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Award ID contains: 1720595

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  1. Abstract

    Helical spin structures are expressions of magnetically induced chirality, entangling the dipolar and magnetic orders in materials1–4. The recent discovery of helical van der Waals multiferroics down to the ultrathin limit raises prospects of large chiral magnetoelectric correlations in two dimensions5,6. However, the exact nature and magnitude of these couplings have remained unknown so far. Here we perform a precision measurement of the dynamical magnetoelectric coupling for an enantiopure domain in an exfoliated van der Waals multiferroic. We evaluate this interaction in resonance with a collective electromagnon mode, capturing the impact of its oscillations on the dipolar and magnetic orders of the material with a suite of ultrafast optical probes. Our data show a giant natural optical activity at terahertz frequencies, characterized by quadrature modulations between the electric polarization and magnetization components. First-principles calculations further show that these chiral couplings originate from the synergy between the non-collinear spin texture and relativistic spin–orbit interactions, resulting in substantial enhancements over lattice-mediated effects. Our findings highlight the potential for intertwined orders to enable unique functionalities in the two-dimensional limit and pave the way for the development of van der Waals magnetoelectric devices operating at terahertz speeds.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 8, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Human mesenchymal stromal cell (hMSC) manufacturing requires the production of large numbers of therapeutically potent cells. Licensing with soluble cytokines improves hMSC therapeutic potency by enhancing secretion of immunoactive factors but typically decreases proliferative ability. Soft hydrogels, however, have shown promise for boosting immunomodulatory potential, which may compensate for decreased proliferation. Here, hydrogels are cross‐linked with peptoids of different secondary structures to generate substrates of various bulk stiffnesses but fixed network connectivity. Secretions of interleukin 6, monocyte chemoattractive protein‐1, macrophage colony‐stimulating factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor are shown to depend on hydrogel stiffness in the presence of interferon gamma (IFN‐γ) supplementation, with soft substrates further improving secretion. The immunological function of these secreted cytokines is then investigated via coculture of hMSCs seeded on hydrogels with primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the presence and absence of IFN‐γ. Cocultures with hMSCs seeded on softer hydrogels show decreased PBMC proliferation with IFN‐γ. To probe possible signaling pathways, immunofluorescent studies probe the nuclear factor kappa B pathway and demonstrate that IFN‐γ supplementation and softer hydrogel mechanics lead to higher activation of this pathway. Overall, these studies may allow for production of more efficacious therapeutic hMSCs in the presence of IFN‐γ.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 18, 2025
  3. Abstract

    Organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) are ideal devices for translating biological signals into electrical readouts and have applications in bioelectronics, biosensing, and neuromorphic computing. Despite their potential, developing programmable and modular methods for living systems to interface with OECTs has proven challenging. Here we describe hybrid OECTs containing the model electroactive bacteriumShewanella oneidensisthat enable the transduction of biological computations to electrical responses. Specifically, we fabricated planar p-type OECTs and demonstrated that channel de-doping is driven by extracellular electron transfer (EET) fromS. oneidensis. Leveraging this mechanistic understanding and our ability to control EET flux via transcriptional regulation, we used plasmid-based Boolean logic gates to translate biological computation into current changes within the OECT. Finally, we demonstrated EET-driven changes to OECT synaptic plasticity. This work enables fundamental EET studies and OECT-based biosensing and biocomputing systems with genetically controllable and modular design elements.

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  4. Abstract

    Actin, an important component of eukaryotic cell cytoskeleton, regulates cell shape and transport. The morphology and biochemical properties of actin filaments are determined by their structure and protein-protein contacts. Crowded environments can organize filaments into bundles, but less is known about how they affect F-actin structure. This study used 2D IR spectroscopy and spectral calculations to examine how crowding and bundling impact the secondary structure and local environments in filaments and weakly or strongly bundled networks. The results reveal that bundling induces changes in actin’s secondary structure, leading to a decrease inβ-sheet and an increase in loop conformations. Strongly bundled networks exhibit a decrease in backbone solvent exposure, with less perturbedα-helices and nearly “locked”β-sheets. Similarly, the loops become less hydrated but maintain a dynamic environment. These findings highlight the role of loop structure in actin network morphology and stability under morphology control by PEG.

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  5. Abstract

    Aqueous zinc‐ion batteries are promising alternatives to lithium‐ion batteries due to their cost‐effectiveness and improved safety. However, several challenges, including corrosion, dendrites, and water decomposition at the Zn anode, hinder their performance. Herein, an approach is proposed, that deviates from the conventional design by adding water into a propylene carbonate‐based organic electrolyte to prepare a non‐flammable “water‐in‐organic” electrolyte. The chaotropic salt Zn(ClO4)2exploits the Hofmeister effect to promote the miscibility of immiscible liquid phases. Interactions between propylene carbonate and water restrict water activity and mitigate unfavorable reactions. This electrolyte facilitates preferential Zn (002) deposition and the formation of solid electrolyte interphase. Consequently, the “water‐in‐organic” electrolyte achieves a 99.5% Coulombic efficiency at 1 mA cm−2over 1000 cycles in Zn/Cu cells, and constant cycling over 1000 h in Zn/Zn symmetric cells. A Na0.33V2O5/Zn battery exhibits impressive cycling stability with a capacity of 175 mAh g−1for 800 cycles at 2 A g−1. Additionally, this electrolyte enables sustainable cycling across a wide temperature range from −20 to 50 °C. The design of a “water‐in‐organic” electrolyte employing a chaotropic salt presents a potential strategy for high‐performance electrolytes in zinc‐ion batteries with a large stability window and a wide temperature range.

