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Award ID contains: 1553329

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  1. Abstract

    Most existing unsteady flow visualization techniques concentrate on the depiction of geometric patterns in flow, assuming the geometry information provides sufficient representation of the underlying physical characteristics, which is not always the case. To address this challenge, this work proposes to analyse the time‐dependent characteristics of the physical attributes measured along pathlines which can be represented as a series of time activity curves (TAC). We demonstrate that the temporal trends of these TACs can convey the relation between pathlines and certain well‐known flow features (e.g. vortices and shearing layers), which enables us to select pathlines that can effectively represent the physical characteristics of interest and their temporal behaviour in the unsteady flow. Inspired by this observation, a new TAC‐based unsteady flow visualization and analysis framework is proposed. The centre of this framework is a new similarity measure that compares the similarity of two TACs, from which a new spatio‐temporal, hierarchical clustering that classifies pathlines based on their physical attributes, and a TAC‐based pathline exploration and selection strategy are proposed. A visual analytic system incorporating the TAC‐based pathline clustering and exploration is developed, which also provides new visualizations to support the user exploration of unsteady flow using TACs. This visual analytic system is applied to a number of unsteady flow in 2D and 3D to demonstrate its utility. The new system successfully reveals the detailed structure of vortices, the relation between shear layer and vortex formation, and vortex breakdown, which are difficult to convey with conventional methods.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. null (Ed.)
  4. This work proposes to analyze the time-dependent characteristics of the physical attributes measured along pathlines derived from unsteady flows, which can be represented as a series of time activity curves (TAC). A new TAC-based unsteady flow visualization and analysis framework is proposed. The center of this framework is a new event-based distance metric (EDM) that compares the similarity of two TACs, from which a new spatio-temporal, hierarchical clustering of pathlines based on their physical attributes and an attribute-based pathline exploration are proposed. These techniques are integrated into a visual analytics system, which has been applied to a number of unsteady flow in 2D and 3D to demonstrate its utility. 
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  5. Microvessels are frequent targets for research into tissue development and disease progression. These complex and subtle differences between networks are currently difficult to visualize, making sample comparisons subjective and difficult to quantify. These challenges are due to the structure of microvascular networks, which are sparse but space-filling. This results in a complex and interconnected mesh that is difficult to represent and impractical to interpret using conventional visualization techniques. We develop a bi-modal visualization framework, leveraging graph-based and geometry-based techniques to achieve interactive visualization of microvascular networks. This framework allows researchers to objectively interpret the complex and subtle variations that arise when comparing microvascular networks. 
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  6. Unsupervised clustering techniques have been widely applied to flow simulation data to alleviate clutter and occlusion in the resulting visualization. However, there is an absence of systematic guidelines for users to evaluate (both quantitatively and visually) the appropriate clustering technique and similarity measures for streamline and pathline curves. In this work, we provide an overview of a number of prevailing curve clustering techniques. We then perform a comprehensive experimental study to qualitatively and quantitatively compare these clustering techniques coupled with popular similarity measures used in the flow visualization literature. Based on our experimental results, we derive empirical guidelines for selecting the appropriate clustering technique and similarity measure given the requirements of the visualization task. We believe our work will inform the task of generating meaningful reduced representations for large-scale flow data and inspire the continuous investigation of a more refined guidance on clustering technique selection. 
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