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  1. Processors are typically designed in Register Transfer Level (RTL) languages, which give designers low-level control over circuit structure and timing. To achieve good performance, processors are pipelined, with multiple instructions executing concurrently in different parts of the circuit. Thus even though processors implement a fundamentally sequential specification (the instruction set architecture), the implementation is highly concurrent. The interactions of multiple instructions---potentially speculative---can cause incorrect behavior. We present PDL, a novel hardware description language targeted at the construction of pipelined processors. PDL provides one instruction at a time semantics: the first language to enforce that the generated pipelined circuit has the same behavior as a sequential specification. This enforcement facilitates design-space exploration. Adding or removing pipeline stages, moving operations across stages, or otherwise changing pipeline structure normally requires careful analysis of bypass paths and stall logic; with PDL, this analysis is handled by the PDL compiler. At the same time, PDL still offers designers fine-grained control over performance-critical microarchitectural choices such as timing of operations, data forwarding, and speculation. We demonstrate PDL's expressive power and ease of design exploration by implementing several RISC-V cores with differing microarchitectures. Our results show that PDL does not impose significant performance or area overhead compared to a standard HDL. 
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  2. This paper proposes a new type system for concurrent programs, allowing threads to exchange complex object graphs without risking destructive data races. While this goal is shared by a rich history of past work, existing solutions either rely on strictly enforced heap invariants that prohibit natural programming patterns or demand pervasive annotations even for simple programming tasks. As a result, past systems cannot express intuitively simple code without unnatural rewrites or substantial annotation burdens. Our work avoids these pitfalls through a novel type system that provides sound reasoning about separation in the heap while remaining flexible enough to support a wide range of desirable heap manipulations. This new sweet spot is attained by enforcing a heap domination invariant similarly to prior work, but tempering it by allowing complex exceptions that add little annotation burden. Our results include: (1) code examples showing that common data structure manipulations which are difficult or impossible to express in prior work are natural and direct in our system, (2) a formal proof of correctness demonstrating that well-typed programs cannot encounter destructive data races at run time, and (3) an efficient type checker implemented in Gallina and OCaml. 
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  3. To achieve good performance, modern applications often partition and replicate their state across multiple geographically-distributed nodes. While this approach reduces latency in the common case, it can be challenging for programmers to use correctly, especially in applications that require strong consistency. We show how to achieve strong consistency while avoiding coordination by using predictive treaties, a mechanism that can significantly reduce distributed coordination without losing strong consistency. The central insight behind our approach is that many computations can be expressed in terms of predicates over distributed state that can be partitioned and enforced locally. Predictive treaties improve on previous work by allowing the locally enforced predicates to depend on time. Intuitively, by predicting the evolution of system state, coordination can be significantly reduced compared to static approaches. We implemented predictive treaties in a distributed system that exposes them via an intuitive programming model. We evaluate performance on several benchmarks, including TPC-C, showing that predictive treaties can significantly increase performance by orders of magnitude and can even outperform customized algorithms. 
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  4. Programming efficient distributed, concurrent systems requires new abstractions that go beyond traditional sequential programming. But programmers already have trouble getting sequential code right, so simplicity is essential. The core problem is that low-latency, high-availability access to data requires replication of mutable state. Keeping replicas fully consistent is expensive, so the question is how to expose asynchronously replicated objects to programmers in a way that allows them to reason simply about their code. We propose an answer to this question in our ongoing work designing a new language, Gallifrey, which provides orthogonal replication through restrictions with merge strategies, contingencies for conflicts arising from concurrency, and branches, a novel concurrency control construct inspired by version control, to contain provisional behavior. 
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  5. Programming concurrent, distributed systems is hard---especially when these systems mutate shared, persistent state replicated at geographic scale. To enable high availability and scalability, a new class of weakly consistent data stores has become popular. However, some data needs strong consistency. To manipulate both weakly and strongly consistent data in a single transaction, we introduce a new abstraction: mixed-consistency transactions, embodied in a new embedded language, MixT. Programmers explicitly associate consistency models with remote storage sites; each atomic, isolated transaction can access a mixture of data with different consistency models. Compile-time information-flow checking, applied to consistency models, ensures that these models are mixed safely and enables the compiler to automatically partition transactions. New run-time mechanisms ensure that consistency models can also be mixed safely, even when the data used by a transaction resides on separate, mutually unaware stores. Performance measurements show that despite their stronger guarantees, mixed-consistency transactions retain much of the speed of weak consistency, significantly outperforming traditional serializable transactions. 
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