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  6. Abstract

    The creation of complementary products via templating is a hallmark feature of nucleic acid replication. Outside of nucleic acid‐like molecules, the templated synthesis of a hetero‐complementary copy is still rare. Herein we describe one cycle of templated synthesis that creates homomeric macrocyclic peptides guided by linear instructing strands. This strategy utilizes hydrazone formation to pre‐organize peptide oligomeric monomers along the template on a solid support resin, and microwave‐assisted peptide synthesis to couple monomers and cyclize the strands. With a flexible templating strand, we can alter the size of the complementary macrocycle products by increasing the length and number of the binding peptide oligomers, showing the potential to precisely tune the size of macrocyclic products. For the smaller macrocyclic peptides, the products can be released via hydrolysis and characterized by ESI‐MS.

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  7. Abstract

    The utility of visible light for 3D printing has increased in recent years owing to its accessibility and reduced materials interactions, such as scattering and absorption/degradation, relative to traditional UV light‐based processes. However, photosystems that react efficiently with visible light often require multiple molecular components and have strong and diverse absorption profiles, increasing the complexity of formulation and printing optimization. Herein, a streamlined method to select and optimize visible light 3D printing conditions is described. First, green light liquid crystal display (LCD) 3D printing using a novel resin is optimized through traditional empirical methods, which involves resin component selection, spectroscopic characterization, time‐intensive 3D printing under several different conditions, and measurements of dimensional accuracy for each printed object. Subsequent analytical quantification of dynamic photon absorption during green light polymerizations unveils relationships to cure depth that enables facile resin and 3D printing optimization using a model that is a modification to the Jacob's equation traditionally used for stereolithographic 3D printing. The approach and model are then validated using a distinct green light‐activated resin for two types of projection‐based 3D printing.

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  8. Abstract

    An extremely rapid process for self‐assembling well‐ordered, nano, and microparticle monolayers via a novel aerosolized method is presented. The novel technique can reach monolayer self‐assembly rates as high as 268 cm2min−1from a single aerosolizing source and methods to reach faster monolayer self‐assembly rates are outlined. A new physical mechanism describing the self‐assembly process is presented and new insights enabling high‐efficiency nanoparticle monolayer self‐assembly are developed. In addition, well‐ordered monolayer arrays from particles of various sizes, surface functionality, and materials are fabricated. This new technique enables a 93× increase in monolayer self‐assembly rates compared to the current state of the art and has the potential to provide an extremely low‐cost option for submicron nanomanufacturing.

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  9. Abstract

    Implementing microelectromechanical system (MEMS) resonators calls for detailed microscopic understanding of the devices, such as energy dissipation channels, spurious modes, and imperfections from microfabrication. Here, we report the nanoscale imaging of a freestanding super-high-frequency (3 – 30 GHz) lateral overtone bulk acoustic resonator with unprecedented spatial resolution and displacement sensitivity. Using transmission-mode microwave impedance microscopy, we have visualized mode profiles of individual overtones and analyzed higher-order transverse spurious modes and anchor loss. The integrated TMIM signals are in good agreement with the stored mechanical energy in the resonator. Quantitative analysis with finite-element modeling shows that the noise floor is equivalent to an in-plane displacement of 10 fm/√Hz at room temperatures, which can be further improved under cryogenic environments. Our work contributes to the design and characterization of MEMS resonators with better performance for telecommunication, sensing, and quantum information science applications.

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  10. Abstract

    Cesium methylammonium lead iodide (CsxMA1−xPbI3) nanocrystals were obtained with a wide range of A‐site Cs‐MA compositions by post‐synthetic, room temperature cation exchange between CsPbI3nanocrystals and MAPbI3nanocrystals. The alloyed CsxMA1−xPbI3nanocrystals retain their photoactive perovskite phase with incorporated Cs content,x, as high as 0.74 and the expected composition‐tunable photoluminescence (PL). Excess methylammonium oleate from the reaction mixture in the MAPbI3nanocrystal dispersions was necessary to obtain fast Cs‐MA cation exchange. The phase transformation and degradation kinetics of films of CsxMA1−xPbI3nanocrystals were measured and modeled using an Avrami expression. The transformation kinetics were significantly slower than those of the parent CsPbI3and MAPbI3nanocrystals, with Avrami rate constants,k, at least an order of magnitude smaller. These results affirm that A‐site cation alloying is a promising strategy for stabilizing iodide‐based perovskites.

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