In the United States, thermal power plant electrical generators (EGs) are large water diverters and consumptive users who need water for cooling. Retrofitting existing cooling systems to dry cooling and building new facilities with dry cooling can save water and reduce EG's vulnerability to drought. However, this can be an expensive source of water. We estimate that the cost of water saved by retrofitting cooling in existing EGs ranges from $0.04/m3to $18/m3depending on facility characteristics. Also water savings from building new EGs with dry cooling ranges in cost per unit water from $1.29/m3to $2.24/m3. We compare costs with that for water development projects identified in the Texas State Water Plan. We find the water cost from converting to dry cooling is lower than many of the water development possibilities. We then estimate the impact of climate change on the cost of water saved, finding climate change can increase EG water use by up to 9.3% and lower the costs of water saved. Generally, it appears that water planners might consider cooling alterations as a cost competitive water development alternative whose cost would be further decreased by climate change.
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Abstract The fragile balance of endorheic lakes in highly managed semiarid basins with transboundary water issues has been altered by the intertwined effects of global warming and long‐term water mismanagement to support agricultural and industrial demand. The alarming rate of global endorheic lakes' depletion in recent decades necessitates formulating mitigation strategies for ecosystem restoration. However, detecting and quantifying the relative contribution of causal factors (climate variability and anthropogenic stressors) is challenging. This study developed a diagnostic multivariate framework to identify major hydrologic drivers of lake depletion in a highly managed endorheic basin with a complex water distribution system. The framework integrates the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) simulations with time series decomposition and clustering methods to identify the major drivers of change. This diagnostic framework was applied to the Salton Sea Transboundary Basin (SSTB), the host of the world's most impaired inland lake. The results showed signs of depletion across the SSTB since late 1998 with no significant changes in climate conditions. The time series data mining of the SSTB water balance components indicated that decreases in lake tributary inflows (−16.4 Mm3yr−2) in response to decline in Colorado River inflows, associated with state water transfer agreements, are causing the Salton Sea to shrink, not changes in the irrigation operation as commonly believed. The developed multivariate detection and attribution framework is useful for identifying major drivers of change in coupled natural human systems.
Abstract Climate change and increasing demands are stressing water allocation. In many places, water reallocation and expensive water development actions are being undertaken with more likely to be stimulated by climate change. Here we examine reallocation and development actions between and within municipal, agricultural, and energy industry users in a water‐scarce region and examine how climate change stimulates further actions. We built a regional agricultural, water and electricity two‐stage stochastic model that simulates optimal strategies in South Central Texas. We find that climate change significantly expands water development, causes agricultural water use reduction and reallocation to municipal interests.
Climate change undeniably impacts agriculture and natural resources, enterprises and markets. For informed decision making, there is a need for information on climate change adaptation possibilities and mitigation alternatives. Mathematical programming has been used to address the economic aspects of such questions and allows analysis as climate change moves the environment into previously unobserved conditions. It allows us to model spatial and dynamic features of the issue and analyze heretofore unobserved adaptation and mitigation possibilities. This review provides an overview of and references for modeling techniques, conceptual issues, and major assumptions involved with using mathematical programming as a climate change economic analyzing engine, along with a brief comparison with other methods. We also review a number of studies applying mathematical programming to examine climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation issues in the agricultural and natural resources arena. Finally, we present a very brief discussion on research needs. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 15 is October 2023. Please see for revised estimates.more » « less
Computer simulation models are a useful tool in planning, enabling reliable yet affordable what-if scenario analysis. Many simulation models have been proposed and used for urban planning and management. Still, there are a few modeling options available for the purpose of evaluating the effects of various stormwater control measures (SCM), including LID (low-impact development) controls (green roof, rain garden, porous pavement, rainwater harvesting), upland off-line controls (sedimentation, filtration, retention–irrigation) and online controls (detention, wet pond). We explored the utility and potential of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) as a modeling tool for urban stormwater planning and management. This study demonstrates how the hydrologic modeling strategies of SWAT and recent enhancements could help to develop efficient measures for solving urban stormwater issues. The case studies presented in this paper focus on urban watersheds in the City of Austin (COA), TX, where rapid urbanization and population growth have put pressure on the urban stormwater system. Using the enhanced SWAT, COA developed a framework to assess the impacts on erosion, flooding, and aquatic life due to changes in runoff characteristics associated with land use changes. Five catchments in Austin were modeled to test the validity of the SWAT enhancements and the analytical framework. These case studies demonstrate the efficacy of using SWAT and the COA framework to evaluate the impacts of changes in hydrology and the effects of different regulatory schemes.more » « less
This study attempts to integrate a Surface Water (SW) model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) with an existing steady-state, single layer, unconfined heterogeneous aquifer Analytic Element Method (AEM) based Ground Water (GW) model, named Bluebird AEM engine, for a comprehensive assessment of SW and GW resources and its management. The main reason for integrating SWAT with the GW model is that the SWAT model does not simulate the distribution and dynamics of GW levels and recharge rates. To overcome this issue, often the SWAT model is coupled with the numerical GW model (either using MODFLOW or FEFLOW), wherein the spatial and temporal patterns of the interactions are better captured and assessed. However, the major drawback in integrating the two models (SWAT with—MODFLOW/FEM) is its conversion from Hydrological Response Unit’s (HRU)/sub-basins to grid/elements. To couple them, a spatial translation system is necessary to move the inputs and outputs back and forth between the two models due to the difference in discretization. Hence, for effective coupling of SW and GW models, it may be desirable to have both models with a similar spatial discretization and reduce the need for rigorous numerical techniques for solving the PDEs. The objective of this paper is to test the proof of concept of integrating a distributed hydrologic model with an AEM model at the same spatial units, primarily focused on surface water and groundwater interaction with a shallow unconfined aquifer. Analytic Element Method (AEM) based GW models seem to be ideal for coupling with SWAT due to their innate character to consider the HRU, sub-basin, River, and lake boundaries as individual analytic elements directly without the need for any further discretization or modeling units. This study explores the spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater (GW) discharge rates to a river system in a moist-sub humid region with SWAT-AEM applied to the San Jacinto River basin (SJRB) in Texas. The SW-GW interactions are explored throughout the watershed from 2000–2017 using the integrated SWAT-AEM model, which is tested against stream flow and GW levels. The integrated SWAT-AEM model results show good improvement in predicting the stream flow (R2 = 0.65–0.80) and GW levels as compared to the standalone SWAT model. Further, the integrated model predicted the low flows better compared to the standalone SWAT model, thus accounting for the SW-GW interactions. Almost 80% of the stream network experiences an increase in groundwater discharge rate between 2000 and 2017 with an annual average GW discharge rate of 1853 Mm3/year. The result from the study seems promising for potential applications of SWAT-AEM coupling in regions with considerable SW-GW interactions.more » « less