Galaxy clusters enable unique opportunities to study cosmology, dark matter, galaxy evolution, and strongly lensed transients. We here present a new cluster-finding algorithm, CluMPR (Clusters from Masses and Photometric Redshifts), that exploits photometric redshifts (photo-z’s) as well as photometric stellar mass measurements. CluMPR uses a 2D binary search tree to search for overdensities of massive galaxies with similar redshifts on the sky and then probabilistically assigns cluster membership by accounting for photo-z uncertainties. We leverage the deep DESI Legacy Survey grzW1W2 imaging over one-third of the sky to create a catalogue of $\sim 300\, 000$ galaxy cluster candidates out to z = 1, including tabulations of member galaxies and estimates of each cluster’s total stellar mass. Compared to other methods, CluMPR is particularly effective at identifying clusters at the high end of the redshift range considered (z = 0.75–1), with minimal contamination from low-mass groups. These characteristics make it ideal for identifying strongly lensed high-redshift supernovae and quasars that are powerful probes of cosmology, dark matter, and stellar astrophysics. As an example application of this cluster catalogue, we present a catalogue of candidate wide-angle strongly lensed quasars in Appendix C. The nine best candidates identified from this sample include two known lensed quasar systems and a possible changing-look lensed QSO with SDSS spectroscopy. All code and catalogues produced in this work are publicly available (see Data Availability).
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Abstract We present the 2020 version of the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA-2020), a multiwavelength optical and infrared imaging atlas of 383,620 nearby galaxies. The SGA-2020 uses optical
grz imaging over ≈20,000 deg2from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 9 and infrared imaging in four bands (spanning 3.4–22μ m) from the 6 year unWISE coadds; it is more than 95% complete for galaxies larger thanR (26) ≈ 25″ andr < 18 measured at the 26 mag arcsec−2isophote in ther band. The atlas delivers precise coordinates, multiwavelength mosaics, azimuthally averaged optical surface-brightness profiles, model images and photometry, and additional ancillary metadata for the full sample. Coupled with existing and forthcoming optical spectroscopy from the DESI, the SGA-2020 will facilitate new detailed studies of the star formation and mass assembly histories of nearby galaxies; enable precise measurements of the local velocity field via the Tully–Fisher and fundamental plane relations; serve as a reference sample of lasting legacy value for time-domain and multimessenger astronomical events; and more. -
ABSTRACT Studies of cosmology, galaxy evolution, and astronomical transients with current and next-generation wide-field imaging surveys like the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time are all critically dependent on estimates of photometric redshifts. Capsule networks are a new type of neural network architecture that is better suited for identifying morphological features of the input images than traditional convolutional neural networks. We use a deep capsule network trained on ugriz images, spectroscopic redshifts, and Galaxy Zoo spiral/elliptical classifications of ∼400 000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies to do photometric redshift estimation. We achieve a photometric redshift prediction accuracy and a fraction of catastrophic outliers that are comparable to or better than current methods for SDSS main galaxy sample-like data sets (r ≤ 17.8 and zspec ≤ 0.4) while requiring less data and fewer trainable parameters. Furthermore, the decision-making of our capsule network is much more easily interpretable as capsules act as a low-dimensional encoding of the image. When the capsules are projected on a two-dimensional manifold, they form a single redshift sequence with the fraction of spirals in a region exhibiting a gradient roughly perpendicular to the redshift sequence. We perturb encodings of real galaxy images in this low-dimensional space to create synthetic galaxy images that demonstrate the image properties (e.g. size, orientation, and surface brightness) encoded by each dimension. We also measure correlations between galaxy properties (e.g. magnitudes, colours, and stellar mass) and each capsule dimension. We publicly release our code, estimated redshifts, and additional catalogues at
ABSTRACT We describe the target selection and characteristics of the DESI Peculiar Velocity Survey, the largest survey of peculiar velocities (PVs) using both the fundamental plane (FP) and the Tully–Fisher (TF) relationship planned to date. We detail how we identify suitable early-type galaxies (ETGs) for the FP and suitable late-type galaxies (LTGs) for the TF relation using the photometric data provided by the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey DR9. Subsequently, we provide targets for 373 533 ETGs and 118 637 LTGs within the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) 5-yr footprint. We validate these photometric selections using existing morphological classifications. Furthermore, we demonstrate using survey validation data that DESI is able to measure the spectroscopic properties to sufficient precision to obtain PVs for our targets. Based on realistic DESI fibre assignment simulations and spectroscopic success rates, we predict the final DESI PV Survey will obtain ∼133 000 FP-based and ∼53 000 TF-based PV measurements over an area of 14 000 deg2. We forecast the ability of using these data to measure the clustering of galaxy positions and PVs from the combined DESI PV and Bright Galaxy Surveys (BGS), which allows for cancellation of cosmic variance at low redshifts. With these forecasts, we anticipate a 4 per cent statistical measurement on the growth rate of structure at z < 0.15. This is over two times better than achievable with redshifts from the BGS alone. The combined DESI PV and BGS will enable the most precise tests to date of the time and scale dependence of large-scale structure growth at z < 0.15.
