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Creators/Authors contains: "Yang, Weitao"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 21, 2024
  2. We reformulate the thermally assisted-occupation density functional theory (TAO-DFT) into the Kohn–Sham single-determinant framework and construct two new post-self-consistent field (post-SCF) static correlation correction schemes, named rTAO and rTAO-1. In contrast to the original TAO-DFT with the density in an ensemble form, in which each orbital density is weighted with a fractional occupation number, the ground-state density is given by a single-determinant wavefunction, a regular Kohn–Sham (KS) density, and total ground state energy is expressed in the normal KS form with a static correlation energy formulated in terms of the KS orbitals. In post-SCF calculations with rTAO functionals, an efficient energy scanning to quantitatively determine θ is also proposed. The rTAOs provide a promising method to simulate systems with strong static correlation as original TAO, but simpler and more efficient. We show that both rTAO and rTAO-1 is capable of reproducing most results from TAO-DFT without the additional functional Eθ used in TAO-DFT. Furthermore, our numerical results support that, without the functional Eθ, both rTAO and rTAO-1 can capture correct static correlation profiles in various systems. 
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