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This paper presents RAPTA, a customized Representation-learning Architecture for automation of feature engineering and predicting the result of Path-based Timing-Analysis early in the physical design cycle. RAPTA offers multiple advantages compared to prior work: 1) It has superior accuracy with errors std ranges 3.9ps~16.05ps in 32nm technology. 2) RAPTA's architecture does not change with feature-set size, 3) RAPTA does not require manual input feature engineering. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work, in which Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) representation learning is used to digest raw information for feature engineering, where generation of latent features and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) based regression for timing prediction can be trained end-to-end.more » « less
null (Ed.)Deep convolutional neural networks have shown high efficiency in computer visions and other applications. However, with the increase in the depth of the networks, the computational complexity is growing exponentially. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to reduce the computational complexity of convolutional neural network models used for many class image classification. Our proposed technique breaks the classification task into two steps: 1) coarse-grain classification, in which the input samples are classified among a set of hyper-classes, 2) fine-grain classification, in which the final labels are predicted among those hyper-classes detected at the first step. We illustrate that our proposed classifier can reach the level of accuracy reported by the best in class classification models with less computational complexity (Flop Count) by only activating parts of the model that are needed for the image classification.more » « less
null (Ed.)This paper proposes an ensemble learning model that is resistant to adversarial attacks. To build resilience, we introduced a training process where each member learns a radically distinct latent space. Member models are added one at a time to the ensemble. Simultaneously, the loss function is regulated by a reverse knowledge distillation, forcing the new member to learn different features and map to a latent space safely distanced from those of existing members. We assessed the security and performance of the proposed solution on image classification tasks using CIFAR10 and MNIST datasets and showed security and performance improvement compared to the state of the art defense methods.more » « less
null (Ed.)In this paper, we propose Code-Bridged Classifier (CBC), a framework for making a Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs) robust against adversarial attacks without increasing or even by decreasing the overall models' computational complexity. More specifically, we propose a stacked encoder-convolutional model, in which the input image is first encoded by the encoder module of a denoising auto-encoder, and then the resulting latent representation (without being decoded) is fed to a reduced complexity CNN for image classification. We illustrate that this network not only is more robust to adversarial examples but also has a significantly lower computational complexity when compared to the prior art defenses.more » « less
In this paper, we present NESTA, a specialized Neural engine that significantly accelerates the computation of convolution layers in a deep convolutional neural network, while reducing the computational energy. NESTA reformats Convolutions into 3 × 3 batches and uses a hierarchy of Hamming Weight Compressors to process each batch. Besides, when processing the convolution across multiple channels, NESTA, rather than computing the precise result of a convolution per channel, quickly computes an approximation of its partial sum, and a residual value such that if added to the approximate partial sum, generates the accurate output. Then, instead of immediately adding the residual, it uses (consumes) the residual when processing the next batch in the hamming weight compressors with available capacity. This mechanism shortens the critical path by avoiding the need to propagate carry signals during each round of computation and speeds up the convolution of each channel. In the last stage of computation, when the partial sum of the last channel is computed, NESTA terminates by adding the residual bits to the approximate output to generate a correct result.more » « less
One of the promising solutions for energy-efficient CNNs is to break them down into multiple stages that are executed sequentially (MS-CNN). In this paper, we illustrate that unlike deep CNNs, MS-CNNs develop a form of contextual awareness of input data in initial stages, which could be used to dynamically change the structure and connectivity of such networks to reduce their computational complexity, making them a better fit for low-power and real-time systems. We suggest three run-time optimization policies, which are capable of exploring such contextual knowledge, and illustrate how the proposed policies construct a dynamic architecture suitable for a wide range of applications with varied accuracy requirements, resources, and time-budget, without further need for network re-training. Moreover, we propose variable and dynamic bit-length fixed-point conversion to further reduce the memory footprint of the MS-CNNs.more » « less
With Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) becoming more of a commodity in the computer vision field, many have attempted to improve CNN in a bid to achieve better accuracy to a point that CNN accuracies have surpassed that of human's capabilities. However, with deeper networks, the number of computations and consequently the power needed per classification has grown considerably. In this paper, we propose Iterative CNN (ICNN) by reformulating the CNN from a single feed-forward network to a series of sequentially executed smaller networks. Each smaller network processes a sub-sample of input image, and features extracted from previous network, and enhances the classification accuracy. Upon reaching an acceptable classification confidence, ICNN immediately terminates. The proposed network architecture allows the CNN function to be dynamically approximated by creating the possibility of early termination and performing the classification with far fewer operations compared to a conventional CNN. Our results show that this iterative approach competes with the original larger networks in terms of accuracy while incurring far less computational complexity by detecting many images in early iterations.more » « less