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Award ID contains: 1704859

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  1. The increasing computing demands of autonomous driving applications have driven the adoption of multicore processors in real-time systems, which in turn renders energy optimizations critical for reducing battery capacity and vehicle weight. A typical energy optimization method targeting traditional real-time systems finds a critical speed under a static deadline, resulting in conservative energy savings that are unable to exploit dynamic changes in the system and environment. We capture emerging dynamic deadlines arising from the vehicle’s change in velocity and driving context for an additional energy optimization opportunity. In this article, we extend the preliminary work for uniprocessors [66] to multicore processors, which introduces several challenges. We use the state-of-the-art real-time gang scheduling [5] to mitigate some of the challenges. However, it entails an NP-hard combinatorial problem in that tasks need to be grouped into gangs of tasks, gang formation, which could significantly affect the energy saving result. As such, we present EASYR, an adaptive system optimization and reconfiguration approach that generates gangs of tasks from a given directed acyclic graph for multicore processors and dynamically adapts the scheduling parameters and processor speeds to satisfy dynamic deadlines while consuming as little energy as possible. The timing constraints are also satisfied between system reconfigurations through our proposed safe mode change protocol. Our extensive experiments with randomly generated task graphs show that our gang formation heuristic performs 32% better than the state-of-the-art one. Using an autonomous driving task set from Bosch and real-world driving data, our experiments show that EASYR achieves energy reductions of up to 30.3% on average in typical driving scenarios compared with a conventional energy optimization method with the current state-of-the-art gang formation heuristic in real-time systems, demonstrating great potential for dynamic energy optimization gains by exploiting dynamic deadlines.

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  2. null (Ed.)
    Self-driving systems execute an ensemble of different self-driving workloads on embedded systems in an end-to-end manner, subject to functional and performance requirements. To enable exploration, optimization, and end-to-end evaluation on different embedded platforms, system designers critically need a benchmark suite that enables flexible and seamless configuration of self-driving scenarios, which realistically reflects real-world self-driving workloads’ unique characteristics. Existing CPU and GPU embedded benchmark suites typically (1) consider isolated applications, (2) are not sensor-driven, and (3) are unable to support emerging self-driving applications that simultaneously utilize CPUs and GPUs with stringent timing requirements. On the other hand, full-system self-driving simulators (e.g., AUTOWARE, APOLLO) focus on functional simulation, but lack the ability to evaluate the self-driving software stack on various embedded platforms. To address design needs, we present Chauffeur, the first open-source end-to-end benchmark suite for self-driving vehicles with configurable representative workloads. Chauffeur is easy to configure and run, enabling researchers to evaluate different platform configurations and explore alternative instantiations of the self-driving software pipeline. Chauffeur runs on diverse emerging platforms and exploits heterogeneous onboard resources. Our initial characterization of Chauffeur on different embedded platforms – NVIDIA Jetson TX2 and Drive PX2 – enables comparative evaluation of these GPU platforms in executing an end-to-end self-driving computational pipeline to assess the end-to-end response times on these emerging embedded platforms while also creating opportunities to create application gangs for better response times. Chauffeur enables researchers to benchmark representative self-driving workloads and flexibly compose them for different self-driving scenarios to explore end-to-end tradeoffs between design constraints, power budget, real-time performance requirements, and accuracy of applications. 
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