exponential operators in the model, we reduce the training parameters and make it more data-efficient which is essential in dealing with scarce and noisy real-world datasets. The Pad´e exponential operator uses a recurrent structure with shared parameters to model the non-linearity compared to recent neural operators that rely on using multiple linear operator layers in succession. We show theoretically that the gradients associated with the recurrent Pad´e network are bounded across the recurrent horizon. We perform experiments on non-linear systems such as Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and Kuramoto–Sivashinsky (KS) equations to show that the proposed approach achieves the best performance and at the same time is data-efficient. We also show that urgent real-world problems like epidemic forecasting (for example, COVID- 19) can be formulated as a 2D time-varying operator problem. The proposed Pad´e exponential operators yield better prediction results (53% (52%) better MAE than best neural operator (non-neural operator deep learning model)) compared to state-of-the-art forecasting models. 
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  6. Abstract Network theory helps us understand, analyze, model, and design various complex systems. Complex networks encode the complex topology and structural interactions of various systems in nature. To mine the multiscale coupling, heterogeneity, and complexity of natural and technological systems, we need expressive and rigorous mathematical tools that can help us understand the growth, topology, dynamics, multiscale structures, and functionalities of complex networks and their interrelationships. Towards this end, we construct the node-based fractal dimension (NFD) and the node-based multifractal analysis (NMFA) framework to reveal the generating rules and quantify the scale-dependent topology and multifractal features of a dynamic complex network. We propose novel indicators for measuring the degree of complexity, heterogeneity, and asymmetry of network structures, as well as the structure distance between networks. This formalism provides new insights on learning the energy and phase transitions in the networked systems and can help us understand the multiple generating mechanisms governing the network evolution. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
    Abstract In contrast to the conventional approach of directly comparing genomic sequences using sequence alignment tools, we propose a computational approach that performs comparisons between sequence generators. These sequence generators are learned via a data-driven approach that empirically computes the state machine generating the genomic sequence of interest. As the state machine based generator of the sequence is independent of the sequence length, it provides us with an efficient method to compute the statistical distance between large sets of genomic sequences. Moreover, our technique provides a fast and efficient method to cluster large datasets of genomic sequences, characterize their temporal and spatial evolution in a continuous manner, get insights into the locality sensitive information about the sequences without any need for alignment. Furthermore, we show that the technique can be used to detect local regions with mutation activity, which can then be applied to aid alignment techniques for the fast discovery of mutations. To demonstrate the efficacy of our technique on real genomic data, we cluster different strains of SARS-CoV-2 viral sequences, characterize their evolution and identify regions of the viral sequence with mutations. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Understanding the mechanisms by which neurons create or suppress connections to enable communication in brain-derived neuronal cultures can inform how learning, cognition and creative behavior emerge. While prior studies have shown that neuronal cultures possess self-organizing criticality properties, we further demonstrate that in vitro brain-derived neuronal cultures exhibit a self-optimization phenomenon. More precisely, we analyze the multiscale neural growth data obtained from label-free quantitative microscopic imaging experiments and reconstruct the in vitro neuronal culture networks (microscale) and neuronal culture cluster networks (mesoscale). We investigate the structure and evolution of neuronal culture networks and neuronal culture cluster networks by estimating the importance of each network node and their information flow. By analyzing the degree-, closeness-, and betweenness-centrality, the node-to-node degree distribution (informing on neuronal interconnection phenomena), the clustering coefficient/transitivity (assessing the “small-world” properties), and the multifractal spectrum, we demonstrate that murine neurons exhibit self-optimizing behavior over time with topological characteristics distinct from existing complex network models. The time-evolving interconnection among murine neurons optimizes the network information flow, network robustness, and self-organization degree. These findings have complex implications for modeling neuronal cultures and potentially on how to design biological inspired artificial intelligence. 
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  9. Abstract

    Gels self‐assembled from colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) translate the size‐dependent properties of nanostructures to materials with macroscale volumes. Large spanning networks of NP chains provide high interconnectivity within the material necessary for a wide range of properties from conductivity to viscoelasticity. However, a great challenge for nanoscale engineering of such gels lies in being able to accurately and quantitatively describe their complex non‐crystalline structure that combines order and disorder. The quantitative relationships between the mesoscale structural and material properties of nanostructured gels are currently unknown. Here, it is shown that lead telluride NPs spontaneously self‐assemble into a spanning network hydrogel. By applying graph theory (GT), a method for quantifying the complex structure of the NP gels is established using a topological descriptor of average nodal connectivity that is found to correlate with the gel's mechanical and charge transport properties. GT descriptions make possible the design of non‐crystalline porous materials from a variety of nanoscale components for photonics, catalysis, adsorption, and thermoelectrics.

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