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Award ID contains: 1750946

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  1. Abstract

    Pine sawflies (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) are eruptive herbivores found throughout eastern North America. The Diprionidae family, which contains at least 140 species, constitutes the most persistent threat to conifers as population outbreaks can cause widespread defoliation. Because some species are more prone to large, destructive outbreaks than others, species identification is critical to effective management. Although existing taxonomic keys are primarily based on internal adult morphology, substantial variation among species in larval color traits, geographic location, overwintering strategy, host plant, and egg patterns can be diagnostic at the species level. Here, we focus on the Pinaceae-feeding subfamily Diprioninae, of which there are 25 species in eastern North America. We describe the general biology, life cycle, and host-use ecology of Diprioninae, with an emphasis on the variation among these traits within this subfamily. In addition, we provide tools for species identification, including a taxonomic key that utilizes external diagnostic characteristics. Finally, we discuss available management strategies.

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  2. Pine sawflies in the genusNeodiprionRohwer are widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere and are pests of commercially important conifer trees. While sampling forNeodiprionspecies in eastern North America, two colonies ofNeodiprion warreniRoss were discovered in Tennessee feeding onPinus virginianaMill. These are the first records ofN. warreniin Tennessee and on the hostP. virginiana. Here, we use a combination of larval and adult female morphology to confirm species identification. We also discuss two potential explanations for these observations:N. warreniwas always present in Tennessee and feeding onP. virginianabut, until now, has gone unreported or these new records are attributable to a recent range expansion and host shift. We also discuss potential economic and evolutionary implications of range expansions and host shifts in plant-feeding insect pest species.

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  3. Abstract Isolation by environment (IBE) is a population genomic pattern that arises when ecological barriers reduce gene flow between populations. Although current evidence suggests IBE is common in nature, few studies have evaluated the underlying mechanisms that generate IBE patterns. In this study, we evaluate five proposed mechanisms of IBE (natural selection against immigrants, sexual selection against immigrants, selection against hybrids, biased dispersal, environment-based phenological differences) that may give rise to host-associated differentiation within a sympatric population of the redheaded pine sawfly, Neodiprion lecontei, a species for which IBE has previously been detected. We first characterize the three pine species used by N. lecontei at the site, finding morphological and chemical differences among the hosts that could generate divergent selection on sawfly host-use traits. Next, using morphometrics and ddRAD sequencing, we detect modest phenotypic and genetic differentiation among sawflies originating from different pines that is consistent with recent, in situ divergence. Finally, via a series of laboratory assays – including assessments of larval performance on different hosts, adult mate and host preferences, hybrid fitness, and adult eclosion timing – we find evidence that multiple mechanisms contribute to IBE in N. lecontei. Overall, our results suggest IBE can emerge quickly, possibly due to multiple mechanisms acting in concert to reduce migration between different environments. 
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  4. Abstract Biological introductions are unintended “natural experiments” that provide unique insights into evolutionary processes. Invasive phytophagous insects are of particular interest to evolutionary biologists studying adaptation, as introductions often require rapid adaptation to novel host plants. However, adaptive potential of invasive populations may be limited by reduced genetic diversity—a problem known as the “genetic paradox of invasions”. One potential solution to this paradox is if there are multiple invasive waves that bolster genetic variation in invasive populations. Evaluating this hypothesis requires characterizing genetic variation and population structure in the invaded range. To this end, we assemble a reference genome and describe patterns of genetic variation in the introduced white pine sawfly, Diprion similis. This species was introduced to North America in 1914, where it has rapidly colonized the thin-needled eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), making it an ideal invasion system for studying adaptation to novel environments. To evaluate evidence of multiple introductions, we generated whole-genome resequencing data for 64 D. similis females sampled across the North American range. Both model-based and model-free clustering analyses supported a single population for North American D. similis. Within this population, we found evidence of isolation-by-distance and a pattern of declining heterozygosity with distance from the hypothesized introduction site. Together, these results support a single-introduction event. We consider implications of these findings for the genetic paradox of invasion and discuss priorities for future research in D. similis, a promising model system for invasion biology. 
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  5. Haldane’s rule—a pattern in which hybrid sterility or inviability is observed in the heterogametic sex of an interspecific cross—is one of the most widely obeyed rules in nature. Because inheritance patterns are similar for sex chromosomes and haplodiploid genomes, Haldane’s rule may apply to haplodiploid taxa, predicting that haploid male hybrids will evolve sterility or inviability before diploid female hybrids. However, there are several genetic and evolutionary mechanisms that may reduce the tendency of haplodiploids to obey Haldane’s rule. Currently, there are insufficient data from haplodiploids to determine how frequently they adhere to Haldane’s rule. To help fill this gap, we crossed a pair of haplodiploid hymenopteran species (Neodiprion lecontei and Neodiprion pinetum) and evaluated the viability and fertility of female and male hybrids. Despite considerable divergence, we found no evidence of reduced fertility in hybrids of either sex, consistent with the hypothesis that hybrid sterility evolves slowly in haplodiploids. For viability, we found a pattern opposite of Haldane’s rule: hybrid females, but not males, had reduced viability. This reduction was most pronounced in one direction of the cross, possibly due to a cytoplasmic-nuclear incompatibility. We also found evidence of extrinsic postzygotic isolation in hybrids of both sexes, raising the possibility that this form or reproductive isolation tends to emerge early in speciation in host-specialized insects. Our work emphasizes the need for more studies on reproductive isolation in haplodiploids, which are abundant in nature, but under-represented in the speciation literature. 
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  6. When gene flow accompanies speciation, recombination can decouple divergently selected loci and loci conferring reproductive isolation. This barrier to sympatric divergence disappears when assortative mating and disruptive selection involve the same “magic” trait. Although magic traits could be widespread, the relative importance of different types of magic traits to speciation remains unclear. Because body size frequently contributes to host adaptation and assortative mating in plant-feeding insects, we evaluated several magic trait predictions for this trait in a pair of sympatric Neodiprion sawfly species adapted to different pine hosts. A large morphological dataset revealed that sawfly adults from populations and species that use thicker-needled pines are consistently larger than those that use thinner-needled pines. Fitness data from recombinant backcross females revealed that egg size is under divergent selection between the preferred pines. Lastly, mating assays revealed strong size-assortative mating within and between species in three different crosses, with the strongest prezygotic isolation between populations that have the greatest interspecific size differences. Together, our data support body size as a magic trait in pine sawflies and possibly many other plant-feeding insects. Our work also demonstrates how intraspecific variation in morphology and ecology can cause geographic variation in the strength of prezygotic isolation. 
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