Abstract We report the first results of a high-redshift (
z ≳ 5) quasar survey using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). As a DESI secondary target program, this survey is designed to carry out a systematic search and investigation of quasars at 4.8 <z < 6.8. The target selection is based on the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (the Legacy Surveys) DR9 photometry, combined with the Pan-STARRS1 data andJ -band photometry from public surveys. A first quasar sample has been constructed from the DESI Survey Validation 3 (SV3) and first-year observations until 2022 May. This sample includes more than 400 new quasars at redshift 4.7 ≤z < 6.6, down to 21.5 magnitude (AB) in thez band, discovered from 35% of the entire target sample. Remarkably, there are 220 new quasars identified atz ≥ 5, more than one-third of existing quasars previously published at this redshift. The observations so far result in an average success rate of 23% atz > 4.7. The current spectral data set has already allowed analysis of interesting individual objects (e.g., quasars with damped Lyα absorbers and broad absorption line features), and statistical analysis will follow the survey’s completion. A set of science projects will be carried out leveraging this program, including quasar luminosity function, quasar clustering, intergalactic medium, quasar spectral properties, intervening absorbers, and properties of early supermassive black holes. Additionally, a sample of 38 new quasars atz ∼ 3.8–5.7 discovered from a pilot survey in the DESI SV1 is also published in this paper. -
Abstract We use luminous red galaxies selected from the imaging surveys that are being used for targeting by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) in combination with CMB lensing maps from the Planck collaboration to probe the amplitude of large-scale structure over 0.4 ≤ z ≤ 1. Our galaxy sample, with an angular number density of approximately 500 deg -2 over 18,000 sq.deg., is divided into 4 tomographic bins by photometric redshift and the redshift distributions are calibrated using spectroscopy from DESI. We fit the galaxy autospectra and galaxy-convergence cross-spectra using models based on cosmological perturbation theory, restricting to large scales that are expected to be well described by such models. Within the context of ΛCDM, combining all 4 samples and using priors on the background cosmology from supernova and baryon acoustic oscillation measurements, we find S 8 = σ 8 (Ω m /0.3) 0.5 = 0.73 ± 0.03. This result is lower than the prediction of the ΛCDM model conditioned on the Planck data. Our data prefer a slower growth of structure at low redshift than the model predictions, though at only modest significance.more » « less
ABSTRACT The canonical Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model makes precise predictions for the clustering and lensing properties of galaxies. It has been shown that the lensing amplitude of galaxies in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) is lower than expected given their clustering properties. We present new measurements and modelling of galaxies in the BOSS LOWZ sample. We focus on the radial and stellar mass dependence of the lensing amplitude mismatch. We find an amplitude mismatch of around $35{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ when assuming ΛCDM with Planck Cosmological Microwave Background (CMB) constraints. This offset is independent of halo mass and radial scale in the range Mhalo ∼ 1013.3−1013.9h−1 M⊙ and $r=0.1\!-\!60 \, h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}$ ($k \approx 0.05\!-\!20 \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$). The observation that the offset is both mass and scale independent places important constraints on the degree to which astrophysical processes (baryonic effects, assembly bias) can fully explain the effect. This scale independence also suggests that the ‘lensing is low’ effect on small and large radial scales probably have the same physical origin. Resolutions based on new physics require a nearly uniform suppression, relative to ΛCDM predictions, of the amplitude of matter fluctuations on these scales. The possible causes of this are tightly constrained by measurements of the CMB and of the low-redshift expansion history.more » « less
