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  1. Ever since the discovery of the charge density wave (CDW) transition in the kagome metalCsV3Sb5, the nature of its symmetry breaking has been under intense debate. While evidence suggests that the rotational symmetry is already broken at the CDW transition temperature (TCDW), an additional electronic nematic instability well belowTCDWhas been reported based on the diverging elastoresistivity coefficient in the anisotropic channel (mE2g). Verifying the existence of a nematic transition belowTCDWis not only critical for establishing the correct description of the CDW order parameter, but also important for understanding low-temperature superconductivity. Here, we report elastoresistivity measurements ofCsV3Sb5using three different techniques probing both isotropic and anisotropic symmetry channels. Contrary to previous reports, we find the anisotropic elastoresistivity coefficientmE2gis temperature independent, except for a step jump atTCDW. The absence of nematic fluctuations is further substantiated by measurements of the elastocaloric effect, which show no enhancement associated with nematic susceptibility. On the other hand, the symmetric elastoresistivity coefficientmA1gincreases belowTCDW, reaching a peak value of 90 atT*=20K. Our results strongly indicate that the phase transition atT*is not nematic in nature and the previously reported diverging elastoresistivity is due to the contamination from theA1gchannel.

    <supplementary-material><permissions><copyright-statement>Published by the American Physical Society</copyright-statement><copyright-year>2024</copyright-year></permissions></supplementary-material></sec> </div> <a href='#' class='show open-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>more »</a> <a href='#' class='hide close-abstract' style='margin-left:10px;'>« less</a> <div class="actions" style="padding-left:10px;"> <span class="reader-count"> Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025</span> </div> </div><div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="article item document" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="item-info"> <div class="title"> <a href="" itemprop="url"> <span class='span-link' itemprop="name">Reversible non-volatile electronic switching in a near-room-temperature van der Waals ferromagnet</span> </a> </div> <div> <strong> <a class="misc external-link" href="" target="_blank" title="Link to document DOI">  <span class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></span></a> </strong> </div> <div class="metadata"> <span class="authors"> <span class="author" itemprop="author">Wu, Han</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Chen, Lei</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Malinowski, Paul</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Jang, Bo Gyu</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Deng, Qinwen</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Scott, Kirsty</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Huang, Jianwei</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Ruff, Jacob_P C</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">He, Yu</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author" itemprop="author">Chen, Xiang</span> <span class="sep">; </span><span class="author">et al</span></span> <span class="year">( <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2024-12-01">December 2024</time> , Nature Communications) </span> </div> <div style="cursor: pointer;-webkit-line-clamp: 5;" class="abstract" itemprop="description"> <title>Abstract

    Non-volatile phase-change memory devices utilize local heating to toggle between crystalline and amorphous states with distinct electrical properties. Expanding on this kind of switching to two topologically distinct phases requires controlled non-volatile switching between two crystalline phases with distinct symmetries. Here, we report the observation of reversible and non-volatile switching between two stable and closely related crystal structures, with remarkably distinct electronic structures, in the near-room-temperature van der Waals ferromagnet Fe5−δGeTe2. We show that the switching is enabled by the ordering and disordering of Fe site vacancies that results in distinct crystalline symmetries of the two phases, which can be controlled by a thermal annealing and quenching method. The two phases are distinguished by the presence of topological nodal lines due to the preserved global inversion symmetry in the site-disordered phase, flat bands resulting from quantum destructive interference on a bipartite lattice, and broken inversion symmetry in the site-ordered phase.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  2. Uniaxial strain has been widely used as a powerful tool for investigating and controlling the properties of quantum materials. However, existing strain techniques have so far mostly been limited to use with bulk crystals. Although recent progress has been made in extending the application of strain to two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures, these techniques have been limited to optical characterization and extremely simple electrical device geometries. Here, we report a piezoelectric-based in situ uniaxial strain technique enabling simultaneous electrical transport and optical spectroscopy characterization of dual-gated vdW heterostructure devices. Critically, our technique remains compatible with vdW heterostructure devices of arbitrary complexity fabricated on conventional silicon/silicon dioxide wafer substrates. We demonstrate a large and continuously tunable strain of up to −0.15% at millikelvin temperatures, with larger strain values also likely achievable. We quantify the strain transmission from the silicon wafer to the vdW heterostructure, and further demonstrate the ability of strain to modify the electronic properties of twisted bilayer graphene. Our technique provides a highly versatile new method for exploring the effect of uniaxial strain on both the electrical and optical properties of vdW heterostructures and can be easily extended to include additional characterization techniques.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 28, 2025
  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025