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Creators/Authors contains: "Zuo, Xiaobing"

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  1. Abstract

    The dynamic behavior of biological materials is central to their functionality, suggesting that interfacial dynamics could also mediate the activity of chemical events at the surfaces of synthetic materials. Here, we investigate the influence of surface flexibility and hydration on heavy metal remediation by nanostructures self-assembled from small molecules that are decorated with surface-bound chelators in water. We find that incorporating short oligo(ethylene glycol) spacers between the surface and interior domain of self-assembled nanostructures can drastically increase the conformational mobility of surface-bound lead-chelating moieties and promote interaction with surrounding water. In turn, we find the binding affinities of chelators tethered to the most flexible surfaces are more than ten times greater than the least flexible surfaces. Accordingly, nanostructures composed of amphiphiles that give rise to the most dynamic surfaces are capable of remediating thousands of liters of 50 ppb Pb2+-contaminated water with single grams of material. These findings establish interfacial dynamics as a critical design parameter for functional self-assembled nanostructures.

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  2. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) which records reciprocal-space signals with characteristic Bessel-type oscillations is a powerful technique for studying nanoparticles. However, the size polydispersity (or size distribution) of nanoparticles in an ensemble sample smears the oscillational peaks and valleys in the SAXS profile, making it difficult to extract accurate real-space information (e.g.three-dimensional geometry) on the nanoparticles. In this work, a method capable of eliminating the size-distribution-induced smearing effect from SAXS profiles by taking the known size-distribution function into consideration has been developed. The method employs a penalized iterative regression to fit the pair distance distribution function (PDDF) derived from a SAXS profile, recovering the representative PDDF of the nanoparticles. The method has been evaluated with a series of nanoparticle systems of various shapes and size distributions, showing their PDDF profiles to have high fidelity to the reference ideal PDDF profiles. Inverse Fourier transformation of the recovered PDDF profiles gives SAXS profiles presenting the characteristic Bessel-type oscillations, enabling reconstruction of the representative three-dimensional geometry of the nanoparticles. This method will help in the use of SAXS to image synthesized colloidal nanoparticles where size polydispersity is inevitable.

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  3. Phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) are peptide-based virulence factors that play significant roles in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal strains in community-associated and hospital-associated infections. In addition to cytotoxicity, PSMs display the propensity to self-assemble into fibrillar species, which may be mediated through the formation of amphipathic conformations. Here, we analyze the self-assembly behavior of two PSMs, PSMα3 and PSMβ2, which are derived from peptides expressed by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a significant human pathogen. In both cases, we observed the formation of a mixture of self-assembled species including twisted filaments, helical ribbons, and nanotubes, which can reversibly interconvert in vitro. Cryo–electron microscopy structural analysis of three PSM nanotubes, two derived from PSMα3 and one from PSMβ2, revealed that the assemblies displayed remarkably similar structures based on lateral association of cross-α amyloid protofilaments. The amphipathic helical conformations of PSMα3 and PSMβ2 enforced a bilayer arrangement within the protofilaments that defined the structures of the respective PSMα3 and PSMβ2 nanotubes. We demonstrate that, similar to amyloids based on cross-β protofilaments, cross-α amyloids derived from these PSMs display polymorphism, not only in terms of the global morphology (e.g., twisted filament, helical ribbon, and nanotube) but also with respect to the number of protofilaments within a given peptide assembly. These results suggest that the folding landscape of PSM derivatives may be more complex than originally anticipated and that the assemblies are able to sample a wide range of supramolecular structural space. 
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  4. null (Ed.)