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Creators/Authors contains: "Zhang, Xiaodan"

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  1. Summary

    Drought stress substantially impacts crop physiology resulting in alteration of growth and productivity. Understanding the genetic and molecular crosstalk between stress responses and agronomically important traits such as fibre yield is particularly complicated in the allopolyploid species, upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), due to reduced sequence variability between A and D subgenomes. To better understand how drought stress impacts yield, the transcriptomes of 22 genetically and phenotypically diverse upland cotton accessions grown under well‐watered and water‐limited conditions in the Arizona low desert were sequenced. Gene co‐expression analyses were performed, uncovering a group of stress response genes, in particular transcription factors GhDREB2A‐A and GhHSFA6B‐D, associated with improved yield under water‐limited conditions in an ABA‐independent manner. DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP‐seq), as well as public cistrome data from Arabidopsis, were used to identify targets of these two TFs. Among these targets were two lint yield‐associated genes previously identified through genome‐wide association studies (GWAS)‐based approaches,GhABP‐DandGhIPS1‐A. Biochemical and phylogenetic approaches were used to determine thatGhIPS1‐Ais positively regulated by GhHSFA6B‐D, and that this regulatory mechanism is specific toGossypiumspp. containing the A (old world) genome. Finally, an SNP was identified within the GhHSFA6B‐D binding site inGhIPS1‐Athat is positively associated with yield under water‐limiting conditions. These data lay out a regulatory connection between abiotic stress and fibre yield in cotton that appears conserved in other systems such as Arabidopsis.

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  2. Abstract

    Inorganic perovskite solar cells (IPSCs) have gained significant attention due to their excellent thermal stability and suitable band gap (~1.7 eV) for tandem solar cell applications. However, the defect‐induced non‐radiative recombination losses, low charge extraction efficiency, energy level mismatches, and so on render the fabrication of high‐efficiency inverted IPSCs remains challenging. Here, the use of 3‐amino‐5‐bromopyridine‐2‐formamide (ABF) in methanol was dynamically spin‐coated on the surface of CsPbI2.85Br0.15film, which facilitates the limited etching of defect‐rich subsurface layer, resulting in the formation of vertical PbI2nanosheet structures. This enabled localized contacts between the perovskite film and the electron transport layer, suppress the recombination of electron‐hole and beneficial to electron extraction. Additionally, the C=O and C=N groups in ABF effectively passivated the undercoordinated Pb2+at grain boundaries and on the surface of CsPbI2.85Br0.15film. Eventually, we achieved a champion efficiency of 20.80 % (certified efficiency of 20.02 %) for inverted IPSCs with enhanced stability, which is the highest value ever reported to date. Furthermore, we successfully prepared p‐i‐n type monolithic inorganic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells (IPSTSCs) with an efficiency of 26.26 %. This strategy provided both fast extraction and efficient passivation at the electron‐selective interface.

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  3. Abstract

    Inorganic perovskite solar cells (IPSCs) have gained significant attention due to their excellent thermal stability and suitable band gap (~1.7 eV) for tandem solar cell applications. However, the defect‐induced non‐radiative recombination losses, low charge extraction efficiency, energy level mismatches, and so on render the fabrication of high‐efficiency inverted IPSCs remains challenging. Here, the use of 3‐amino‐5‐bromopyridine‐2‐formamide (ABF) in methanol was dynamically spin‐coated on the surface of CsPbI2.85Br0.15film, which facilitates the limited etching of defect‐rich subsurface layer, resulting in the formation of vertical PbI2nanosheet structures. This enabled localized contacts between the perovskite film and the electron transport layer, suppress the recombination of electron‐hole and beneficial to electron extraction. Additionally, the C=O and C=N groups in ABF effectively passivated the undercoordinated Pb2+at grain boundaries and on the surface of CsPbI2.85Br0.15film. Eventually, we achieved a champion efficiency of 20.80 % (certified efficiency of 20.02 %) for inverted IPSCs with enhanced stability, which is the highest value ever reported to date. Furthermore, we successfully prepared p‐i‐n type monolithic inorganic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells (IPSTSCs) with an efficiency of 26.26 %. This strategy provided both fast extraction and efficient passivation at the electron‐selective interface.

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