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    Magnetic reconnection is often considered as the primary particle acceleration mechanism in a magnetized blazar zone environment. The majority of radiation in the reconnection layer comes from plasmoids and their mergers. In particular, plasmoid mergers can produce strong multiwavelength flares and major variations in synchrotron polarization signatures. However, radiative properties of plasmoid mergers have not been well explored due to difficulties in tracking the merging processes. Here we use an image processing method that combines the magnetic vector potential and density to identify isolated and merging plasmoids. We find that this method can clearly distinguish radiation contributions from isolated plasmoids, merging plasmoids, and the primary current sheet of reconnection. This new method enables us to study the radiative properties of plasmoids and mergers statistically. Our results show that isolated plasmoids have similar emissivity regardless of their sizes, and they generally have non-zero polarization degree (PD) due to their quasi-circular shape. Flares due to plasmoid mergers have relative amplitudes that are antiproportional to the size ratio of the plasmoids participating in the mergers. Finally, only mergers between plasmoids of comparable sizes (width ratio ≲5) can lead to significant spectral hardening and polarization angle (PA) variations; the amplitude of the PA variations is between 0 and 180° and has a mean value of 90°. Our analyses on 2D simulations can pave the way for future analyses and machine learning techniques on radiative properties of 3D magnetic reconnection simulations.

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  2. Abstract

    Spinning supermassive black holes (BHs) in active galactic nuclei magnetically launch relativistic collimated outflows, or jets. Without angular momentum supply, such jets are thought to perish within 3 orders of magnitude in distance from the BH, well before reaching kiloparsec scales. We study the survival of such jets at the largest scale separation to date, via 3D general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of rapidly spinning BHs immersed into uniform zero-angular-momentum gas threaded by a weak vertical magnetic field. We place the gas outside the BH sphere of influence, or the Bondi radius, chosen to be much larger than the BH gravitational radius,RB= 103Rg. The BH develops dynamically important large-scale magnetic fields, forms a magnetically arrested disk (MAD), and launches relativistic jets that propagate well outsideRBand suppress BH accretion to 1.5% of the Bondi rate,ṀB. Thus, low-angular-momentum accretion in the MAD state can form large-scale jets in Fanaroff–Riley (FR) type I and II galaxies. Subsequently, the disk shrinks and exits the MAD state: barely a disk (BAD), it rapidly precesses, whips the jets around, globally destroys them, and lets 5%–10% ofṀBreach the BH. Thereafter, the disk starts rocking back and forth by angles 90°–180°: the rocking accretion disk (RAD) launches weak intermittent jets that spread their energy over a large area and suppress BH accretion to ≲2%ṀB. Because the BAD and RAD states tangle up the jets and destroy them well insideRB, they are promising candidates for the more abundant, but less luminous, class of FR0 galaxies.

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  3. Abstract

    Blazar emission is dominated by nonthermal radiation processes that are highly variable across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Turbulence, which can be a major source of nonthermal particle acceleration, can widely exist in the blazar emission region. The Turbulent Extreme Multi-Zone (TEMZ) model has been used to describe turbulent radiation signatures. Recent particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have also revealed the stochastic nature of the turbulent emission region and particle acceleration therein. However, radiation signatures have not been systematically studied via first-principles-integrated simulations. In this paper, we perform combined PIC and polarized radiative transfer simulations to study synchrotron emission from magnetic turbulence in the blazar emission region. We find that the multiwavelength flux and polarization are generally characterized by stochastic patterns. Specifically, the variability timescale and average polarization degree (PD) are governed by the correlation length of the turbulence. Interestingly, magnetic turbulence can result in polarization angle swings with arbitrary amplitudes and duration, in either direction, that are not associated with changes in flux or PD. Surprisingly, these swings, which are stochastic in nature, can appear either bumpy or smooth, although large-amplitude swings (>180°) are very rare, as expected. Our radiation and polarization signatures from first-principles-integrated simulations are consistent with the TEMZ model, except that in the latter, there is a weak correlation, with zero lag, between flux and degree of polarization.