Abstract Over the next 5 yr, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will use 10 spectrographs with 5000 fibers on the 4 m Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory to conduct the first Stage IV dark energy galaxy survey. At
z < 0.6, the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) will produce the most detailed map of the universe during the dark-energy-dominated epoch with redshifts of >10 million galaxies spanning 14,000 deg2. In this work, we present and validate the final BGS target selection and survey design. From the Legacy Surveys, BGS will target anr < 19.5 mag limited sample (BGS Bright), a fainter 19.5 <r < 20.175 color-selected sample (BGS Faint), and a smaller low-z quasar sample. BGS will observe these targets using exposure times scaled to achieve homogeneous completeness and cover the footprint three times. We use observations from the Survey Validation programs conducted prior to the main survey along with simulations to show that BGS can complete its strategy and make optimal use of “bright” time. BGS targets have stellar contamination <1%, and their densities do not depend strongly on imaging properties. BGS Bright will achieve >80% fiber assignment efficiency. Finally, BGS Bright and BGS Faint will achieve >95% redshift success over any observing condition. BGS meets the requirements for an extensive range of scientific applications. BGS will yield the most precise baryon acoustic oscillation and redshift-space distortion measurements atz < 0.4. It presents opportunities for new methods that require highly complete and dense samples (e.g.,N -point statistics, multitracers). BGS further provides a powerful tool to study galaxy populations and the relations between galaxies and dark matter. -
Abstract The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is carrying out a five-year survey that aims to measure the redshifts of tens of millions of galaxies and quasars, including 8 million luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the redshift range 0.4 <
z ≲ 1.0. Here we present the selection of the DESI LRG sample and assess its spectroscopic performance using data from Survey Validation (SV) and the first two months of the Main Survey. The DESI LRG sample, selected usingg ,r ,z , andW 1 photometry from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, is highly robust against imaging systematics. The sample has a target density of 605 deg−2and a comoving number density of 5 × 10−4h 3Mpc−3in 0.4 <z < 0.8; this is a significantly higher density than previous LRG surveys (such as SDSS, BOSS, and eBOSS) while also extending toz ∼ 1. After applying a bright star veto mask developed for the sample, 98.9% of the observed LRG targets yield confident redshifts (with a catastrophic failure rate of 0.2% in the confident redshifts), and only 0.5% of the LRG targets are stellar contamination. The LRG redshift efficiency varies with source brightness and effective exposure time, and we present a simple model that accurately characterizes this dependence. In the appendices, we describe the extended LRG samples observed during SV. -
Abstract In 2021 May, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) began a 5 yr survey of approximately 50 million total extragalactic and Galactic targets. The primary DESI dark-time targets are emission line galaxies, luminous red galaxies, and quasars. In bright time, DESI will focus on two surveys known as the Bright Galaxy Survey and the Milky Way Survey. DESI also observes a selection of “secondary” targets for bespoke science goals. This paper gives an overview of the publicly available pipeline (
desitarget ) used to process targets for DESI observations. Highlights include details of the different DESI survey targeting phases, the targeting ID (TARGETID ) used to define unique targets, the bitmasks used to indicate a particular type of target, the data model and structure of DESI targeting files, and examples of how to access and use thedesitarget code base. This paper will also describe “supporting” DESI target classes, such as standard stars, sky locations, and random catalogs that mimic the angular selection function of DESI targets. The DESI target-selection pipeline is complex and sizable; this paper attempts to summarize the most salient information required to understand and work with DESI targeting data.