The stability, structure, and elastic properties of pyrite‐type (FeS2structured) FeO2H were determined using density functional theory‐based computations with an internally consistent Coulombic self‐interaction term (
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Abstract U eff ). The properties of pyrite‐type FeO2H are compared to that of pyrite‐type AlO2H, with which it likely forms a solid solution at high temperature, as well as the respective lower pressure CaCl2‐type polymorphs of both endmembers:ϵ ‐FeOOH andδ ‐AlOOH. Due to substantial differences in the CaCl2‐type → pyrite‐type structural transition pressures of these endmembers, the stabilities of the (Al,Fe)O2H solid solution polymorphs are anticipated to be compositionally driven at lower mantle pressures. As the geophysical properties of (Al,Fe)OOH are structurally dependant, interpretations regarding the contribution of pyrite‐type FeO2H to seismically observed features must take into account the importance of this broad phase loop. With this in mind, Fe‐rich pyrite‐type (Al,Fe)OOH may coexist with Al‐dominant CaCl2‐typeδ ‐(Al,Fe)OOH in the deep Earth. Furthermore, pyrite‐type (Al0.5–0.6,Fe0.4–0.5)O2H can reproduce the reduced compressional and shear velocities characteristic of seismically observed ultra low velocity zones in the Earth's lowermost mantle while Al‐dominant but Fe‐bearing CaCl2‐typeδ ‐(Al,Fe)OOH may contribute to large low shear velocity provinces. -
null (Ed.)Abstract Constraining the accommodation, distribution, and circulation of hydrogen in the Earth's interior is vital to our broader understanding of the deep Earth due to the significant influence of hydrogen on the material and rheological properties of minerals. Recently, a great deal of attention has been paid to the high-pressure polymorphs of FeOOH (space groups P21nm and Pnnm). These structures potentially form a hydrogen-bearing solid solution with AlOOH and phase H (MgSiO4H2) that may transport water (OH–) deep into the Earth's lower mantle. Additionally, the pyrite-type polymorph (space group Pa3 of FeOOH), and its potential dehydration have been linked to phenomena as diverse as the introduction of hydrogen into the outer core (Nishi et al. 2017), the formation of ultralow-velocity zones (ULVZs) (Liu et al. 2017), and the Great Oxidation Event (Hu et al. 2016). In this study, the high-pressure evolution of FeOOH was re-evaluated up to ~75 GPa using a combination of synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and optical absorption spectroscopy. Based on these measurements, we report three principal findings: (1) pressure-induced changes in hydrogen bonding (proton disordering or hydrogen bond symmetrization) occur at substantially lower pressures in ε-FeOOH than previously reported and are unlikely to be linked to the high-spin to low-spin transition; (2) ε-FeOOH undergoes a 10% volume collapse coincident with an isostructural Pnnm → Pnnm transition at approximately 45 GPa; and (3) a pressure-induced band gap reduction is observed in FeOOH at pressures consistent with the previously reported spin transition (40 to 50 GPa).more » « less