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  4. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT Relativistic jets from supermassive black holes are among the most powerful and luminous astrophysical systems in Universe. We propose that the open magnetic field lines through the black hole, which drive a strongly magnetized jet, may have their polarity reversing over time scales related to the growth of the magnetorotational dynamo in the disc, resulting in dissipative structures in the jet characterized by reversing toroidal field polarities, referred to as ‘stripes’. The magnetic reconnection between the stripes dissipates the magnetic energy and powers jet acceleration. The striped jet model can explain the jet acceleration, large-scale jet emission, and blazar emission signatures consistently in a unified physical picture. Specifically, we find that the jet accelerates to the bulk Lorentz factor Γ ≳ 10 within 1-parsec distance from the central engine. The acceleration slows down but continues at larger distances, with intrinsic acceleration rate $\dot{\Gamma }/\Gamma$ between $0.0005$ and $0.005~\rm {yr^{-1}}$ at tens of parsecs, which is in very good agreement with recent radio observations. Magnetic reconnection continuously accelerates non-thermal particles over large distances from the central engine, resulting in the core-shift effect and overall flat-to-inverted synchrotron spectrum. The large-scale spectral luminosity peak νpeak is antiproportional to the location of the peak of the dissipation, which is set by the minimal stripe width lmin. The blazar zone is approximately at the same location. At this distance, the jet is moderately magnetized, with the comoving magnetic field strength and dissipation power consistent with typical leptonic blazar model parameters. 
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  5. Abstract

    It is commonly believed that blazar jets are relativistic magnetized plasma outflows from supermassive black holes. One key question is how the jets dissipate magnetic energy to accelerate particles and drive powerful multiwavelength flares. Relativistic magnetic reconnection has been proposed as the primary plasma physical process in the blazar emission region. Recent numerical simulations have shown strong acceleration of nonthermal particles that may lead to multiwavelength flares. Nevertheless, previous works have not directly evaluatedγ-ray signatures from first-principles simulations. In this paper, we employ combined particle-in-cell and polarized radiation transfer simulations to study multiwavelength radiation and optical polarization signatures under the leptonic scenario from relativistic magnetic reconnection. We find harder-when-brighter trends in optical and Fermi-LATγ-ray bands as well as closely correlated optical andγ-ray flares. The swings in optical polarization angle are also accompanied byγ-ray flares with trivial time delays. Intriguingly, we find highly variable synchrotron self-Compton signatures due to inhomogeneous particle distributions during plasmoid mergers. This feature may result in fastγ-ray flares or orphanγ-ray flares under the leptonic scenario, complementary to the frequently considered minijet scenario. It may also imply neutrino emission with low secondary synchrotron flux under the hadronic scenario, if plasmoid mergers can accelerate protons to very high energy.

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  6. ABSTRACT Relativistic jets are highly collimated plasma outflows emerging from accreting black holes. They are launched with a significant amount of magnetic energy, which can be dissipated to accelerate non-thermal particles and give rise to electromagnetic radiation at larger scales. Kink instabilities can be an efficient mechanism to trigger dissipation of jet magnetic energy. While previous works have studied the conditions required for the growth of kink instabilities in relativistic jets, the radiation signatures of these instabilities have not been investigated in detail. In this paper, we aim to self-consistently study radiation and polarization signatures from kink instabilities in relativistic jets. We combine large-scale relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations with polarized radiation transfer of a magnetized jet, which emerges from the central engine and propagates through the surrounding medium. We observe that a localized region at the central spine of the jet exhibits the strongest kink instabilities, which we identify as the jet emission region. Very interestingly, we find quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) signatures in the light curve from the emission region. Additionally, the polarization degree appears to be anticorrelated to flares in the light curves. Our analyses show that these QPO signatures are intrinsically driven by kink instabilities, where the period of the QPOs is associated with the kink growth time-scale. The latter corresponds to weeks to months QPOs in blazars. The polarization signatures offer unique diagnostics for QPOs driven by kink instabilities. 
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  7. null (Ed.)