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QLBT: a linear Boltzmann transport model for heavy quarks in a quark-gluon plasma of quasi-particles
Abstract We develop a new heavy quark transport model, QLBT, to simulate the dynamical propagation of heavy quarks inside the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Our QLBT model is based on the linear Boltzmann transport (LBT) model with the ideal QGP replaced by a collection of quasi-particles to account for the non-perturbative interactions among quarks and gluons of the hot QGP. The thermal masses of quasi-particles are fitted to the equation of state from lattice QCD simulations using the Bayesian statistical analysis method. Combining QLBT with our advanced hybrid fragmentation-coalescence hadronization approach, we calculate the nuclear modification factor
and the elliptic flow$$R_\mathrm {AA}$$ of$$v_2$$ D mesons at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider. By comparing our QLBT calculation to the experimental data on theD meson and$$R_\mathrm {AA}$$ , we extract the heavy quark transport parameter$$v_2$$ and diffusion coefficient$$\hat{q}$$ in the temperature range of$$D_\mathrm {s}$$ , and compare them with the lattice QCD results and other phenomenological studies.$$1-4~T_\mathrm {c}$$ -
Abstract Low-lying island nations like Indonesia are vulnerable to sea level Height EXtremes (HEXs). When compounded by marine heatwaves, HEXs have larger ecological and societal impact. Here we combine observations with model simulations, to investigate the HEXs and Compound Height-Heat Extremes (CHHEXs) along the Indian Ocean coast of Indonesia in recent decades. We find that anthropogenic sea level rise combined with decadal climate variability causes increased occurrence of HEXs during 2010–2017. Both HEXs and CHHEXs are driven by equatorial westerly and longshore northwesterly wind anomalies. For most HEXs, which occur during December-March, downwelling favorable northwest monsoon winds are enhanced but enhanced vertical mixing limits surface warming. For most CHHEXs, wind anomalies associated with a negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and co-occurring La Niña weaken the southeasterlies and cooling from coastal upwelling during May-June and November-December. Our findings emphasize the important interplay between anthropogenic warming and climate variability in affecting regional extremes.
Semi‐arid grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau are expected to experience high inputs of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen in this century. It remains unclear, however, how soil organisms and nutrient cycling are directly affected by N enrichment (i.e., without mediation by plant input to soil) vs. indirectly affected via changes in plant‐related inputs to soils resulting from N enrichment. To test the direct and indirect effects of N enrichment on soil organisms (bacteria, fungi and nematodes) and their associated C and N mineralization, in 2010, we designated two subplots (with plants and without plants) in every plot of a six‐level N‐enrichment experiment established in 1999 in a semi‐arid grassland. In 2014, 4 years after subplots with and without plant were established, N enrichment had substantially altered the soil bacterial, fungal and nematode community structures due to declines in biomass or abundance whether plants had been removed or not. N enrichment also reduced the diversity of these groups (except for fungi) and the soil C mineralization rate and induced a hump‐shaped response of soil N mineralization. As expected, plant removal decreased the biomass or abundance of soil organisms and C and N mineralization rates due to declines in soil substrates or food resources. Analyses of plant‐removal‐induced changes (ratios of without‐ to with‐plant subplots) showed that micro‐organisms and C and N mineralization rates were not enhanced as N enrichment increased but that nematodes were enhanced as N enrichment increased, indicating that the effects of plant removal on soil organisms and mineralization depended on trophic level and nutrient status. Surprisingly, there was no statistical interaction between N enrichment and plant removal for most variables, indicating that plant‐related inputs did not qualitatively change the effects of N enrichment on soil organisms or mineralization. Structural equation modelling confirmed that changes in soil communities and mineralization rates were more affected by the direct effects of N enrichment (via soil acidification and increased N availability) than by plant‐related indirect effects. Our results provide insight into how future changes in N deposition and vegetation may modify below‐ground communities and processes in grassland ecosystems.more » « less