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Creators/Authors contains: "Xu, Changming"

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  1. Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are imperceptible, image-agnostic vectors that cause deep neural networks (DNNs) to misclassify inputs with high probability. In practical attack scenarios, adversarial perturbations may undergo transformations such as changes in pixel intensity, scaling, etc. before being added to DNN inputs. Existing methods do not create UAPs robust to these real-world transformations, thereby limiting their applicability in practical attack scenarios. In this work, we introduce and formulate UAPs robust against real-world transformations. We build an iterative algorithm using probabilistic robustness bounds and construct such UAPs robust to transformations generated by composing arbitrary sub-differentiable transformation functions. We perform an extensive evaluation on the popular CIFAR-10 and ILSVRC 2012 datasets measuring our UAPs' robustness under a wide range common, real-world transformations such as rotation, contrast changes, etc. We further show that by using a set of primitive transformations our method can generalize well to unseen transformations such as fog, JPEG compression, etc. Our results show that our method can generate UAPs up to 23% more robust than state-of-the-art baselines. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 31, 2025
  2. We consider the verification of input-relational properties defined over deep neural networks (DNNs) such as robustness against universal adversarial perturbations, monotonicity, etc. Precise verification of these properties requires reasoning about multiple executions of the same DNN. We introduce a novel concept of difference tracking to compute the difference between the outputs of two executions of the same DNN at all layers. We design a new abstract domain, DiffPoly for efficient difference tracking that can scale large DNNs. DiffPoly is equipped with custom abstract transformers for common activation functions (ReLU, Tanh, Sigmoid, etc.) and affine layers and can create precise linear cross-execution constraints. We implement an input-relational verifier for DNNs called RaVeN which uses DiffPoly and linear program formulations to handle a wide range of input-relational properties. Our experimental results on challenging benchmarks show that by leveraging precise linear constraints defined over multiple executions of the DNN, RaVeN gains substantial precision over baselines on a wide range of datasets, networks, and input-relational properties. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 20, 2025
  3. Machine Learning (ML) is an increasingly popular tool for designing wireless systems, both for communication and sensing applications. We design and evaluate the impact of practically feasible adversarial attacks against such ML-based wireless systems. In doing so, we solve challenges that are unique to the wireless domain: lack of synchronization between a benign device and the adversarial device, and the effects of the wireless channel on adversarial noise. We build, RAFA (RAdio Frequency Attack), the first hardware-implemented adversarial attack platform against ML-based wireless systems, and evaluate it against two state-of-the-art communication and sensing approaches at the physical layer. Our results show that both these systems experience a significant performance drop in response to the adversarial attack 
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